<<@geronimo6638 says : N🚫P∆$$💉>> <<@dudesupreme191 says : Delusional wankers>> <<@principautedeparis says : ,l, democration>> <<@letiziav5438 says : Ce qui est certain, c'est que le "covid" continue d'exister, comme par hasard, uniquement en Europe, alors qu'il a disparu en Arabie saoudite également. Le programme d'asservissement de l'esprit et d'exprorium des libertés civiles continuera avec cette farce, faux récit démagogique jusqu'à ce qu'il pense nous avoir brisé. Au contraire, la protestation doit pouvoir impliquer tous ceux qui, de bonne foi et en y croyant, ont accepté l'expérimentation du sérum et sont maintenant invités à faire la troisième, quatrième dose. C'est une grosse affaire ! Alors que "quelqu'un" devient plus riche et plus puissant.>> <<@blancarugerio39 says : 💪🏼 🇫🇷 Uni Vamos todos 🇲🇽🇺🇸>> <<@Constitution1789 says : That's a hard lesson for individuals in San Francisco to learn. Perhaps they'll eventually recognize the importance of being able to protect you, your family, and your property when no one else will. Exercise and defend your Second Amendment right unless you prefer state and federal politicians reserving it only for themselves and other criminals.>> <<@DivineTruth1 says : God bless the people!>> <<@loungeroom6889 says : Respects to the freedom fighters>> <<@counterculturevulture1917 says : All power to these people but they've been protesting for months and nothing has changed. They're going to have to kick it up a notch. The French have done it before, it's in their blood.>> <<@Stephen.. says : RT 🏡>> <<@egd277 says : Long live FREEDOM!>> <<@rokph1067 says : Stop LeftFascism>> <<@Tim18 says : Go Frenchies>> <<@brigittejanssen5470 says : ES KOMMT DER LETZTE WALZER DER TYRANNEN LIEBE IST LICHT UND GEWINNT IMMER GEGEN ANGST UND DUNKELHEIT 🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🌏🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️>> <<@sweettendercharles1556 says : Well, I'm sure that the ruling global powers will see this and say "Wow we thought they would like it. Guess we were wrong. Let's change our mind now." In don't really understand what they think they are doing. You either need to pick up weapons and fight, now, or you need to all quietly practice full non-compliance. This protesting is accomplishing NOTHING. You're wasting valuable time.>> <<@jbelme1 says : I’m seeing WAY too many “Palestinian” flags in their Covid protest. One is one too many. They should not be flown anywhere but “Palestine”.>> <<@JennieBlinkXoldier says : as long as they are not allowed to travel abroad, absolutely fine... it's their right and some other countries' right to protect themselves>> <<@zicnuti2838 says : No vaxcine, it's toxic.>> <<@stlouisix3 says : These Frenchmen aren't pushovers>> <<@peterilcken8865 says : peter . Holland . ☺☺☺ 👍 🌻 ☮>> <<@djdnauk1977 says : Go France, kick the fascists out>> <<@loisruane2636 says : The elite has under estimated it’s majority!>> <<@jcmboyle says : People wake up we need to take the country back from the globalists!>> <<@tommackling says : End the oligarchies!>> <<@LKaramazov says : Whoever heard of a protest where the cops are in Front leading, but aren’t part of it? Europeans used to throw rocks, what happened to them?>> <<@MA-gv3wg says : The government in any country has basically two options for vaccines: #1) Force the people to get vaccinated. and/or option #2) Like the comedian Korean guy from the movie Hangover says "if they die, they die".>> <<@estebanserragonzalez6372 says : The People will go>> <<@aland.549 says : REJECT SATAN'S JAB>> <<@d.s.6555 says : “We The People” Stand With You! Never give up! Never give in! 💪💪💪💪💪👏👏👏👏👏❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻>> <<@missmiami9230 says : ☺️>> <<@mistiinseattle says : support from America>> <<@giveaway.payback says : Getting bigger and bigger>> <<@cristianodesade680 says : YYYEEESSSSSS PARIS, MAX RESPECT FROM MELBOURNE AUSTRALIA>> <<@jaysnow2597 says : Lets go world patriots>> <<@NguyenDinhTrinh1974 says : Yawn.>> <<@michaeledwardhunter says : C'est un principe fondamental de beaucoup de gens que l'on ne doive pas faire les choses simplement parce qu'il y a une pression de l'extérieur ou parce qu'il est relativement sûr et sécurisé de ne pas résister à ceux qui souhaitent leur imposer leur volonté. En période de mauvais gouvernement, il est essentiel que ces personnes soient comptées et demandent des comptes à ceux qui trahissent leur confiance. Sinon, les éléments autoritaires et dictatoriaux, avec l'appareil de l'État à leur disposition, les écraseront.>> <<@wulfmaster says : LIBERTA ❤️💪🧠✌️!!!!!!!!>> <<@Noumenon4Idolatry says : Is that the riot police marching with them in protest?>> <<@bobthegamer1880 says : And I thought the United States had a bunch of morons 😂 looks like there are antivaxx morons around the globe.>> <<@BIOPORCO says : "the war will dure centurys between who as the mark of the beast and who not" Nostradamus>> <<@janedoe1404 says : The French know how to PROTEST!>> <<@sloboat55 says : Vive la France>> <<@tommychook4552 says : take the shares the politicians and police have in the vaccine industry off them, then hang them,?>> <<@sonjac5941 says : God bless you all and stand strong!>> <<@tylersowa3858 says : Looks like you lost France government !! Flawless job on the citizens part!!>> <<@lesleyhogg2495 says : Vice la france>> <<@MrToontuber says : 6 against 482. 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍>> <<@felipemoya3284 says : Why de police?>> <<@jonnyqwst says : The French set the standard for people power! Thank you from California usa>> <<@dubplateriddim says : Just your average work day in France spent protesting and not working.>>