Scott Morrison 'still has a contribution to make'

Scott Morrison 'still has a contribution to make'


Former Resources Minister Keith Pitt says the decision on whether Scott Morrison should resign is one the former prime minister should make himself. It comes after former Home Affairs Minister Karen Andrews called for Mr Morrison's resignation as it was revealed he had secretly sworn himself into five high profile portfolios during the pandemic. 'He was duly elected and it's entirely a matter for him, I think he's still got a contribution to make, I'm sure there'll be plenty of others who have got a different view,' he told Sky News host Chris Kenny. 'Fundamentally, we brought the country through a really tough, very tough period.'




@kenhubbard7355 Says:
@richardhills235 Says:
Yeh in jail citizens should of been told but you were so dishonest to everyone.illsong dont want you now.
@jimmywrangles Says:
The only contribution he has to make is as a cautionary tale.
@headswillroll89 Says:
If he resigns, he will just get a cushy diplomat job in a country he chooses for more pay, or a corporate job that contributed to his campaign.
@intelligentpeople6533 Says:
Yea , picking up his paycheque ! This is the guy who told a bunch of happy clappers , we don’t trust governments . Yet he’s still in government. So don’t trust him .that’s what he’s saying.
@jonnawyatt Says:
"Sully the legacy of Scott Morrison"? You mean the lying and scheming and incompetence and laziness.
@frankwren8215 Says:
Yeah his life in prison
@josephbartolovic8596 Says:
Corruption and shameful act destroying democracy and freedom.
@anthonysalafia7017 Says:
Mr Pitt is just a much a grub as Morrison
@_Only_Zuul Says:
so much to contribute.. after doing so, so very much for australia 🇦🇺
@weekendwithbevoblog2171 Says:
How good is ScoMo? Compare him to the dribble who in now our PM who runs at every opportunity and can't even do one job.
@peterarmstrong8613 Says:
Scott could empty the waste paper baskets.
@raypestrapur2897 Says:
Typical of Murdoch grub propaganda to continue promoting him. He has achieved GRUB status in every political adventure that he has had. TIME TO GO, SCOMOCCHIO!!!!
@eb2505 Says:
If it ever happens again: It wasn't a pandemic though - no where near enough people passed. People should NEVER be treated like this again -EVER.
@jameswong4136 Says:
He always say the chinese comumist government is gready for power. Now we know none can compare to him. Look at his face the more you look the more you see this man is full of greed and a face of a liar.
@jameswong4136 Says:
Yah he still has contribution to make. He can teach his colleagues how to take on more minister jobs secretly. It's all boil down to $😅😅😅
@zaneaussie Says:
Scott Morrison 'still has a contribution to make': As which minister? lol
@michaelmorski1859 Says:
Morrison used Covid against there country and people.
@redlightmax Says:
"Scott Morrison 'still has a contribution to make'" - a contribution to making his government look even worse than before, sure. Labor is praying for Scott Morrison to stay on.
@optimusvalerius8824 Says:
Royal Commission now! Scott Morrison is and was a threat to Australian democracy who misled both the Australian people and parliament .No matter how you vote this grab at power by a potential oligarch needs to be examined by the courts and parliament.
@gruffintonmuffin1239 Says:
Lol "legacy" - You guys really are absolute cringe. The worst government we have ever had, proving to the non-believers from the election that you are indeed, the worst government we have ever had.
@jonvdk5016 Says:
well you guys voted for him...
@stultusvenator3233 Says:
The most corrupt Gov in Australia's history. He should be properly investigated and probably put in the big house where he belongs. The Royal Commission needs to be held on Murdock and his influence and interference in our democracy.
@gb18407 Says:
Yes he can contribute the cash he took from the taxpayer by stealth back to the taxpayer and contribute himself to the prison population.
@ak6582 Says:
Morrison is a traitorous dog and should face justice
@lenniegodber7805 Says:
The only contribution Scott Morrison should be making in my opinion is to the notch count of the local prison rapist Sadly, we don't always get what we want
@DangerAngelous Says:
Sky News leave some crack for the rest of us
@bubbajones6907 Says:
The Liberals will forever be cursed as the pandemic hysteria, and net zero party.
@rihe7045 Says:
If he wants to make a contribution he can pay for his own jail cell.
@riosanderas1693 Says:
Scumo. Rotten to the core, would sell his own family for more power. Scumbag.
@chairmandan1794 Says:
Chris, Elbow is Prime Minister using diversionary tactics, just like the Demohacks in the States.
@gregrodgers91 Says:
Anal is completely disgusted because he didn't have any portfolios when he was in oposition. Scmo must have been a wizard if he had lots of portfolios, good luck to him. I reckon he needs to stay in politics because he has too much to give this country.
@jimmymcthunda5906 Says:
Why are so many political figures in the public eye with criminal activity. They are not for the people and Australia's welfare obviously. What is it going to take for the so called good politicians to stand up. We the people are supposed to decides who stays and who goes .It's time to remove the scum, peacefully of course. Come on mister Bosi let's get this done. Someone once said "Time to drain the swamp.
@elizabeth10392 Says:
Brought the Country through a tough period???? Are you for real??? What a crock.
@citizensallianceaustralia2025 Says:
Yeah to pick out a line from Keating, his only contribution would be as the center of attention at a state funeral.
@piggzieswrath Says:
Typical .. another thief in disguise of a politician .. wonder how much this dog got paid for those hidden portfolios .. no accountability .. so long as dogs line their own pockets 🤬🤬🤬
@tlc121161 Says:
Will be interesting when the suppressed names come out ........
@tlc121161 Says:
Best contribution would be resignation with no pay
@dorianshadesofgray Says:
Albo has learned a lot from his visit with the Democrats
@bretloyd8097 Says:
Federal ICAC will crawl right up the Morrison LNP's clack.
@dolphinboy3721 Says:
He needs to go. But because he's a narcissistic self centred piece of 💩 he won't. It's all about him and always was. Scomo = me me me me me
@freeagent8225 Says:
Not just a contribution, any man able to take on 5 portfolios is a ' wizard '.
@tousifkhan8943 Says:
Morrison is looking like a gay,..
@raphaelahons3479 Says:
Bring on the royal commission ! Who knows what other surprises their will be. It's no wonder there has been such mayhem with the state govs.
@wilburgraham6260 Says:
Who cares, get on with the real issues that is important to the workers of this country
@JC-oy9ou Says:
Morrison will leave Parliament when he's ready.
@adrianjohn. Says:
@wilburgraham6260 Says:
These journo's and pollies need to get out into the real world, the general public do not give a flying fcuk about this whole nothing burger
@susanthauks312 Says:
*In prison*
@imantifeminism556 Says:
The only contribution criminal ScumMo has to make is go to jail

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