Daniel Andrews cleared over red shirts scandal after 'no evidence' found

Daniel Andrews cleared over red shirts scandal after 'no evidence' found


Premier Daniel Andrews has been cleared over his alleged facilitation of the Labor Party's red shirts rorts, according to a report released by Victoria's Ombudsman. Victoria's Ombudsman Deborah Glass says there was 'no evidence' that implicated the Premier. 'He acknowledges he was aware of the red shirts scheme in the broad sense,' Ms Glass told Sky News Australia. 'What he says he was not aware of � and there is no evidence that he was � is that it is what I describe as � the way in which the scheme was constructed using public funds.'




@raeleneparker4965 Says:
Ombudsman is just another arm of the Govt that does what ever the Govt of the day wants. Over paid needless bureaucrats
@leighsaunders3278 Says:
What do you expect from someone who was appointed by Daniel Andrews. Of course he was at the helm he orchestrated it from start to finish. I'd love to see a lot of these bureaucrats sit a polygraph.
@SaltySkippy Says:
To be expected when the corruption of his regime is so deep and he overseas his two tiered bought out justice system. Couple that with the Mainstream media being a protection racket for the left.
@alibarber57 Says:
Just another useless corrupt muppet Found no evidence? Didnt look hard enough
@Bellakelpie Says:
Dan will get himself cleared of breaking wind, if it means he can avoid someone looking at him and calling out “ Did you fart?” What a slim ball.
@pompeabella4063 Says:
How much money she got paid 🤡
@gavriloprincip1477 Says:
Premier Andrews is easily the most truly evil politician that I seen in my 70 years of observing Australian politics. Worse than Wran and Askin, and that takes some beating. With people like him in the system, Australia is headed on a steep down hill slide to be on par with the likes of Venezuela. The Ombudsman can be at best described as totally clueless and that is being very kind.
@ginosolima3124 Says:
How much was she paid. We all know that he is involved and guilty.
@bigbopper143 Says:
Look deeper to realise that Chairman Dan had his mates investigate the despicable rorts. Predictable however disappointing non the less.
@peterrech2307 Says:
It seems that in Victoria Labor politicians can break any law that they want to and never get held responsible for anything that they do. Typical,,, Teflon Dan Andrews slips out from another inquiry. How this corrupt politician can not be held responsible for anything is a joke. Hopefully the voters of Victoria will send Teflon Dan and his corrupt government to oblivion. Won't hold my breath for that since the dumb, blind, nose ring led Labor voting bogan sheep will still vote for the corrupt Andrews Labor government.
@mcmescbanner Says:
They used to resign. Now they deny, deny, deny.
@joshwilson7573 Says:
Good old Teflon Dan-Nothing sticks! No matter what he does, he always gets away with it, he's an Untouchable!.
@matthewpetherick921 Says:
Dickhead Dan and all his minion arse lickers are as corrupt as the day is long
@carsyah6836 Says:
Andrews is the biggest snake our country has ever seen
@hotwheels70 Says:
Looks like the ombudsmen is due for bigger and better things.
@jenniferanderson3694 Says:
Squeaky clean again lol
@Supasaiyang0d Says:
It's funny how we all can see it's a sham and dan Andrews doesn't seem to care when he twists it to his advantage to get off with everything but like the saying goes every dog has there day and some way or some how he'll get his, the universe one day will correct itself
@scottylee8866 Says:
Victoria is cooked. Left that state six months ago. Don’t regret it.
@mattgloyn3928 Says:
Evidence destroyed more like .
@stevephone4957 Says:
Ow, I feel so surprised to hear this, fancy that, cleared of all wrongdoing.... corruption is more entrenched then most people believe .... Of course he is up to his neck in everything "shady". Sooner or later, legally or otherwise, Justice WILL catch up with Andrews and I have no doubts the penalties will be "SEVERE" !
@Hopium500 Says:
Ibac: "There is clear evidence Andrews in embroiled in unethical and corrupt practices" Like what the fuck?
@exvictorian3605 Says:
Of course he is not guilty, BULL$H1T
@結晶月の Says:
Look at the rosey cheeked blushy boi
@Saber_Nico Says:
"We've done our own investigations on ourselves and found out that that we did nothing wrong." -Dan Andrews
@richardtravers8772 Says:
Big Ears gets away yet again, No what undermines Public Confidence are continual let offs for Corrupt Politicians.
@matthewpetherick921 Says:
What a load of fucking bullshit
@politicz1973 Says:
He's Catholic...an untouchable insider protected by the red mass brigade as in America. As in America a Catholic and Khazar Ashkenazi Jewish mafia that protect each other. The Victorian Ombudsman Deborah Glass is part of the Irish Catholic and Khazar Ashkenazi Jewish mafia in Australia. Mount Scopus Memorial College, commonly known as Mount Scopus, or just Scopus, is an independent Modern Orthodox Jewish comprehensive co-educational early learning, primary, and secondary day school, located in the Melbourne suburb of Burwood, Victoria, Australia. Since 2007, Rabbi James Kennard has been principal of Mount Scopus Memorial College.[1]
With the significant number of ALP (Labor) appointees on all Victoria law court benches, is it any wonder who they owe their allegiance to! A judicial oath is now not worth the effort of reciting...
@vsboy2577 Says:
What a shock. Corruption in Victoria is systematic.
@radioaustralia5070 Says:
Yea as always he gets away with it coz they need Dan, his the perfect man to destroy Victoria for the Great rest, the globalist muppet love him.
@uqlymf Says:
corruption runs deeper than you think
@fyourhandlegoogle Says:
Cops won't apologize, there's a shock, too busy going after people for bad words, scumsucking losers.
@stewatparkpark2933 Says:
The VIC police must have had some evidence to make the arrests .
@Ad_Astra_321 Says:
They can both hold hands & gth.
@Ad_Astra_321 Says:
@rogerm6054 Says:
There was also a recommendation for gov to apologise for locking down people in commission flats in flemington and the gov response was they would do it again. This red shirt crap has been going on for ages, why bother investigating anything Dan does, investigate his fake fall down stairs. Ok so now Adem samurak should be charged for false claims, they want this gone. If nothing is wrong why recommend to fix them, this whole thing is a disgrace and we pay for it.
@aaroncincotta6305 Says:
Of course he has . Jake made sure of that!
@seandelap8587 Says:
Of course being a globalist tyrant of course this was going to be the outcome.
@nomyafiftyonefifty8081 Says:
Surprise surprise. Old Teflon man.
@brianstent1610 Says:
Everything Andrews dose gets swept under the carpets, and forgot about , if you and i did something like this we would be in jail .
@tobyargall8202 Says:
Read the comments. The people are awake.
@lj3571 Says:
Like water of a ducks back,once again.
@imyourdoctor4799 Says:
Can we please get an ombudsman that wasn't personally appointed by dan andrews??
@ricky6864 Says:
Of course he was found not guilty by a corrupt system.... Disgusting
@troycassidy6177 Says:
Of course he gets away with it when every regulatory body is stacked with Dan Andrews supporters.
@imyourdoctor4799 Says:
Notice how she nods her head forward while shes saying there was "no" evidence... Her unconscious body language and head movements reveal the truth, even at the end when she said "all i can put forward is that it will be next year" she was slightly shaking her head side to side..
@raecarver2382 Says:
Haha of course he was. Just like he was elected Premier by the people?
@KurtBoulter Says:
Thank you for proving to us all, that the courts have become, what are called Kangaroo Courts, or Banana Republic Courts, ones run by corrupt, Labor bias criminals and are willing to turn a blind eye, to open and rampant corruption in the Labor Party.
@imyourdoctor4799 Says:
Teflon Dan
@sudhendrapratap3081 Says:
Corrupt gov. Mad Dan and his hooligans should resign

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