<<@JAMWITCH666 says : We this in Canada. Online gaming is now based around microtransactions and dopamine addiction.>> <<@onlinecomedyclub5725 says : I'm on the side of taking away video games from children, but Dr. Huang Yan is not the best person to be giving life advice. If you don't understand what I'm talking about watch her talk. She acts jaded, hollow, and dead inside. Dr. Huang, if you want to change you life for the better, hit me up. I may be able to help you.>> <<@bufferflygod192 says : Good job china government, you make other people who are not from china cannot play the china games.>> <<@brexitgreens says : In a more recent video, CGTN discusses Metaverse and how everyone will spend most of their lives in it in coming decades. How are games different? The psychiatrists are stuck in the Middle Ages. Their concept of mental health is based on an outdated world. What do they know about the subject matter? They are like celibate priests talking about sex education. I'm not a gamer myself. I was one as a child. I have moved on to broader virtual reality since. All this ignorant "expert" talk about dopamine: what if someone gets it from education? Should we restrict education then too? Medieval fear of joy has always produced deviant outcomes. These psychiatrists need re-education in history.>> <<@RubenSim says : This is stupid. Next they'll be restricting how long you can play board games.>> <<@dilloncharles6508 says : Are people so dam stupid just take there phone ipad or console a way fuck sake so embarrassing>> <<@Pen2paw says : Our experience of pen pal is very different from today's kid. I remember I had to revise my letters a few times before sending it to my pen pal in another region in the same country because mail delivery time was about two weeks. The letters themselves often included little gifts like beautiful bookmarks to convey the cherish of our long distance friendship.>> <<@Zen-cd7yq says : gaming that can improve brain progress will be a good thing such as Lumosity which I had been doing. Such game improve memory increased and math game.>> <<@tientlam1589 says : Many πŸ‘πŸŒΉ2 πŸ‡¨πŸ‡³ government's enforcement of stricter rules to online games for children's under certain age's..Just like anything in life, if one becomes Addicted to Whatever that might be==> more harm than good..Period.. Personally, I had known adults and teenagers who were addicted to online games 4 many years..They were no different from Zombies walking around as lifelessly corpses in horror πŸŽ₯, no sights of sharp intelligence, no responsibility with their own personal lives let alone be responsible citizen's for societies as a whole..Regarding to the American doctor's comments on why πŸ‡¨πŸ‡³ governments put strict regulations to online games but not to other internet's programs such as UTube and etc..To me, online games R NOT the same as UTube or others internet's programs that provided valuable information'S to anyone who likes to expand their knowledge and/or comparing what they had learned years ago to more up to date of nowadays..Those 2 cannot be mixed πŸ†™..Regarding to the ?? scientific research of dopamine released in the body as resulted of online games addiction πŸ†š the non-addicts that I think MUST BE VERIFY SCIENTIFICALLY by different countries scientist's researchers to confirm for the validity, I would not take it at face value as this doctor just explained..Y do I say that?πŸ€”?..Very simple, if πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ scientist's researchers could not prove and verify the ORIGIN OF COVID19 to the world as it had blamed that the viruses from πŸ‡¨πŸ‡³ as the former 45th ceo's πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ 🀑 had adamantly finger-pointing to πŸ‡¨πŸ‡³ ..What credibility is there left for the entire world to believe in anything else from πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ from now onwards is True and Validate with Facts and not Made-up Fictions?πŸ€”?..Think 2❎ or more any News from πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ since they had Proven Internationally that πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ Cheated, Lied to and Robbed other's strategically..No need to say more or should I?πŸ€”?..Just like the 🦊 news stated:" GAMES OVER"..Have a πŸ’˜ We.S.Day (11/03/2021 soon become 2022- "Year of the 🐯")..πŸ‘πŸ˜‰πŸ˜..🌺🌻🌷..>> <<@nicolaupoceiro7570 says : Video games are a waste of time. Kids should go outside and play physically, good for the body, good for the mind.>> <<@masterkoi29 says : What will happen to minors who always focused on online games??? They will experience mental health problems as at that young age they are seeing violence from playing online games.>> <<@masterkoi29 says : What will happen to minors who played online games everyday??? They can't focused with their studies. They even change their attitudes and they became addicted with online games.>> <<@Orwellian-Purple-Grapes-1984 says : Even if some kids are smart enough to circumvent the restrictions, to have them in place to at least protect the majority is still good.>> <<@laikakhan1313 says : The problem defined as neurological, as something that can be scientifically determined and solved is typical problem of the western world where social connectivity is inexistent. Do we have to listen to this American curative science of what is truly a social issue and best dealt socially, nurturing, and environmental creativity? CGTN is better off discussing these nurturing and social problem instead of us listening to some American/western dystopia they won't get away from.>> <<@rithvikpbalaji1002 says : They do realise that children can use their parents account right>> <<@discoverchina1885 says : Restricting online gaming is a correct decision, it could help relieve parents' stress when parenting students>> <<@thomashall8701 says : Should restrict it for adults too>> <<@user-hw4vf6ir3c says : CHUTIYA CHINA>> <<@user-hw4vf6ir3c says : ONE CHINA BEGGER ROAD KUB COMPLET HOGA>> <<@u235u235u235 says : you can use your older brother's account to play unlimited, or parents. not hard to circumvent. it will affect cafes though.>> <<@u235u235u235 says : they didn't get commentary from the gamers! lol! way to report on a subject and not allow gamers to participate in the debate. lol, total joke. yes, let's discuss a policy and not allow a voice for those the policy affects!!1 genius reporting!!>> <<@natbirchall1580 says : Good conversation this subject should get more attention>> <<@TikkyTakMoo says : This isn't even a debatable issue. Suicide /depression rates are at an all time high in these age groups (and even other age groups for that matter). It's not just "video games" - the entire tech industry has utilized human psychology to create addictive patterns. Reward systems, animations, attached to certain sounds to trigger dopamine reactions. Video game companies like Riot understand fully well that in order to get ppl to play more they must let the player win sometimes, but not too often. There are game mechanisms, whether it be team matching, RNG favorability, or many other systems, that can be used to increase the chances of a player winning to give them the "feel good sense". However, if a player wins "too much", they feel contented enough to stop playing. Furthermore, "in-game" currency can be damning, not only because it's attached in part to a system that rewards players for wasting time playing to "buy stuff" like skins, but also because some things must be *paid for* with *real money* - Kids get their parents' credit card info and waste truckloads of money. Then, if the parent then demands a refund saying their child took their card, companies can then threaten to file lawsuits involving fraud and the child. It's catch 22. On the most superficial front, if you look at a game like League of Legends, or Fortnite (two of the most popular games/profitable in the world), every female has unrealistically perfect body. Large bust, big butt, sexy voice. Does hyper-sexualized content affect kids? Yes. As Meta comes out, China will likely get their own version of virtual social tech. It's incredibly smart to start addressing these issues now before tech gets even more clever w virtual stimuli. I do think if a kid is able to maintain high marks in school, physical fitness, and volunteering, perhaps it could merit more time playing. I watched WION's take on this issue; it was disgustingly ignorant of the real effect video games have. A full documentary could be done on this issue. It's that important and multivaried of an issue.>> <<@bebyfun says : Xingping is the most mad person after Hitler.. And most cowerd leader Who not accept his own soldiers death in Galwan clashe.. Amezing unarmed 20 indian troops killed 45 Chinese soldiers πŸ•πŸ•>> <<@rob-taiwan_is_a_country_ says : China is a great county but the CCP is a dictatorship. Freedom of information will only enlighten you. You are smart people and can decipher between false and true information. Please open your eyes and view what is going on in the rest of the world. God bless China.>> <<@fayyaznoor1962 says : Learning for children and young people is guided with guidance gradually moving away at the doctoral level. Video games are not guided learning. If video games are to play a greater role, it will requires that game manufacturers will be part of the overall curriculum research and development.>> <<@o00o0o0o0o0o says : I think the new law is just too strict, and I propose 2 things. Either: 1. The addictive mechanic (stamina system, "resin", etc..), that encourage day-to-day play, by pressuring people "play everyday otherwise miss out", these mechanics should be removed from games. If this suggestion is pursued successfully, the gaming law should be rolled back to its previous format. 2. The current law is in good but the age range must be lowered. I recommend lowering to an age between 15-17 (senior secondary school) - these age range should be allowed to make their own mistakes, and become self responsible. That is part of the creative growth process, and also I think these ages children become more rebellious. Also, some effort should be made, to warn teens of gaming. At the very least, a message like, "people who game, are escaping reality, or using it as a method to avoid responsibilities, replacing that responsibility with gaming">> <<@yunase says : westerners criticising this law are the first one who wish this also happened in their country...>> <<@sarahlee9979 says : 'Online games' should be treated like high sugar 'soft drinks' : Companies should not 'target' children.>> <<@CongHamBanNuoc says : You will never see Indian trolls at this hour. Too early in India. Proves that all anti China trolls are Indians>> <<@Pen2paw says : Well done. Video gaming addiction is bad.>> <<@teovu5557 says : lao ping ping is just trying to advance his people yet these westerners be hating...>> <<@scy3894 says : Important topic and good ideas!>> <<@edgarfriendly9318 says : Proof that freedom doesn't exist in China.>> <<@gs-nq6mw says : That's a dangerous move,young people will get mad at the CCP>>