Just like the RSPCA was bought for $11.3 million to kill our bumbies, don't just any charity.
@Genesis-007 Says:
In all fairness everything is unaffordable thanks to the treasonous Labor government pushing foreign intrests like the WEF AGENDA
@wetluv4 Says:
$50 million donated and they fixed a local guys fence. Think before you donate!
@womp6338 Says:
My landlord can give since he has all my money
@jaxia-eu6jf Says:
Shouldnt these charities be targeting the very rich people? Cost of living affects us more than the rich yet we are always targeted by charities.
@shadowban9749 Says:
Charity creates a multitude of sins. This is utterly disgusting.
@mwallace2922 Says:
Woke way of virtue signalling.
@josephsonnier3594 Says:
According to Some of these charities , they'll collect all the donations , pay the people over the program first which their salary ( ies ) are in the hundreds of thousands dollars, what's leftover of the money might make it to the named charity . Coincidence those machines came back just in time for the Holidays , what was the so-called Charity doing before then ?
@tomjones5338 Says:
Alcohol vending machines and for the far leftists in the comments section a tissue box vending machine for there salty tears 🤣🤣🤣🤣😆😆😆😆😆
@CoralHullforJesusChrist Says:
Only give where there is no cruelty animals and where you can see that 100% of your money, goods and services are going directly to the person/people who need it.
@Theillusionist-v8m Says:
Maybe turn into a vending machine spontaneously
@danielgow6688 Says:
Oh look the bushes the gateses the clintons the blackrock and vanguard lost their takeover of the world, so their not for profit orgs are begging their lost money back buy keeping 95% donationl and handing on 5% to people in need.
@Theillusionist-v8m Says:
If I could give my mum a spirit name it would be 'blue sky'. I think when you die your energy lives on, some people turn into lions/birds / horses/ insect's or maybe elephants 🙄, etc, but energy lives on , everything is energy, it's not going anywhere it's here and it's here to stay.