Malcolm Turnbull 'comes to his senses' on Voice to Parliament

Malcolm Turnbull 'comes to his senses' on Voice to Parliament


Sky News host Chris Kenny says it is nice Malcolm Turnbull has "come to his senses" on the Voice to Parliament but worries the former prime minister's support would garner an even more strident opposition. Mr Kenny said then prime minister Mr Turnbull once aligned in 2017 with then deputy prime minister Barnaby Joyce and Tony Abbott in creating a "scare campaign" on the Voice � calling it a third chamber of parliament. "Well those days are done � because writing in The Guardian, wouldn't you know it, Turnbull has flipped," Mr Kenny said. "He now says that the Voice is not a third chamber and he supports it. "It is nice that he has come to his senses on this but wow didn't he blow an opportunity back in 2017."




@timwilson4684 Says:
We would trust anything Malcolm Turnbull would say - Hahaha. Or you unfortunately Chris Kenny - Hahaha. Or the Guardian - Hahaha. Done and dusted - VOTE NO.
@DD-bx8rb Says:
This “Voice” is nothing more than an exercise in divisive and woke identity politics that will have no impact on the many real world issues facing remote communities. It is an attempt to divide Australians along the lines the left loves so much. Albanese says his question is clear, but his details aren’t just vague, they’re non-existent. He’s putting forward the question with absolutely no plan for what comes next. No details on what it even is, how it will work, no details on who appoints the body, no details on the power and reach it will have. Nothing. Nothing but a question designed to guilt well-meaning Aussies, and a promise to “trust me, it’ll be good”. I won’t trust anyone trying to create a race-based approach to government. Where does it stop? Do we need voices for other groups too? Should there be a voice to parliament for immigrants? Maybe an Indian Voice, a Voice for the African nations? We are all Australians and “from all the lands on earth we come”. We are proudly a nation of citizens from a range of backgrounds. We are represented by one flag, as one people, with one voice, and each with one vote. That’s what our democracy is built on. The individual. The rights and freedoms of all citizens, equal before the law. Enshrining a racial division into the Australian constitution is an affront to Australia’s core values. This “Voice” seeks to set one group apart from all others based on nothing more than racial heritage and that must not be allowed to happen. Regardless of the spin, regardless of pressure from the activist media, I entirely oppose the prospect of inserting race-based division into our Constitution and our Parliament.
@sashatagger3858 Says:
Turnbull is going in to dementia. It has to be said. Sorry Chris.....
@carolynedunsford6582 Says:
you don't have a lateral brain so is Joyce who is quite a slouch and for turdbull he loves himself perhaps like you only opinions buddy
@peterbulloch4328 Says:
What exactly are indigenous issues?
@apxpandy4965 Says:
I like Mr Kenny a lot, but he is totally wrong on this topic! Any dipstick can see that 'the voice' is NOT a simple representative issue - even Turnbull says so further in his comment. Why do you think all the lefties are clamouring for it? It's an existential threat to the AUstralia most of us love and if you allow this 'voice' to gain a foothold, we can all kiss our Australia goodbye. I have trouble believing that Mr Kenny, who presents as 'intelligent', fails to see the inherent danger in this political folly!
@peterdixon7705 Says:
@hesky68 Says:
Come to his senses, what a joke Sky News
@lazarjr330 Says:
If we are going to have a “non binding voice” to parliament, then why make it wholesale indigenous , why not have respected people from all fields including indigenous
@richarddamiani6979 Says:
The last comment said you were an honest commentator ? Really? Chris is blatantly biased and constantly pushes a set narrative. I’m far more shocked that there are people that actually can’t see that. Too funny go sky 😀
@taylor40 Says:
Turnbull is someone that used to work, as a lawyer for the late Kerry Packer. Turnbull is a bloke that is worth approximately AUD $200 million. Yet, he doesn’t seek that bright. He’s certainly unhappy. He has a chip on his shoulder. The entire toxic family do. Even his wife who looks like a bloke and his sook of a son always posting endless diatribes on Twitter thinking he’s some sort of respected influencer. Plus. TurnCoat isn’t that bright. He always comes out of the woodworks when it involves a discussion about Morrison. He did it whilst he was in America about a Morrison policy proposal that Albanese opposed. You’ve got to give it to Morrison, the team he had (competent or not) were United. Turnbull goes on about Morrison ruining our democracy. Turnbull wasn’t even voted in legitimately. Tony Abbott was stabbed in the back and was removed as Prime Minister & replaced with Turnbull. Then the Karma bus came for Turncoat & Morrison took his spot then was elected lawfully. PS: How come Albanese is simply getting away with things. He is so incompetent it’s not funny. He’s a career politician. He hardly left Parliament for business in 30-years. His entire election campaign was staged as he still couldn’t remember the unemployment rate. I think his earpiece died. If anyone noticed, He has a handler talking to him, in his ear in the background.
@neild3074 Says:
It's nesseccary that the voice goes to a referendum and is voted down. Then it will be dead for another fifty years so we can forget about this trivial woke virtue signaling distraction and get on with talking about important things
@scottcurtis5322 Says:
I thought Kenny reported. He seems to be pushing the agenda. Just report, it's journalism
@mortymorty7903 Says:
Malcolm Turnbull untrustworthy.
@MsJackamara Says:
Oh FFS Chris, your support of the indigenous voice means that you believe that Jacinta Price does not already have an indigenous voice in Parliament. We do not need yet another tier of government, especially one that already owns over 30% of the land of this country. One country, one voice, one flag. Stop the divisive nature of this referendum.
@adamled99 Says:
Chris Kenny has lost my respect
@Rb-fp7mw Says:
If Turnbull now supports it you know it's a dud.
@user-bb7ur3ls6y Says:
Utterly shameful that you support dividing us on the basis of race Chris. Shame on you.
@countyorga764 Says:
No more voice from " head polisher " turd kenny. Perfect.
@davidcraig8660 Says:
Since the jab, covid fatalities in Australia are at records, based on Google, and far above before the injections..
@mrmajestyk5555 Says:
If he picks his nose hi head will cave in 🤫
@readyorknot2344 Says:
Voice is for the race baiters like that disgusting communist in the senate. She has a voice and uses it to threaten and bully people whom she doesn't look like. Its amazing that people are abused for things maybe thier great grandfathers did or didn't do but people are not held accountable for their own actions
@zympf Says:
re-work the 3rd clause to remove ambiguity .. it will then have my support
@marymartin1106 Says:
Mal always being photogaphed looking like a genius
@petefumberger5225 Says:
What a load of crap kenny. The aboriginal voice will be extraordinarily racist and divisive. And there should be nobody on that voice, if it comes about, if they have any non-aboriginal blood in them. Not one skerrick of non-aboriginal blood.
@politicz1973 Says:
Look no further than the ANC today and their Catholic billionaire leader in South Africa. It is chaos and this is what happens when you replace one form of Apartheid with another. Not one white, Asian or Indian face at that gathering of the ANC. Just so called "legal" segregation.
@VICTOR-jg4vv Says:
No way wetr they wrong this should not happen
@martinljubic84 Says:
Psycho babble logic rears its ugly head at every psychotic moment. IF, a group of Aborigines want to get together and form a group, A THINK TANK, and give out official statements from time to time, concerning the direction in which Australia is headed, this is fine. THE PROBLEMS COMES UP WHEN THEY WANT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT IN AUSTRALIA'S CONSTITUTION. And as usual, some BOAT ANCHORS at Sky News Australia, bereft of Philosophy, or grasp of the nature of man and individual rights, THINKS, SOMEHOW, THAT A RACIAL GROUP HAS RIGHTS, would have us all set sail over Niagara Falls. Destroying rights altogether. The individual and only the individual possess rights. All men are born with individual rights. A RACIAL GROUP IS NOT BORN and can have no more rights than the sum of individuals of which it is composed. The sum cannot be greater than the whole. SIMPLE MATH. Individual Rights, as the name implies, inheres in the individual and NOT IN THE GROUP, NO MATTER WHAT ITS RACE. TO RECOGNIZE A RACIAL GROUP, IN A CONSTITUTION, IS TO INSTITUTIONALIZE "RACISM." THE VERY THING, SUPPOSEDLY, THIS BOAT ANCHOR IS AGAINST. **It does not get any more stupid and racist than that.**
@politicz1973 Says:
Chris is a Catholic so he can't be trusted here as with Paul Keating.
@stewatparkpark2933 Says:
Nothing that is in the constitution of Australia should be able to be altered in any way by any government . The Albanese proposal allows for any future government to change The Voice to suit it's agenda .
@nigelhickman2274 Says:
Albanese has already given the game away... By denying details of how this "Voice" would change the Constitution he has effectively admitted that those powers will be derived from the current section 51 of our Constitution and therefore ... no changes need to be made to provide a "Voice' to Parliament. Personally ... I think $120+ million could be better spent on helping out vulnerable communities than satisfying some inner city leftist's dreams of racial subservience.
@politicz1973 Says:
Jewish Malcom Turnbull is part of this Catholic templated 4th Reich and you can't trust Catholics. It's why we had the Act of 1701 that no Catholic should ever sit on the throne of England again.
@Jonno2020 Says:
It's a stepping stone.
@fred4687 Says:
Turdball supports it eh? ..... more of a reason to vote NO
@andrewmiller-yy4de Says:
I watched a interview on the ABC with a professor of Constitutional Law from the ANU last year. He was all for the idea/concept. BUT he warned that by doing either a preamble or establishing 'a Voice in parliament" will open a Pandora's Box. He stated that by raising/recognizing one race in the constitution was not the purpose of the constitution. Having said that, this is just another symbol of tokenism. If we were serious about our indigenous people, our focus would be on "Closing the Gap", I fail to see how a "Voice in Parliament is going to do that. On 2 side notes, who gives a flying f----k or any credibility to Turnbull. The greatest threat to Australia since Whitlam. This country is where it is at because of him and his Junta. Final side note, I do not remember seeing any mention of the push for " The Voice in Parliament", During Albo's election campaign, same as Kevin 07 with his apology for the so called " Stolen Generation" - What everyone fails to mention is that concept was taken to the High Court, and the claim was dismissed. wake up sheepeople
@MercNov2011 Says:
You need to come to your senses Chris Kenny - you are totally wrong
@TheRealBobSmith. Says:
LOL Kenny . Give it up .
@ocevicheband502 Says:
Gotta bit off Maori in ya , kings cross Rangatira ?....Big fat gang BITCH Bondi Astra club .....DREAM so many stubbed out plastic Tables!!!
@robbiesheppard3280 Says:
Turnbull the turncoat….
@stevenguegens7047 Says:
Your the voice tryin understand it
@ocevicheband502 Says:
Malcomtentpisswah? Turds springs too wimpy boner!
@justdoesntaddup8620 Says:
But I recall the last couple of years the states ministers for finance , health and state premiers were running Australia, again, without ever being elected or sworn in by the Governor General.
@georgesymons7044 Says:
You are a Biased commentator. Enough.
@user-gk1nt6sm2z Says:
Malcolm, WEF puppet, has no sense. He will his wife and kids for $5.
@thomas010651 Says:
Just confirms my view. Never can agree with anything Turnbull promotes, was worried for a while but now all is right with the never agree with Turnbull world.😎
@thewholls7176 Says:
Yes you can water it down as much as you want but the reality is any sitting government that ignores the so-called advice will be committing political suicide because they all will be labelled as racist….
@daniellebcooper7160 Says:
We've been Bull Sh*ted to about global warming for 30 years, and we're now expected to believe that the 'voice' is the key to solving indigenous issues. It's one thing to have a committee of indigenous, who have a representative in parliament to voice their opinions, but why does the constitution have to be tampered with?. Beware of socialists bearing gifts.
@Matt123a Says:
Racism is, as racism does. The third arm of parliament is inherently bias, divisive and racist. Where's the lie? Once the Pandora's box is opened, it will forever be regretted.
@outbackwanker Says:
This policy is going to create a Violent race war. If we are one country why are we separating our voices (Apartheid ring a bell), shouldn't we speak as one? I wonder how white politicians would like their homes taken by the voice? If this goes through, we need an Asian Voice, an Italian, French, German, Russian, Polish Check, etc etc. Shouldn't all people have a separate voice for them? What a farce!
@haroldmclean3755 Says:
There are No special people in Australia,, Were all the same , NO ! 👎 GAME 😃OVER INSERT COINS

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