<<@ETERNITY777 says : 😈 STAY OUT OF CITIZENS LIVES STOP ✋THE HUMAN CONTROL 😈 😈>> <<@ETERNITY777 says : 😈 I HAD FREEDOM BEFORE YOU PREMIER ANASTASIA TOOK FREEDOM AWAY 😈 😈>> <<@trevorwilliams1436 says : People will still be getting booster shots 10yrs from now.>> <<@trevorwilliams1436 says : Who the f do you think you are anna. Before an unvaccinated person can give covid to anyone including the already vaccinated, they first have to have covid, I'm 73 do all the shopping, and I have never had it, vaccinated can infect a vaccinated more of them so most cases are vaccinated to vaccinated, keep those germ ridden vaccinated people away from me. YUK YUK YUK>> <<@cayleweldon5021 says : Can’t be a roadmap when there isn’t a final destination. 91% vaxxed in Qld now and still no mention of when mandates will end……. Coz they will never end>> <<@bobjackson4720 says : Is there any end to the QLD punishment for the unvaccinated? Will the punishment go on forever?>> <<@adanoid says : Another example of gross misinformation. The truth is that 95% in hospitals with this vax induced virus are the vaccinated.>> <<@nickowaters1928 says : You have more chance of the corrupt paedophile war criminal Australian government killing you than COVID>> <<@philwode8844 says : She's still saying the 86% effective thing, pretty sure that was disproven months ago. How about you PROVE it to be safe and effective, that the benefits outweigh the risks. She obviously can't as she's resorting to banning the unvaxxed from society and mandates to remain employed. This person is a monster. Is it really a 'freedom' if they can take it away from you whenever they deem you no longer fully vaxxed, that means we aren't free as Queenslanders, unless you conform.>> <<@gillianrobinson9744 says : When do we get novovax ?>> <<@Jo_Wardy says : Why don't you force us to wear armbands stating that we are unvaccinated. Just like in WW2 wearing the star for Jewish people. Maybe we wouldn't need the sign in app anymore>> <<@alexkofler5394 says : Why should small business owners such as cafes and restaurants have to police vaccinated or vaccinated patrons. Why would a business operator turn away sales? As if the last 2 years have not been hard enough.>> <<@asmith1151 says : Don't believe any of the stat's this lying deceitful gvt gives to you .>> <<@shaneclarke2274 says : so from December 17 we have the gensis of a Chinese Social 'Credit' system>> <<@macadamianutgm1336 says : Just take me to the death camp already! NOT taking your poison.>> <<@myday805 says : My dauhter is going to a concert next year. If she did't get vaccinated she would have missed out . This is governent coercion and it's illegal. May Palaszczuk pay a heavy price one day.>> <<@ginaoconnell5646 says : Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz🤮>> <<@hubtubby says : Pretty sure a reward isn't getting something back that was taken from you.>> <<@nitaima5287 says : Covid|9 is growing and permanently stay at human body's T-Cell then cause it malfunction to replicate, destroy and spread even you have fully recovered or fully vaccinated. Currently vaccine is incompetent due to vaccine maker adjust to be safe, so the victims rate is drop after vaccination. Litigation is applicable now after politicians fully approve the vaccine. This is great liberty status evolution. A lot of people having long term serious reaction even death in vaccination before, and the politicians still do not want to tell the truth.:`:7887>> <<@geoffreywolf3318 says : Go jump you lump take that dictating swine Andrews with you we don't care whatever you try to demand of us australia will ever bow to either of you your a pair of dictating foreign tyrants go back to wherever you slithered from>> <<@ewelinawojtanowicz7905 says : Can anybody explain this to me, please: QLD reached 80-85% vaccination rate which (according to pollies) should give people HERD IMMUNITY. Why do they go further and introduce SEGREGATION ! I remember when we were promised no mandatory masks or vaccinations, then it became compulsory... Pure fascism.>> <<@ericsmith6315 says : Oh the agony of choice.......Get multiple injections with a rushed out politically motivated experimental drug.....OR.....miss a Cricket match! Take your Vaccine and stick it! It's never touching me or my family!>> <<@mjoseph3333 says : The public should have the right to vote in a referendum on laws like these…. We are loosing our democracy!!!!>> <<@goodluck-mx4qr says : You deserve to keep your freedoms, is this a joke. You can't take people's freedom away from them and discriminate against them because they will not take a vaccine that is not a vaccine because it does not work, A so-called vaccine is still in the trial stage that does not finish till Jan 2023. A vaccine produced by a profit-driven company who is exempt from paying compensation and all liability, they are banning unvaccinated from Hospitals as well, Time Austarlains split all resources and the country down the middle give half to the vaccinated and half to the unvaccinated, but the vaccinated taking 100% of everything is a bloody cheek.>> <<@danielalexander5433 says : This bitch needs to be stopped. I and my family have now become the minority in our own country thanks to this creature.>> <<@athletesgel1743 says : When we find out how you and your cronies got paid by Pfizer, you are done for life. Your Dads DNA collection business will be the straw that breaks your bow. Also,tell us how Jeanette Young's husband gets his Pfizer cheque up. $$$$$$$$. You are all done and you don't even know it.>> <<@NoOne-qr8yf says : Good job anna>> <<@THEINVISIBLEWARRIORR says : Vaccinated can get the virus, they can trasnmit the virus, the whole purpose of the vaccine isnt to stop the spread, is to reduce the amount of people in the ICU. These extreme anti democratic new rules show how they are taking advantage of the pandemic to do whatever they want, believing themselves as royalty>> <<@THEINVISIBLEWARRIORR says : I thought people were equal, guess they people ruling are all about tyranny>> <<@MrCharrrles says : why even do this? We are not in lockdown. Sounds like from December I'll have to stop going to the venues I've been going to for the past 2 years...>> <<@slickpick555 says : I'd get the jab if it worked>> <<@matbat5652 says : Look at that 'number of the beast' right at the beginning. The only time during the entire speech she uses her hand. Biiiig red flag>> <<@pino7701 says : Its been proven over and over again that fully vaxinated people can infect others but obviously Palaszuk only interest is to hang a carott on every body's face thust proving that stupidity (in her case) is portrayed as a virtue. On one hand she said that the aim is to unite queenslanders but her actions are to reword the "Yes madam lot" and crusify the non Vax, as I said before stupidity is not a virtue .....IT'S A MISFORTUNE PALASZUK. EVERYONE HAVE RIGHTS NOT JUST A SELECTED FEW OR RATHER ( ONLY THE ONES THAT HAVE OPTED FOR A CAROTT)>> <<@1978intel says : Hold the line purebloods>> <<@chrishogan3414 says : So every time i go to the shops a government department a restaurant footy game . I should have the right to see every body's double vaccination certificate before entering there premises.>> <<@dennissavage4007 says : You will face God almighty over these unapproved vaccines, you force your people to vaccine but you and your health minister are not fully vaccinated. God have mercy.>> <<@ohnoitsthecatman738 says : How dare you, who the hell does this person think they are? Why are people who arent sick and never have been being treated like lepers? Now she says we cant go to hospital? F you bitch, my taxes paid for those goddamn hospitals and if I need them, i'll use them. Australia is officially a shittier country than Uzbekistan, thanks Anastasia, I never thought I'd see that day come. Lets hope she gets the Anna Bligh treatment and people make it so bloody awkward for her that she has to leave the state>> <<@muntee33 says : Forget the legal, ethical and democratic aspects. Can someone at least point the LOGIC to this? Edit: If we tolerate this, then we deserve this...>> <<@jeddles2710 says : I can understand why our premier is so concerned about covid. I mean it does affect fat people the most.>> <<@ausarge says : If you are vaccinated then you can still get it and spread it. Does she understand that?>> <<@ausarge says : The only reason I was vaccinated was bc I was practically forced to to keep my job.>> <<@Trevor7727 says : Who is the village idiot to her right?>> <<@judibell8076 says : The good news will be when she's voted out. Her day of reckoning will come.>> <<@zivadinjaric8781 says : There is a GOD and HE just waiting for you government people>> <<@SanphireJaide7 says : Given that our hospitals are fast filling with people suffering from vax induced (sometimes fatal) illnesses, yeah dude, it makes a whole lotta sense to insist that folk visiting hospitals need to be vaccinated. At least they'll be where they can get the care they need - or could have received had thousands of nurses not been laid off for refusing the jab. As they say, you can fool all of the people some of the time, some all of the time, but not all of us all of the time.>> <<@CladJKE says : So if you have a broken arm and you go to the hospital when your not vaccinated they can refuse to help u>> <<@CladJKE says : You deserve to keep your freedom fuckk off since when>> <<@MrBronc78 says : Segregation is back in Queensland once again done with a smile on the government's face. Australia went from warriors to diggers now to cowards. Let's go set up around ipswich Boonah area where the first mission was set up the rest of ya can have the coast.👍😏😁>> <<@clubdj13 says : Well that is a Dictator if I ever seen one. Hopefully we still have the right to vote come next election and can send her ass to the unemployment line..>> <<@lw9980 says : For introverts, not having to go to those venues is a reward, thanks!>>