<<@cd4227 says : China allegedly had the virus under control, yet a province has been in lockdown for 7 months, mayor appealing to social media for help as community not being supported. https://youtu.be/KmLKnGp1sr0>> <<@johnogrady_ says : Editor of British medical journal worth a watch https://youtu.be/OvM5meOXk9o>> <<@wytrose4602 says : Our news is owned by the same people across the board. They run the country and bought the politicians.>> <<@wytrose4602 says : They knew it is a DEPOP ppl CAMPAIGN. You are participanting in. CURRENTLY FOLLOWING the same narritive to do so.. the sciencists who worked in solution said it is not a good thing it is a very bad thing.. FUCCI announced at a dinner party there will be a pandemic before the end of trump admintration.>> <<@wytrose4602 says : Does not have the proper ending. Trump admited he undone the law that stop it right in front of you. That pompeo had Dr Lieber release. He worked there and is a nono microbiologist April 2020 FBI agent announced.>> <<@ItIsGonnaGetWayWorse says : Im sure the investigators that be will do their job 🙊🙉🙈>> <<@coloradokid8755 says : FJB>> <<@CathyC says : Eeerrrr Senetor/Dr Rand Paul>> <<@ScariestThingsEver says : “This isn’t a political issue” “It needs to be bipartisan” Can you see the double speak?>> <<@domingasambriz5791 says : Attention this world goes from bad to worse because of greed and the egalism of many humans but the end of these has already arrived confirms this story Psalm 37 verse 9, F11 meditate on this biblical text.>> <<@mig0000001 says : Haven't you heard of "gain of conduct" and Dr. Ralph Berwick? If you haven't check Rand Paul vs Fauci senate hearing>> <<@tomhud2022 says : what if most of the world leaders were in on this>> <<@Ultronmclovin says : Is the reason that there is no purified isolated version of this virus because it hasn’t been released yet ?>> <<@1972drift says : Fort Detrick>> <<@julianpetkov8320 says : Yes, Dr. Mengele Fauci needs to be extradited to the International Court in Hague.>> <<@lj3571 says : And when you've finished over there come back to Victoria sharri and investigate dodgy dan for corruption and branch staking !😂>> <<@zpclosangelesgraffiticafe says : #arrestFauci ... billgaetz>> <<@jansmit799 says : How about NON-partisan>> <<@spikeprotein5924 says : 73 US patents, most as a bio-weapon.>> <<@YUDNSAY says : The biggest lie, told to humans, by humans, in human history.>> <<@adambrown8867 says : Why? The left created the virus & the "vaccine" tyranny. The left needs to be the ones to pay the consequences for their crimes.>> <<@ernest919 says : Lets hope she mentions we were working with Wuhan on bat research.>> <<@Opinionsrnotfacts574 says : I am sure the Dems will be open to a bipartisan investigation into the origins of Covid-19 as long as it included an investigation into Dr Deborah Birx' allegations that Trump's flawed highly political pandemic response cost America hundreds of thousands of lives - sign us up!>> <<@KMAK88 says : Sky news are sellouts, you're way too late for this party>> <<@notafreespeechplatform4201 says : When mainstream media catch up with the world, we already know where, we know who funded it and we know who also tried to cover it up.>> <<@obsidianlimb5290 says : All experimental 'gain of function' research should be banned world wide after this and all those guilty of funding it should be imprisoned for life! Evil Fauci deserves the worst punishment possible. 🇬🇧🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴>> <<@concernedcitizen7385 says : Fauci and his team 👀>>