The 'inconvenient truth' about China and emissions

The 'inconvenient truth' about China and emissions


Sky News host Paul Murray says while the US and Australia have set their emissions reductions targets, China 'doesn't have to do anything' about its own emissions until 2030. "Whatever we save, they will match, or double ... but despite the fact that China's gone slightly down, this is on records it's slightly down," Mr Murray said. "And the expectation is that as it continues to modernise, it keeps going up." Mr Murray said this is an "inconvenient truth" about China and emissions.




@johnroddy8756 Says:
No wonder China has large pollution,It's the work shop of the World.If we made what we buy from China,our pollution rate would also go up in the Scale.
@hansweissmann_xviii6754 Says:
Well, China has a zero emissions target for 2030! While Aussieland doesn’t have anything that even comes close…… Oops, talking about inconvenient truths!!!
@cathywhiteman7174 Says:
Why is it only the Western Countries, that they are hounding??? For Climate Change!!! What about Indonesia, Malaysia,Russia, Arab Countries India,and so on???
@qiping7165 Says:
Search 'China’s Super Gaokao Factory, nothing but study. Hengshui high school | Gaokao' This is much more impressive and make you think of China.
@areyoumentallyok7048 Says:
I see Canada, Australia and America governments needs 8 to 10 years of TRANSFORMATION government/population into China-nism communist lifestyles and governance... Why? China has sold there ideology and huge wealth ideas to the Elite RICH, governments, Corporations and investment companies as Good business and least resistance from Citizens for government ideology.... One world China policy 👈🤔
@areyoumentallyok7048 Says:
Perfectly said👈
@av8tor261 Says:
My idea is climate control is holding in a fart. 😆
@boogboog8097 Says:
Yes and we in the west keep being gaslit by liar politicians and greens
@Mindraker1 Says:
China's air has always been terrible. Have you ever gone to China?
@kevinmaestroful Says:
So ridiculous
@paulines4441 Says:
Well it's fake news again then,eh
@enfredlindstrom6763 Says:
china is going to make 3000 new coal power plants and it said it has to.
@shaungilmartin1505 Says:
net zero=death of the poor
@enfredlindstrom6763 Says:
no matter how much solar or wind u put up. it still will not even keep the lights on. its all lies wake up world.
@spannaoftruth1455 Says:
In 2030 china will turn around and say, sorry we cant reduce our carbon emissions, it will ruin our economy
@sandrakoker3277 Says:
What a waste of time.
@flygulfstreamg650 Says:
So who is really in control us or them wake up Australia 🇦🇺
@Lordradost Says:
Humans are made of carbon... Oh.
@anthonygebala1198 Says:
Even when it comes to 2030 china will do nothing. What is the point of the world cutting back on emissions when you have the biggest polluters not bothering to cut back. These people who are making up these rules are being stupid and not living in the real world
@kerouacist Says:
We could have run this country forever on the amount of methane that Morrisson produced.
@lovechineseforever9434 Says:
@sabinesa08 Says:
The focus should be on chemicals, fine dust, toxic substances, heavy metal, radiation, etc. = everything from that nature or a living organism will get poisoned and sick. CO2 is a hox, but man-made chemicals and toxins are dangerous. Check your foodlabels, dental fillings, prescribtion drugs, tires, brakes, electronics, pesticides, cleaning products, vaxx, radiation 5G, etc.
@annepearce2845 Says:
Australia's total emission is 3% What a panic 😱
@sabinesa08 Says:
This is a scam keeping people busy with BS while covering up the ultimate banking crash of all times. They are re-routing money until the maket has a new face, like in Monopoly when you are playing it to the end. Who cares if people are dying of hunger and the rest is fully dependant on a basic income provided by the central bank via digital money. Think again, how many people would starve in China if the industry would suddenly stop? And so it will be in other countries too ...
@harrykuheim6107 Says:
Neither the Chinese or Russians are stupid enough to buy this Woke Fraud
@ABCXYZ-jk8me Says:
Omniscient! Omnipotent! Omnipresent! put powerful politicians in control as Punishment for puny worshipers around the world. Only powerful worshipers Rapture/ESCAPE !!
@lindashovea1946 Says:
@carlosdesousa6712 Says:
Carbon bullsh1t is such a farce but sadly the woke West is determined to destroy itself trying to decarbonise a planet that has it's own laws of nature and that emmits more carbon in one vulcanoe eruption than the entire world's carbon emissions in one year. Ridiculous
@edwardbec9844 Says:
Australian Labor Greens and Teals don't get it.. China emits over 10.49 (Billion)GigaTons CO2 .. Australia 0.391Mill tons would take approx 20 years or more to reach China's figure.. These Clowns are basically China Shills pushing the climate change agenda so why don't they Look at Nuclear Power .. it Doesn't feed China Australian Taxpayers Dollars nor the Billionaire Green Energy Zealots
@judyadams8178 Says:
Omfg Labor omfg the wokest party, the most idiotic ppl there is so glad all U idiots voted them in
@justaminute3111 Says:
What truth from the BBC? Lately they have been too busy policing thought.
@gingertom56 Says:
Well stop buying Chinese goods. Then they won't pollute. Easy muppet. One Australian puts ot 17 tons of carbon to 7 tons to a Chinese person. So paulie is putting out the misinformation. And in 2030 their will be fazing out their fossil fuels and their renewables. So if we produced 40 precent of the solar we would polute more so your argument paulie is moot.
@paulwilson7622 Says:
As I continually, major policies Australia copies other countries ideas & implement them regardless of their outcome or if they have been proven to fail. I cite the Qld Health introduction of a proven failed system & then rejected. Another us Renewables, a proven failed idea, just look at Europe & Germany. Another thing people do not want to confront is mining.bgreen parties & environmentalisrs hate mining but there is so much mining required to produce "environmental" equipment. To name a few, silver, copper, zinc, nickel, lithium, cobalt the world's largest supplier 90% comes from Congo where some children do the mining earning only 1 USD/day working deep underground reminiscent of 5000 year old copper & tin production, the Bronze Age, with the same safety & human rights concerns. In other words SLAVERY! Most if any solar panel or wind generators cannot be recycled put dumped into landfill. Wind generators requiring an estimated 210 tins if coal or equiv to produce just one 240 meter 'stand', 50m blades 3/propellor none all of which must be cut at end of life, transported to & dumped in landfill. Corrosive effect of salt & sand on leading edge requires sooner than average replacement. Humid environments are not kindly to the electronic of anything, including wind generators & as we see in UK are often short circuiting or catching on fire. I could go on. These stupid politicians & environmentalists are living in la la land but it is the taxpayer who are paying the bills while getting reduced levels & increased costs for this service
@librarynan4610 Says:
China is one of the most polluted countries in the world if not the most. The world rewards China by buying their products.
@scottjefferson4048 Says:
i love how the chinabots just look for anything that has "china" written in it and the automatically dislike it.
@tombeilman5579 Says:
If fusion power takes over solar and wind will be over, fusion power is clean and renewable
@fuzzy69 Says:
Neither does Mexico
@evit8cre Says: STUPID LITTLE MAN!.........
@user-unfound33 Says:
Nuclear is the only green energy
@ljr6723 Says:
I have heard that China is very interested in Thorium reactors, likely because they so far haven't been susceptible to the nuclear paranoia gripping the west.
@jab-gn3sw Says:
If you add the USA & Europe pollution it doesn't add to China's, Australia & the UK pollution is inconsequential. Climate change is a natural phenomenon
@MaloneMantooth Says:
It says something that China is the Number 1 producer of solar panels but doesn’t use them Lol
@PirateRadioPodcasts Says:
NEWSFLASH! Co2 is NOT *cough* "pollution." Virtually the ENTIRE "man made" "climate change" narrative is a PHONY multi-trillion $$$$$ communitarian/technocratic/SOCIAL CREDIT fraud. Care 2 learn more? ASK US!
@StevieObieYT Says:
If the future is solar and wind then we're all doomed! There will be an energy crisis which will lead to more people falling below the poverty line. That will further increase the nation's instability. There are so many problems in. The world that as a first world country, we shouldn't have to worry about, food, water or energy. How can we regress as a nation? How can all Western countries regress together at the same time based on "green energy policies" this will lead to the collapse of the European Union. And as a result, it will increase our dependency on China. But why? Because your government sold out for profits. Your life is worthless. And only suffering awaits us while those corrupt U.N. Officials are in charge of the world. Your faith has been predetermined by the World Economic Forum. This is Agenda 2030 in action. The energy crisis is a planned crisis. Don't believe me? Research it for yourself and you will find the truth...
@JeffreySmith7777 Says:
Golly, American's paying climate change taxes will fix everything!!! Stupidity, the real epidemic in the world.
@vcr210 Says:
I have a close personal friend who travels to China to source manufactured goods. He has told me time and again, China is a ticking Eco Bomb. They have destroyed the natural environment. No wonder they are so aggressive with the rest of the world. They have ruined their own country and now want orhers.
@scottharm3932 Says:
"China “doesn’t have to do anything” about its own emissions until 2030" 🤣🤣 What is gonna make them have to "do anything" in 2030?
@ct9400as Says:
China is fine with emissions! Look let the consumer of Chinese goods worry about carbon , ooh China pollutes,ooh Chine has concentration camps , ooh ooh ooh BUT I can’t even buy a coffee cup that’s not made in China! So who is to blame but the consumer
@andrewgraham7659 Says:
China emits more CO2 than any other country on the globe. It is time for them to stop being foolish and start towing the world's line.
@mrsmerily Says:
Let me remind you that soviet uninon madeevery other country to give up its colonies, BUT it kept every country it occupied and just named DIFFERENTLY. Same what China is doing now....

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