7-million-year-old fossil uncovers marine origin of crocodiles

7-million-year-old fossil uncovers marine origin of crocodiles


For more: https://news.cgtn.com/news/2022-05-18/7-million-year-old-fossil-uncovers-marine-origin-of-crocodiles-1a8WssrOe8U/index.html Archaeologists in Peru have discovered a prehistoric crocodile fossil from around 7 million years ago. This discovery provides new clues to the origins of modern crocodiles. Subscribe to us on YouTube: https://goo.gl/lP12gA Download our APP on Apple Store (iOS): https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/cctvnews-app/id922456579?l=zh&ls=1&mt=8 Download our APP on Google Play (Android): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.imib.cctv




@sarahkhan2310 Says:
Did human came earlier or at the same time as yet to discover human fossils
@sourikhaophachanh Says:
Crazy 😜 human are not stupid. We are not animals. God created all things. The earth is not even 10,000 years old. 7 million years. Base on what evidence what proved how ? Scientists? When was he born? πŸ™πŸ₯ΊπŸ€“πŸ˜‚πŸ€₯πŸ™„
@sergiomoran7328 Says:
so the bible is fake, the earth is not 5k years old, hahaha hahaha hahaha, fake religion imposed trough brutality and indoctrination
@Mr2013skywalker Says:
:) 1.3 billion
@patrickvdmeulen6867 Says:
7 million years? Right, im starting to get a bit dissapointed.
@Winter_Jasmine Says:
@wonggran9983 Says:
Water vs. FIRE People. Atmosphere of fire can walk through. Atmosphere full of water, drown.

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