<<@gideonliversage8958 says : all state premiers are cancerous scum and I hope you all get and enjoy your quick dictator wins. You have sold out innocent people, you will burn in hell for this for eternity>> <<@obzy6685 says : How good is it living in a apartheid country Makes u just wanna spit on a minority with pride>> <<@MrSillenomis says : This will drive the variants>> <<@michaelscotts3949 says : (Gives no choice) We congratulate and applaud you for your compliance. ** off.>> <<@robbeee6293 says : Very sad>> <<@robbeee6293 says : You are a bunch of succubus pond scum who Look down on the populace And your attempted Manipulation of the public is sick.Its hard to tell who has received anonymous Pharma related donations and who are just Morons who have an inability to investigate inconsistent facts.>> <<@clivehoskin7254 says : Politicians are supposed to serve WE the People,not the other way around.We will remember just who it was the FORCED"We the People"come the next election.Both lib/nats and leibor/greens will feel the wrath of US.>> <<@frankwren8215 says : Could you be any more transparently propaganda? Your first question to a politician is about how "well" it's going. Why not ask him how good he is while you're at it you anus tonguing tosspot?>> <<@myquestionaskingaccount3252 says : Good work for being a grown adult obeying the rules made up by another grown adult and doing what they told you to 👍😁>> <<@fletcherhamilton3177 says : ‘Good -citizens- _children!’_>> <<@juanfepenarivera2013 says : believing in Jesuchrist you have salvatión and eternal life. read in the holy bible Romans 10 : 9 and 10 , st Jhon 3 : 16 believe in the place where you are blessing for yours>> <<@EamonThePhilogynistWalford says : Out of 79 comments, I can only see 50, and I hope that doesn't mean that Sky News Australia has finally fallen into line with the rest of the TV news services. Specifically, by making no clear distinction between pro-choice people (such as myself) and the legitimate anti-vaxxers. 😮>> <<@skinbleaching125 says : @linda elise many of the hollywood AFRICAN AMERICAN celebrities dont look black they look light skin & mixed race.ebony mag says they use this lotion fer.la which makes them look far more light skin & mixed race and not black anymore. Im not surprised everybody seems to change their appearance these days.>> <<@CH-yd8rp says : Overseas Dr s say Australia 🇦🇺 is in for big trouble because people that didn't need vaccinations got it and it will create a very deadly mutation virus>> <<@AsttoScott says : I'm just here to sh!t in Skynew's porridge for promoting bullcrap.>> <<@ricwhelan8523 says : All these politicians are on the take or just plain STUPID. The more jabs you take the less you can think for YOURSELF. It worked for the Nazis.>> <<@adolfhonkler1271 says : Gas non pure bloods>> <<@GearHeadBoris says : Go shove your Vax pal. No need to thank me because I won't be taking it. People accepting a pat on the back from this clown after being forced to take it are nuts.>> <<@annaa6566 says : Yeah the reopening is going SO SO well...lunatic doctors are refusing medical treatment to the unvaccinated, unvaxxed not allowed into pools even for desperately needed hydrotherapy, the unvaxxed are being abused and accosted online and in retail and other stores, dogs are allowed into cafes and some retail but unvaxxed human beings aren't allowed in...and the unvaxxed don't even know if thy will be allowed to celebrate Xmas with relatives because they keep moving the goalposts whenever they want for May old arbitrary reason, and unvaxxed still don't know if we can travel more than 5km or not wear a mask outside without getting a big fine. Yep alls going really well Skynews....in your imaginary world...>> <<@jerryl7516 says : I'm sure NSW residents will get their dingo biscuit for being obedient pets.>> <<@DMaxisme says : Freedom is not earned , freedom is ours to do with it what we wish !>> <<@henrymancini3750 says : And the reward for having over 95% of the vulnerable vaccinated in NSW is - you still have to wear a mask, qr code, quarantine and have a vaxed unvaxed society. What a joke.>> <<@chesleynunnery3480 says : Prisoners earn freedom.>> <<@sensorytourschannel says : Take away our rights and call them freedoms that are given to us selectively. That is not the definition of a free country. A vaccinated person pays the same taxes as an un-vaccinated person. If you're taking away their freedoms you should also stop charging them the taxes for those freedoms.>> <<@theragoooverlord5021 says : You don't earn freedom by becoming a lifelong customer of fizer with government coercion. It's yours always.>> <<@jamiesiple7703 says : florida is fully reopen up nsw is not , or canada or another part of world admit it>> <<@josdav07 says : From March to September it went from 87% efficacy to 47% and 13% for JJ.>> <<@col2959 says : Hospitals full of people suffering adverse reactions... even in WA where there’s Ben no cov>> <<@saltyanchor7111 says : We didn't earn anything we were blackmailed, coerced, threatened with jobs our kids education, we are spineless, allowing the lockdown to happen and to negotiate our lives and that of our kids with non mandatory but lose everything if you don't have them vaxxes>> <<@robertheywood5061 says : To all the rational people of NSW who got vaccinated for their own protection and for the greater good of your community well done. To irrational anti jabbers you are dwindling into obscurity.>> <<@joldidjeridoos6026 says : Shepherds praise their stupid sheep all the way to the slaughterhouse. At this point, if you're afraid/stupid enough to comply, you deserve to be their prey!>> <<@keegan4854 says : Nsw is run by drug dealers aka Pfizer>> <<@Garek_G says : Hooray for sheep! Hooray for blind compliance! 🙄😡 Bruh …>> <<@MRPricks says : Corporations are under us.>> <<@tin2001 says : Bringing forward reopening? When did that happen? All I saw was changing it to 2 weeks later into December... Wait... Are you morons calling what we have now "open"? What short memories you have. Did you wear masks and submit to a government tracking program as you did your Christmas shopping in 2019?>> <<@blip98 says : QR codes masks and proof of vaccination at every point of entry is not freedom !>> <<@stevenpoohn says : In America you go to the ghetto parking lot with no fridges or way to keep the vaccine or keep it good so no trust from me maybe if vaccine were in hospitals or somewhere not ghetto 🤷>> <<@KIA-MIA-POW says : Australian politicians are truly a breed alone! Their inability to either gauge public opinion or act upon it is legendary!>> <<@asmith1151 says : What sort of lowlife praises people for taking an experimental vaccine, we can suppress our conscience, if we have one , with the weight of our pay package, criminal behaviour.>> <<@DrenaiSaga says : Get the shot or lose your job is not a choice, stop deluding yourselves, you have taken a drug they told you would give you immunity, they were wrong, they told you if you took the drug you would be free, they lied, when you need to prove you are free, you are not free.>> <<@mrbillhilly343 says : So Minns.... What's in those contracts between NSW Government & Pfizer? What was Pfizer able to sue NSW for "compensation" if they didn't inject people with this bioweapon masquerading as a "vaxxine"???? Were they going to seize the Cross City Tunnel or the M2 or power stations because you didn't honour the deal?>> <<@maxaman64 says : Try some self reliance people it liberates. If you want the jab get It and accept any consequences that may come. If you do not want It stand staunch & enjoy that little bit of personal freedom you refused to relinquish. Remember though, one comes with dual risk, the other only one risk.>> <<@Robdobalina says : Piss off Chris Minns you globalist stooge. Never vote labor or liberal ever again!>> <<@StealthyyyHD says : I praise the residents that are not bowing down to tyranny. Fight for future generations.>> <<@ericboxer3053 says : earned the temporary freedom the woke-ists have granted you>> <<@DanielSMatthews says : If you decided the risk of the vaccine was less than the disease and If you are a younger male and like to party hard you have a much greater risk of myocarditis complications. 11 people had heart attacks at one music event in the US this weekend, and 8 of them died. The risk is well defined in the literature, myocarditis plus strenuous exercise plus stimulant drugs and or alcohol puts you at a greatly increased risk of a fatal cardiac event. The government knows this, that advice is straight out of the current medical guidelines. *If you know any young people warn them ASAP,* they must take it easy and look after their bodies because exposure to the spike proteins regardless of source is a significant risk if they end up in your blood circulation. Myocarditis cannot be treated with the usual non-steroidal anti inflammatories because it actually involves cellular damage to the heart, and at this stage it is not known how long it will take people to fully recover.>> <<@colonelangus8247 says : "Hard work will set you free">> <<@Broken-Flesh says : Live while you can. It won't be long until people start dying at a rate that can't be hidden.>> <<@wavesurfer9175 says : Being a booster junky is what he calls going back to normal life, oy! 😕>> <<@kazithecanecorso2724 says : Lame>>