'Stockholm syndrome': 'Baffling' how Palaszczuk govt could be given another term

'Stockholm syndrome': 'Baffling' how Palaszczuk govt could be given another term


Sky News host Paul Murray says why any Queenslander would give the Palaszczuk government even a thought of another term in power "baffles me". "The great multi-million dollar stunt from the Queensland government about COVID is now going to be moth-balled," Mr Murray said. "That completely unnecessary COVID camp an hour and a half away from Brisbane airport, costing millions of dollars ... that was only done as a stunt to get the election result they wanted ... is now about to be moth-balled. "Why anyone in Queensland would give this mob a even thought (sic) of another term in power baffles me. "But just like in Victoria there's some sort of Stockholm syndrome that exist everywhere from Western Australia all the way through to Queensland."




@junebaldwin5352 Says:
Good on you Paul for not being bought .not many good guys left
@junebaldwin5352 Says:
Under the geneva convention that said safe areas to refugees not the citizens of the country
@stephengreater1689 Says:
Look into MP Grace Grace. She's got to go.
@gregwaghorn9717 Says:
Send the Qld govt there.
@gregwaghorn9717 Says:
What about the homeless. Use the camp as a free home
@Quackzine Says:
But DID they vote for them
@jaidentslgl2753 Says:
The thing is, because we've had so many immigrants leaving Victoria and New South Wales to head to Qld and the fact that Chairman Anna's approval rating of 45%, while Opposition Leader David Crisafulli's approval rating is 31% (with 5% higher than last poll). It's gradual but by Election Day, Chairman Anna will be ousted
@savagegfry Says:
I don't think its baffling at all. Remember how the vote tally software contract was awarded to a HK based CCP IT company? Remember that within two weeks after the election Labor announced the 99 year lease of three Qld islands, to CCP companies? No, neither does anyone else in mainstream media!
@k20t30pl Says:
The Labor Party in Queensland funnels money to their council contractors who are no doubt linked to the Unions. That should be investigated because the counsels and the governing institutions are corrupted by the Labor Party.
@bitburg40 Says:
It’s not baffling look at the dipshit in chief that we have in the U.S.
@ix-Xafra Says:
Well the LNP offered Deb Frecklington as a woke choice at the last election and she's as bad as Jackie Trad. The LNP are still not performing in Qld.
@Luke-xx1ri Says:
Could of told you this would happen.qld premier ewww like a blob 🤢🤮
@apophisjones4361 Says:
I am 44 smokes since 12 . Every day . Weed too . If i die so be it , the aged acre system is broken. I have no plans to be old in Australia, not a good place to be old . Shit hospitals poor aged care , no respect for the old . Na im happy leaving soon . Australia is gone . What ever it was , it is no more . War and sickness Ecconomic collapse, people chopping off dicks and heads . Bikies every where . Asian gangs selling meth by the ton . Teens stabbing people . Poc flooding all our public systems . Its gone , the dream is dead . So much for freedom .
@apophisjones4361 Says:
Whats wrong in WA? Our guy is alright for now . They hydrogen plant probably was dumb but government is dumb always has been . Nothing we can do aslong as it works this way . We only get losers as leaders , office workers and females. People i wouldnt follow any place . Its just how it is . We are owned not free .
@Pedroaghyu Says:
They voter for them, they deserve them.
@mickjoG Says:
Queenslanders have Stockholm syndrome while riding on their surfboards
@andymartinez767 Says:
No comment can describe what incompetence these useless pollies are
@gravelrash4870 Says:
Australia elects useless governments everywhere and seem to particularly love money wasters at state level. Just he way it is, enjoy the trip to collapse.
@jenni0278 Says:
It's in all the Western countries and they are all getting rich
@petert24turner71 Says:
That's why I call the "queensland" yes I said it right, government leader as Annastacia pileofshit cause she has lost the plot.
@stevep3692 Says:
LMAO Paul Murray 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂😭 If it's a Labour Government it's Stockholm Syndrome if it's a Liberal Government his silence is deafening Motor mouth Murray's conservative bias is breathtaking, he has passed his use-by date now Sky News are going to make good use of his ugly head and hire him out to haunt houses 😱🧟👹🍻🙋
@rajesvarandoraisamy8076 Says:
Politicians twist and turn and she is no different,her pockets are deep
@Yogurt_Fingers Says:
You voted your way into this mess. Gotta shoot your way out. Unfortunately you guys gave up your rights..
@meoudoraemon3351 Says:
@KurtBoulter Says:
No, no one voted for her last time, just as the time before, but as usual now, the media claims she has won as the fake count confirms it. I do not know of, or have heard anyone, saying nice things about the bottle blonde bovine!
@charleshillman2010 Says:
Stupidity is now endemic. We just gotta live with it.
@pwillis1589. Says:
Labor voters are fuckwits
@pwillis1589. Says:
Pullachook just keeps hiring public servants who will always vote for the regressive labor party.
@barrymcdonald9868 Says:
here's the answer to your question Paul....the voters remember the last LNP QLD government (as do the Victorians of the do nothing last LNP government). NSW is next one to cry over the way things are going
@thatsenough777 Says:
Just make sure that the votes are counted properly!
@jamiekirkland7918 Says:
The woman is so farsicall. I have been born and bred in New South Wales am proud of it. Sorry Qld for your totally stuffed up Sheila and yes I am a woman.
@davidedbrooke9324 Says:
More waste of taxpayers money. It incredible.
@L0b0ts Says:
The high level of criminality in the Queensland Labor government is beyond elections, if it was in the corporate world she and the rest of them would be in prison already. The opposition is to soft spoken, he looks mostly harmless, he is like a beta cuck and that show this week. The financial mismanagement in Queensland is probably one of the worst example of financial mismanagement anywhere in the world, it's obvious she has her plants in the CCC. It's obvious she hates the people of Queensland and anything that does happen in Queensland must be a benefit to her or it won't happen, a complete dictator, the truth is people have had enough except for the 1 in a 100 to the one 1 on 30, she is abusive narcissist meaning she likes to abuse and manipulate others. The treatment of the Queensland Police when it comes to domestic violence is disgusting, and it's not their fault, they are being made scape goats for an incompetent government that has caused many financial problems for Queenslanders that can not be comprehended, that in turn does lead to domestic violence and more divorces and financial issues is the number one issue affecting couples and that's the whole plan, they are doing this on purpose. I can't see her being Premier by the next Queensland election. We must also know that the criminality in the Australian MSM is huge with massive censorship of the voice of the people, and they play their own tunes and set their own agendas and rewrite history and they are just as criminal as she is. The comments in the dailiy mail yesterday said it all, but you won't here, will you, all criminals together, aiding at abetting the compulsive liar Annastacia, a monster that is not only self serving and not serving the people of Queensland. Narcissistic personality disorder Being overly boastful, exaggerating one’s own achievements Pretending to be superior to others Lack of empathy for others Looking down on others as inferior Monopolising conversations Impatient, angry, unhappy, depressed or has mood swings when criticized Easily disappointed when expected importance is not given Always craves for “the best” in everything Has a very fragile self-esteem The REAL comments says it all. vvv Ha ha, we are bigger then you are assholes! https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11052223/Annastacia-Palaszczuk-slams-David-Crisafulli-glitz-glamour-comments-budget-estimates.html#comments
@trill4907 Says:
The bullies have an affinity with the bullies they vote into power
@347windsor3 Says:
The vote is rigged Mr Paul you know that, don't blame the sheeppl !
@seadoomania Says:
Lifetime Jail sentence for that mole
@CalBart42 Says:
poor Pauly... No One Listening to your BS hu? .... Murdoch's pathetic TOY BOY cant stand the fact that no one takes the clown seriously
@theoldieprojects1814 Says:
And seriously, I do not believe she got voted back in, in the 2020 State election, at least not by actual voters, not based on any of the polls in the lead up to that election. It came out during the 2020 local government elections in Queensland that the reason it took weeks instead of days to get the result, was because Anna had farmed out the Queensland Electoral Commission tallying to a mob based in.......drumroll please.......Woohan China. The election results were held up because all that company's people were in lockdown. Yep, you cannot make this stuff up! Maybe they gave her some help with the State election later that year, who knows? Australia seems to no longer have any investigative journalists of the sort we had back in the 1980's and 90's, so we will maybe never find out. But with Anna's father being on the board of the largest Chinese DNA-Tech company on the planet, I just say, follow the money. LOTS of money to be made in masks, perspex screens, and unfit-for-purpose-PCR tests that look alarmingly like DNA gathering kits to me. Let's not even go to the stories last year about the European PCR testing companies that wanted permission to onsell the DNA samples gathered during mass testing. Big money in DNA, dontchya know - and big Gene-Tech companies can't do what they do without millions of samples. Wonder where they're getting them from? China appears to be expert at assisting in rigging elections - I'm no Trump supporter, but the USA election swinging the opposite way by 100's of thousands of votes, in 5 different key States, at the same moment, seen on live TV, in the middle of the night - all one way for Brandon mind you - and only in the 5 key states that would have given MAGA-Man the win, is that not suspicious? Nup, nuthin to see here, apparently. If only Australians would wake up and read their own newspapers - China has been buying up pollies and media and businessmen for influence in Australian politics for decades, and it's all been documented by those brave people we used to call "journalists" - a rare breed of folks nowadays - but no-one cares to take a peek, because everyone wants to believe the media - those smiling happy faces on the 6oclock news - they surely wouldn't be lying to us, would they???? Do you understand that almost every news hour is a giant info-mercial or propaganda piece? Does anyone understand what a laughing stock Australia has become to the rest of the world? Nup. Just watching another footy game, no interruptions please!
@lynmay4667 Says:
Could be used for public housing.
@funkyguy99 Says:
Could be voter fraud involved.
@theoldieprojects1814 Says:
70% of the QLD vote comes from the SE Corner, Brisbane-Gold Coast, and probably about 70% of the jobs in the SE Corners are in the State government, or contracted to the State Government, or connected in some way to the State Government. Up here in the north we can't stand her, she spruiks the evils of the coal industry, yet takes all the revenue it generates and spends it on the SE Corner, she sure as sh*t doesn't spend it up here. Can I tell you how on the nose her "Ten-Years-Until-The-Olympics" party is on north queenslanders? What a joke this woman is - she knows she'll not be in power when that event is finally held, but she's got to get her party cake and eat it too, now!
@joybuckman8795 Says:
Because Qld was in lock down when she called the election, like the Brisbane mayor
@stewatparkpark2933 Says:
And QLD also voted for 4 year terms .
@mikeymusic1 Says:
Pluckachook cheated……they all did……selected Not elected……positions taken by default with fear, corruption and fraud!
@stevephone4957 Says:
Justice will eventually catch up with ALL these people wishing to do Australia "HARM", sooner or later, legally or otherwise. Politicians in Australia are NOT "Elected" they are "Selected" and it's time people woke up to this!
@bushbuy45eris4 Says:
it the WEF that will try to kill us all its almost here people the media need to start telling the truth
@markatheist Says:
Fact check, this is just the beginning of the ccp virus and it mutations, the Chinese communists are at war and don't care how many people have to die to achieve their goals. Money and biological war .
@Ad_Astra_321 Says:
Forget sheep, think ducklings. Imprinted *for life* & tagging along mindlessly. If it quacks like a duck... but they don't care. Brain. Dead.
@daveross1638 Says:
my friend from Townsville said to me she saved us by locking them down i couldn't believe my ears so glad i was in Adelaide during the pandemic or i would of gone insane.
@8innings Says:
Follow the money....the contractors who got the jobs to build those lemons and the medical company who got tge contracts? Its taken a long time to bring these mega million jobs to the public.

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