Boris Johnson will always be remembered for 'delivering on Brexit'

Boris Johnson will always be remembered for 'delivering on Brexit'


Australian-British Chamber of Commerce CEO David McCredie says the one thing outgoing British Prime Minister Boris Johnson will be remembered for is delivering Brexit. Mr Johnson has resigned from his leadership position but will be the caretaker Prime Minister until a replacement has been named by the Conservatives. 'I think he'll also be remembered for his colourful language as Prime Minister,' he told Sky News Australia. 'Certainly nothing dull about him.' Mr McCredie said the legacy Mr Johnson will be remembered for from an Australian end of things is he's been a 'terrific partner' and ally in driving relations closer between Australia and the United Kingdom.




@paulhammersley4562 Says:
NO NO NO NO, he did NOT "deliver Brexit" ,,,you bloody lying msm vermin,
@me-cu7ds Says:
He delivered and there's a possibility that the next one in charge will" undeliver Brexit" . When you have MPs and senior civil servants having behind closed doors meeting then there is a distinct possibility that a referendum is on its way. Their version of democracy is to do the British thing and ignore the vote. These people want to sit at the big table and have expenses that Go with it
@neuralwarp Says:
Actually, no, the choice of prime minister belongs to The Queen. The Tories only get to elect their new party leader. Perhaps, as with the SNPs, their leader won't be an MP at all. But in any case, if the Queen decides the Tories are so split that the Labour party are better placed to form a minority govt, then she might very well invite Keir Starmet [clears phlegm] to succeed Boris as PM.
@embracethesuck1041 Says:
Did he really, though? I feel like he dragged it out and put the UK in an awful bargaining position on the way out.
@biancaenera2500 Says:
Last I recall is that Brexit was voted by the British citizens.
@bumblesquatt Says:
WHAT ABSOLUTE DRIVEL! He hasn't delivered ANYTHING we are still in negotiations about how to leave. This is absolute HORSE SHIT
@nickpope8056 Says:
Boris is openly supporting Ukrainian neo naZi terrorists. He should be in prison
@KinchasaurasRex Says:
The only thing he got delivered, was a suitcase of booze to #10 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@KinchasaurasRex Says:
Can anybody actually name how he got Brexit done? Last I heard he was threatening to rip up his "Oven Ready Deal" 🤦‍♂️🤡
@yungcaco1443 Says:
Are you having a laugh?? He didn’t get it done at all 🙄🙄🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
@Mylogcabin Says:
Leftie media already started on Brexit ... Trying all angles now ... "Boris sold British people lies ... If the EU are so reluctant to leave us go it means only one thing .... They need us to prop up their Cartel. They hate us but want our money ....We are not the servants to the Government it's vise versa ... We have instructed them to leave the EU .. Irrelevant of truths or lies im not some child influenced by others to make a decision . Referendum was given .... We voted OUT .... Let's start practicing what the government repeatedly tell us ..... Democracy
@samopalvampirenvonbutlegin8603 Says:
Leaders like him don't disappear into nowhere. He is still the Acting PM, and definitely will continue fighting for Britain regardless what his next position or job is going to be.
@Mark-ib2st Says:
That dislike ratio 🤣
@jameswalker4575 Says:
He removed EU tax on fuel… no wait, he didn’t,, but he did secure our boarders… wait, no he didn’t, our courts are back in control, wait, no that didn’t happen either… fishing waters returned to the UK, again no. He didn’t increase tax though… yes he did.
@uweinhamburg Says:
It's a bit early but i guess he will be remembered as the PM who ended the UK (Scotlamd, Northern Ireland perhaps even Wales) and who started the final decay of England.. Nothing positive will stay from him. Nothing!
@ChristaFree Says:
He'll be remembered for being fired 3x for lying. Brexit isn't done.
@susangarbutt7189 Says:
Boris DID NOT GET BREXIT DONE !!! The only thing Boris delivered was a flood of illegal immigrants to England.
@dennismorgan7297 Says:
Brexit was a disaster
@dennismorgan7297 Says:
He plans to stay as care takers pm get him as far away as possible
@dominicpelle7841 Says:
He certainly will... *YET ANOTHER ALT_RIGHT DISASTER BASED ON POPULISM* Like Paris Hilton... she's popular.
@fahlici1801 Says:
Irland 1, The British a big fat nothin... if and so its a heavy cycle, from just about any older British women.. it's a bloody one
@mk1479 Says:
All he will remembered for is his debauchery during the plandemic...Tell it like it is for once.. He didn't finish anything with the brexit debacle... Get real!
@bonniewingard9771 Says:
@LaMaiStyle Says:
He’ll barely be remembered
@MiySadochok Says:
He was only one strong leader in Europe. Now globalists can celebrate a big win. Putin used those fools to achieve his own goal - make Europe weak.
@dguarino6586 Says:
This guy David looks exactly like my brother Jimmy.
Hes a fucking clown... a legit clown.... even looks like one. He'll be known for his hypocrisy and locking people in their homes.. unable to see family and dying loved ones and attending weddings and funerals for a virus with a 99.98% survival rate while he was off having private parties with his buddies... fuck him and all his piece of shit friends.. they'll all rot in hell eventually.
@raecarver2382 Says:
He actually delivered nothing.
@imantifeminism556 Says:
Boris deliverd Brexit & caused his own Exit 🤣😆🤣😆🤣😆
@studio12archive60 Says:
No he didn't get Brexit done. He stalled it
@shadesofgraygraytheorigina9989 Says:
He will be remembered by his unkempt hair👌🏻😂
@killbotone6210 Says:
Canceled by the WOKE MOB. If they can do it to a PM they can do it to anyone. These leftists must PAY!
@ivanhoeescobar7117 Says:
He will be remembered as another loser that pretends to be conservative but bends the knee to wokes.
@mariahewitt9787 Says:
And sending refugees to Rwanda.
@notafreespeechplatform4201 Says:
He'll be remembered for his hypocrisy.
@JasonRyanWilson Says:
The former PM of Japan Abe has been shot twice in the chest this morning.

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