'Peak woke': Statement on nation's wellbeing to be included in federal budget

'Peak woke': Statement on nation's wellbeing to be included in federal budget


Sky News host Peta Credlin says the proposed inclusion of a statement on the nation's wellbeing in the federal budget is 'peak woke'. Ms Credlin said Treasurer Jim Chalmers has 'adopted something that Jacinda Ardern did in 2019 and she's done it since then, to have this wellbeing component in the budget'. 'The budget is meant to be black and white fiscal detail � it's supposed to be objective measures. It's not supposed to be something as subjective as the wellbeing or the quality-of-life measure,' Ms Credlin said. 'It can stay in New Zealand � don't bring it here.'




@hirschy10 Says:
Governments f🤬 off get out off my life 🖕. 🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺😎
@tyleroconnellt Says:
Sounds like Sky commentary... weak as piss as usual.
@simongross3122 Says:
How do they intend to measure wellbeing? Can't we just vote on it like a proper democracy? I think we will at the next election, and vote this government back into opposition.
@alb7394 Says:
Is it just me or this new 'happiness index' sound more like you'll own nothing and be happy?
@petermcdougall5291 Says:
WEF….We penetrate the cabinets…..resist…fight western communism…..threat to democracy….treason
@perpetualgrin5804 Says:
' Peak woke ' please offer a definition Sky News ?
@emperordalektardis Says:
Credlin knows that any statement on the well-being of the nation will reflect very badly on the previous ScoMo government.
@user-pk3ru9zu8m Says:
Hahaha... The country of Bhutan has a "National Happiness Index" instead of a GDP... How forward thinking of the king... 😊👍👑🔹🇧🇹🇧🇹🇧🇹
@frankwren8215 Says:
And just like every other govt word it will be lies
@nicethings2070 Says:
3 years of Charmballs, and maybe 4 more of Andrews. No wonder mental health is in the budget.
@hollysmith1347 Says:
What does it even mean? What do they perceive as well? What are the penalties or rewards for good verses bad well being?
@HS-PGA Says:
This is a career politician with zero experience in business or finance .
@johnjames6593 Says:
I'll give you a tip for a wellbeing budget..... Let me keep as much of my money as possible 😉
@muzzleflash1 Says:
Never forget how many Australians are no longer with us or horribly ill, dew directly to Sky Jab News & friends.
@killbotone6210 Says:
There's no such thing as " Wellbeing" it's just woke nonsense like mental health. Too many snowflakes is the real problem
@oldtimers6460 Says:
What's well being mean in a budget ,the rich Make money from it ,Ardern is a lying dog faced pony soldier . Quality of life does not come from a budget it's by the work of the people that creates it .
@evit8cre Says:
Merely an attempt to DISTRACT from anticipated government failures!.......and NZ is a GREAT example of this!....what a JOKE!
@user-rl5nd3ys8p Says:
Wellbeinglessnes could become a new word
@russdrummond7292 Says:
He’s not interested in our well-being, he’s interested in angling to increase interference in our lives.
@andrewgraham7659 Says:
They don't got my back. I'm one of the few people with a disability who still likes to have a say in how the country is ruine.... ur run and in how we can fund programs to help people with wellbeing beyond the Not for Profit and Private sector. Wellbeing is one of the few areas where I am still free to make a choice. I'm reminded of the Johnny Winter track Summer Time Blues and the line I'd like to help you boy but your too young to vote. By the way I made certain Labor was last preference on my ballot paper.
@IcanBePsycho Says:
Bring back Guy Fawkes night so we can put these woke politicians on the bonfire and burn the bloody lot.
@beverlyfleming6352 Says:
@joseph8468 Says:
We need a strong and sure government not another mommy.
@crowsfan691 Says:
Sounds like a pre-cursor to a social credit system being implemented.
@ring-tone278 Says:
Why spend money including this in a budget while we have policies in place that totally undermine peoples health, by disregarding their basic universal human rights. Please don't waste the taxpayers money any further.
@lukeh321 Says:
It's been an interesting ride watching govt go from existing to protect individuals rights to taking them away.
@ring-tone278 Says:
Not the lucky country anymore. Thousands unjustly sacked, abandoned and forgotten with no prospect of securing employment which totally undermines people’s mental health. & the major parties’ policies have allowed this to happen to hard working Citizens disregarding the basic rights of any human the world over. They have failed everyone.
@ring-tone278 Says:
I can't see how forcing anyone to trust their health to a product, especially when it's a rushed product, especially when they aren't held liable for the effects of the product, and especially when the people doing the forcing are profiting off of the company making that product is anything other than evil..
@bestestusername Says:
Its embarrassing
@TurnerFamilyInOz Says:
The uneducated left MIGHT comprehend their mistake when they can’t get UberEats from their favourite restaurant because it doesn’t exist anymore and they can’t binge trash on Netflix because there’s no power 😎🧛‍♂️
@barryatkins4677 Says:
Govt/MSM Controlimg thier Agenda driven Narrative for the Sheeple !!! 👊👊👊...🙏🙌🙏
@SOz-uf5yq Says:
Deportation Policy lol. Deport >> Aust-Labor << For Good. > One way Ticket.
@David_Camerwrongun Says:
If government was doing it's job properly people's wellbeing wouldn't need to be factored into the budget. Doesn't take a genius to find the source of the majority of our problems

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