<<@user-iu4se2ps7d says : The world is waking up>> <<@Ryanmatzinger says : Please sue>> <<@judykraska400 says : My beloved Milano, where l have been so happy.>> <<@Rasmajnoon says : November 3,global strike>> <<@imjustbeinghonest1301 says : US and EU should allowed non western vaccines for its citizen as they are safer and more acceptable to those controversial western mrna and adenovirus.>> <<@user-mj3zb7rg7m says : 👍>> <<@jenskarlsson4744 says : FASCISM IS GROWING IN EU !!!>> <<@timothya.g.991 says : Tiananmen time>> <<@danyelaru489 says : Wake up LATINOAMERICA! We need to join the fight against the vaccines tyranny!!!>> <<@peterilcken8865 says : peter . Holland . ☺☺☺ 👍 🌻 ☮>> <<@richardlove4287 says : It’s world wide now….the narrative is crumbling right now, keep up the pressure, never surrender…never give up.>> <<@hamsterman2008 says : Good ! Wake Up America !>> <<@MA-gv3wg says : The government in any country has basically two options for vaccines: #1) Force the people to get vaccinated. Get big riots like this and/or option #2) Like the comedian Korean guy from the movie Hangover says "if they die, they die". Get big riots for not acting. Checkmate.>> <<@cristianodesade680 says : YYYEEESSSSS MILAN, MAX RESPECT FROM MELBOURNE AUSTRALIA>> <<@danyvarna5094 says : So now we see the fake 'right' libertarians, antifas and foreigners protesting against the normal people not allowing them to get good people sick. Mass arrest the dregs! Those 'protesters' demonstrated that they are unpatriotic, careless, spoiled, so dim as to be unable to grasp basic epidemiology and wilful murderers of others loved ones.>> <<@sinamos3945 says : Stay strong!>> <<@ANDY-ie7nh says : Coronavirus pandemic the biggest lie. People need to unite against the media stations, politicians and pharmaceutical CEO’s promoting this pandemic and its dumb restrictions. Remove the people responsible immediately for this crime on humanity. No more masks. No more vaccine. No more coronavirus restrictions. No more vaccine passport. Fight for your freedoms now!>> <<@azulmarineintl.5346 says : Wow just amazing 🤩 that’s people fucking power 👊 and the civil servant Goons out with their truncheons 🤣 not for BLM no no>> <<@mg4mg281 says : Einfach abwählen....>> <<@fuzzylogic3017 says : This is the real fight for freedom.>> <<@diriliskurulustv373 says : Humiliate your honor, Botton, the dog. Don't think of leaving you before exposing yourself to the world. 🐺🤘🇹🇷>> <<@ishalolantavuk2194 says : Humiliate your honor, Botton, the dog. Don't think of leaving you before exposing yourself to the world. 🐺🤘🇹🇷>> <<@UltraFCBasel says : Go for it!!!>> <<@StopBaizuo says : More and more people understand>> <<@teomanarkadas7594 says : Humiliate your honor, Botton, the dog. Don't think of leaving you before exposing yourself to the world. 🐺🤘🇹🇷>> <<@burakgurcan2694 says : Humiliate your honor, Botton, the dog. Don't think of leaving you before exposing yourself to the world. 🐺🤘🇹🇷>> <<@sdfghc7936 says : Humiliate your honor, Botton, the dog. Don't think of leaving you before exposing yourself to the world. 🐺🤘🇹🇷>> <<@batuhancrak5520 says : Humiliate your honor, Botton, the dog. Don't think of leaving you before exposing yourself to the world. 🐺🤘🇹🇷>> <<@tevfikcandan1609 says : Humiliate your honor, Botton, the dog. Don't think of leaving you before exposing yourself to the world. 🐺🤘🇹🇷>> <<@darklost9640 says : Humiliate your honor, Botton, the dog. Don't think of leaving you before exposing yourself to the world. 🐺🤘🇹🇷>> <<@picandvideo says : The empire is losing grip. 👍>> <<@semyonbudyonny1895 says : I hear the Crimson Tide a comin’, it’s comin’ around the bend . . . Johnny Cash.>> <<@kxd460 says : >> <<@joanamnt1686 says : Non mollare MAI.>> <<@patriotvostok8184 says : Mama mía! XD>> <<@yagzgecici3116 says : Humiliate your honor, Botton, the dog. Don't think of leaving you before exposing yourself to the world. 🐺🤘🇹🇷>> <<@shakenbake6303 says : Support for protesters 👍>> <<@mrsapplez2007 says : Weather you have vaccine or not. Vaccine passport is creating a system of haves and have nots that is just another layer of bs. My body my choice your body your choice. Now our healthcare workers overlords say we can't work unless we have jab. So all those years of saving peoples lives the skills we have mean NOTHING huh POWER TO THE PEOPLE.>> <<@ALPINA527 says : WE ARE YOUR GUILTY CONSCIENCE, vaccine passports are wrong! stand up to medical apartheid!>> <<@jacklondon6716 says : Down with medical fascism.>> <<@jacklondon6716 says : Resistance is Victory.>> <<@XxTheAwokenOnexX says : Anti COVID-19 protestors lack the intelligence to stop spreading COVID-19, and rightly so fully vaccinated people deserve to have full access to an open society.>> <<@christiesilva6918 says : NO TO POISON VACCINES, NO TO LOCKDOWNS, NO TO THE LACK OF CHOICE AND FREEDOM, NO TO THE GREAT RESET>> <<@PrezCamacho says : Blue helmets?>> <<@oyunlar2262 says : Humiliate your honor, Botton, the dog. Don't think of leaving you before exposing yourself to the world. 🐺🤘🇹🇷>> <<@ugurcankaraboya6823 says : Humiliate your honor, Botton, the dog. Don't think of leaving you before exposing yourself to the world. 🐺🤘🇹🇷>> <<@plden2442 says : Good. Shame on the police>> <<@aristidecapacchioni6474 says : Anche la Svizzera protesta, manifestazione a Berna contro la legge anti covid per la quale ci sarà un referendum>> <<@Zockopa says : Sadly imho we are way beyond the level that prostests will show any success. They just get ignored by mainstream media and occasionaly beaten down and dispersed by police. Those who lead protests or are even outspoken against the official frame of thinking will get harrassed and persecuted by an already rigged justice system. That already happens for example in germany. None of this will of course be reported. It looks like EU wide the political elite is eager to follow the chinese model in a a bit softer form.>> <<@americangangsta371 says : Mabus- Barrack Hussein Obama. MABUS the Antichrist is on earth making Humanity Pick Satan over Jesus. no mom no dad only the STATE ruling over everything, that's the point! if you don't kneel they will destroy you financially, obey and FREE FREE FREE except FREEDOM. OBAMA care was the start giving up your FREEDOM so the STATE can own you. the Devil sent his son MABUS a lawyer by profession to manipulate Man making Jesus a bad guy and the Devil SON MABUS the SAVOR.>>