<<@longmemory4716 says : Can't make out where this bloke stands. He is going to subsidise electric vehicles and charging stations isn't he? Canavan is the only one talking sense here.>> <<@TheGeorgeous says : Electric. Hydrogen. Nuclear is the future. No coal. Gas. Or petrol. Thank you very much>> <<@OFFSHOREDOUG says : Hydrogen is the way forward. We have had the technology for 20years. Ask Honda.>> <<@wood-youknowit says : Do you know how much energy it takes to make hydrogen gas? I think not.>> <<@gort5583 says : This is like watching a children's cartoon. Why is no one talking about the energy required to make these electric vehicles, to mine the exotic minerals or how these things will be recycled. Recycling of what we currently throw away is a far bigger more important problem than the dreaded boogie man climate change. According to these idiots half the world should have been under water 10 years ago, yet here we are. Of course the climate is changing it's been changing for a billion years and will go on changing long after man disappears.>> <<@victorgomes7585 says : This Prime Minister is a joke. So patronizing to our intelligence. Blah, blah....>> <<@davepowelldrumz says : it sure burns fast , just like the hindenberg.>> <<@rick3747 says : I love my 6cylinder gas guzzler. I also love my full electric heat in my home. Nothing including more added taxes will ever change my mind with the Globalists "climate change" aka tax and make them money nonsense.>> <<@philippawesterman8843 says : Australians don't want any part of "net zero emissions", just as they did not choose "net zero Covid", and certainly have not shown any interest in electric vehicles. People want to be left alone to enjoy their freedoms, and not what governments think are "freedoms". And greenwashing "hydrogen" doesn't make it any more a reality.>> <<@ethostheehot5619 says : wasnt that what came outa the rocket programs? hydrogen as a power source? hydrogen is a good source, storage was the issue split the wtaer during teh day with thernmal energy ... pass it thru membraines to create power, bi-product water...??? where did the energy come from an go? VS minsing, a limited resource, that you can't put the fire out easy... an tryn to fight the fires you use worse chemicals? go green energy??? what no... nuclear + hydrogen + thermal... shits already hot, might as well use it while perfecting the other tech>> <<@noylj1 says : Hydrogen is very dangerous. Requires high pressure vessel, which is dangerous. Any leakage would be dangerous. Hydrogen leaks worse then helium. Producing hydrogen uses more energy then you get out of hydrogen, causing a huge increase in cost to produce and distribute and huge burden on energy producers. Only mentally deficient idiots would not look at the insanity>> <<@juanfepenarivera2013 says : a beautiful news is believing in Jesuchrist we have salvation and eternal life believe in the place where you are with all your heart and mind read in the holy Bible in .. Jhon 3 : 16 , Romans 10 : 9 to 13 , Acts 4 : 12 , John 11 : 25 , John 1 : 12 , John 14 : 6>> <<@adonleon says : Vote for UAP and OneNation. The only parties standing up for our freedoms. Libs, Labor and Greenzis are all the same - selling us climate scare bullshit.>> <<@bestestusername says : Nobody uses hydrogen for power>> <<@brianwilliams3345 says : BS China is building a minimum of 90 new coal fired power stations. We need to start building coal fired power stations asap until we get our heads around that nuclear is even better. LNP haven't got a clue what the average aussie is worried about with climate change.>> <<@Noor-jw2tn says : Toroidal power would be ideal>> <<@joemassepoes7842 says : Coming soon: Hydrogen is racist and white supremacist.>> <<@Drakesy says : Funny how sky has changed its tone from coal coal coal gas gas gas Flip flopper of the year. If you looked up hypocrite in the dictionary you'd find sky>> <<@nudetaynehatwobble says : *“So here’s how we’re going to steal from you next”*>> <<@andrewkeohan1771 says : God bless fossil fuel.>> <<@KIA-MIA-POW says : ...and the best of luck with storage!>> <<@majorhavic says : Unobtainium would work better and be much safer.>> <<@KurtBoulter says : Rubbish, in commercial quantities, it is more expensive than petrol AND is produced from fresh water!!!! To desalinate the water first, double to triple the cost, so you morons, are going to be using MORE fresh drinking water, when we have not built a major dam in 50 years!!! You idiots!>> <<@whitemale6227 says : Problem is that hydrogen cost more energy to produce than it can produce.>> <<@editsweet101 says : Hydrogen? Are you fricken joking? To make Hydrogen fuel takes WAY more energy than coal. Seriously wth 🤡🤡!!!! We don’t have the infrastructure to support electric cars not in the slightest - and the batteries create even more issues. Seriously what a bunch of 🤡 And SCOMO - cut the faux concern and grow some 🏀⚽️s mate. Stop bowing to the NWO>> <<@spikeprotein5924 says : What rot.>> <<@henrymancini3750 says : So you have a choice between a H2 fuel cell or battery electric car. Which should you chose. The battery one that you can top up at home or the H2 one that you have to go to a refueling station. The refueling station that will be owned by the same companies that supply petrol now and jack the price up before every holiday period. I'd rather stay away from H2, the companies that will supply it won't change.>> <<@daviddyson7359 says : Hindenberg?>> <<@sadwingsraging3044 says : Hydrogen,,, the Rube Goldberg machine of green energy. These people lie so easily it is disgusting.>> <<@dominicpelle7841 says : Morrison's lips are moving again... whose he lying to now?>> <<@zacbarnett7783 says : Electric cars are just another "product" of Multinationalist Globalism. It's the "new thing" to sell to the mug punter. Who is going to make the most money out of building and selling electric cars? Who has the greatest benefit to gain from building and selling electric cars to the sheeple", that, by the way, cost twice as much to build and twice as much to run.....It's the same people who sold you "wind farms" and the giant fraud that they are. They, meaning 'multinational corporations' got rich from wind farms, even though they're one of the least efficient ways of generating electricity. Wake up, Australia, these are the same people that have just made TRILLIONS from selling you a vaccine you don't need.>> <<@alexshort8116 says : Elon Musk will fix us....😂>> <<@tazbatik6537 says : Bull dust How are you going to make it>> <<@matthewmckenzie2240 says : You trusted Australians but you gave them no choice, get the jab or else you cant work and live. Good one. A few years from now, you own a gasoline car, you won't be able to drive it, they will just make them illegal. Can't trust what they say and what they do.>> <<@JoshOsRocks says : I think I'll keep my Falcon until 2050>> <<@womp6338 says : Lol saying that liberals don’t like telling people what to do. How can anyone take scomo seriously. I’m sick of these lies.>> <<@matthewmckenzie2240 says : Hydrogen power is dangerous in using and storage.>> <<@kristinakilby6798 says : they could have done this years ago instead if using electricity. they had the tech.>> <<@litaheffley6990 says : Yeah and blow up like the hindenburg>> <<@Michaelbrown-ch4rw says : Brain tumors, leukemia, birth defects, miscarriages, chronic fatigue, headaches, cataracts, heart problems, stress. nausea, chest pain, forgetfulness, cancer and other health problems have all been blamed on electric cars !!!>> <<@atillathehungry3145 says : Hydrogen goes BOOM! Hydrogen is extremely explosive if there is a leak. It is also not cheap.>> <<@silhouettefilms. says : Nor more Liberal, no more Labour, look at Independants>> <<@llewev says : The main cheerleaders for this are those set to rake in the cash for this very expensive energy source.>> <<@hmasyarra says : I never thought in my lifetime that there would be so many delusional politicians. Bigger issues than murdering plants around. You are gone PM.>> <<@Ephesians-yn8ux says : Environmental propaganda>> <<@Conky769 says : And Australia just discovered all the palladium to do it....>> <<@Michaelbrown-ch4rw says : Yawns turns off news feeds>> <<@stenkarasin2091 says : Given the complex and expensive process of extraction involved in the hydrogen fuel I can't see how we're going to get cheaper fuel by switching to Hydrogen.>> <<@davidgriffin2918 says : And i want to know how the goverment will get the fuel tax revenue back ? Electric bills will go through the roof ?>> <<@securitysupreme says : Nuclear power>>