Islamic extremism 'never' goes away: Nigel Farage

Islamic extremism 'never' goes away: Nigel Farage


Brexit Party Leader Nigel Farage says we 'let our guard down' thinking Islamic extremism has 'gone away' while declaring 'it never does'. Mr Farage said it was a 'miracle' that author Salman Rushdie has survived an awful attack. 'I do think that in-between terrorist outrages, we kind of let our guard down on this � this terrible, fundamental Islamic extremism has somehow gone away,' he told Sky News Australia. 'It never does.'




@slawomirmagier2047 Says:
🎠🎠🎠🎠🎠 INSPIRATIONAL QUOTES OF THE MOMENT "I shouldn’t have been such a wise guy" – Joe Biden 🤗 “There's plenty of opportunity for everyone, so there's no reason to worry about somebody else's success, either saying you couldn't do this so she's better than you, or she's doing it so you can't.” - Nancy Pelosi, (D-CA, Speaker of the United States House of Representatives) 🤗 “I really do hope that we have a woman president...” -- Hillary Clinton 🤗 “When one has success, the answer is not to undo that success.” -- Charles Schumer 🤗 “... I should have been more worried about learning...” -- Michelle Obama 🤗 “Before you speak to me ..., first show it to me ...” -- Cory Booker 🤗 “... everyone I know is a feminist...” -- Chelsea Clinton 🤗 “... our Republican colleagues, the Republican National Party, understands this is our new demographic in America ...” -- Bob Menendez 🤗 It's easier to put on slippers than to carpet the whole world.” -- Al Franken 🤗 “We as a country have to do some soul-searching.” -- Barack Obama 🤗 Thank you very kindly for your deep reflection... 🤔
@nomoregames8103 Says:
Religion of peace 🕊️ , first the fake news and Biden said it's hate crime but when they heard the attacker is a muslim they just shut their mouths because it's not the narrative they were looking for. Lol
@JakubSK Says:
Islam is horseshit, as are all organized religions equally.
@Mike-LitorisSoBig Says:
You can talk all you want about Muslim nations, but no one dares to turn their children into gender confused m0r0ns like they do your seed.
@Kenny.G63 Says:
Only haters support, condone, dismiss, or do not speak out against this attack and others like it.
@393boss Says:
@meredithisme3752 Says:
Never allow people from bad culture into your country unfortunately the world has allowed the cancer in
@philippawesterman8843 Says:
Not Islamic extremism; simply Islam.
@trustitslime3896 Says:
I’d say extremism in all its forms rarely goes away. It is not the product of one religion. It’s ubiquitous in all facets of society.
@jameskennedy8195 Says:
Why does anyone still listen to this con-artist?
@followeroftheway8454 Says:
Oh dear, poor man. For telling the truth about a false religion such as Islam. I pray Salmon heals well, that justice is served against the evil man whom stabbed him, to never be let out of prison. In arab culture, they say the punishment should fit the crime. An eye for eye!!!
@minecraftingmum5574 Says:
Islamic extremism will never go away while Islam exists.
@yusufdhorat1159 Says:
More than 70 economists and experts signed an open letter calling on the US government to give back to Afghanistan the c $9 billion in central bank assets that Washington froze US sanctions are contributing to an economic meltdown and could lead to famine
@l.a.french3063 Says:
Does anyone still think Islam is a religion of peace and understanding? Christianity, Hinduism and Judaism (among others), are not perfect, but are religions of peace. They are strong religions which can easily stand and even accept criticism. Islam is a weak, fanatical "religion" of medieval practices of intolerance and violence. Followers resort to this type of behaviour precisely because it is a weak religion, and therefore cannot stand any form of criticism. I hope for a speedy recovery and all the best for Mr. Rushdie.
@souzanir Says:
Thank you for this episode
@bobhawke7373 Says:
Check out all the Christian's pretending their religion is better than Islam.
@onlythaclonessir2525 Says:
@GotoHere Says:
Speech is violence so the attacker was attacked with words. The attacker is justified in the mind set of every liberal.
@sugreev2001 Says:
Cultural relativism is the dumbest thing ever taught to Westerners.
@Alexxx---101 Says:
The religion of peice....
@ayourasafou2708 Says:
All the religions are catastrophe
@merlinwizard1000 Says:
75th, 16 August 2022
@luckyluke1503 Says:
Of course It won’t go away. Not as long as Boris,Biden and Macron kiss MBS’s feet and bow to him.
@ItIsGonnaGetWayWorse Says:
only one main religion people are afraid to offend wonder why
@tl7239 Says:
Watch Hatun Tash, Jay Smith, Christian Prince, Rob Christian, Islam critiqued, David Wood, Emmanuel Shahid, Al Fadi, Bob of Speaker's Corner.
@mufunyiibrahim3655 Says:
Just like racism, colonialism, hegemony don't go away
@fletcherhamilton3177 Says:
There is no Islamic ‘extremism’; there is Islam, _period._
@bampitony6108 Says:
Like oil and water they will never mix..It's the same with Christianity and Islam it will never mix...🤔
@N1gel Says:
Well said Nigel. If somebody took that book and replaced every word "muslim" with the word "christion" penguine wouldnt be able to publish it fast enough. People should now stop buying penguine crap
@almujahid4549 Says:
Why is the west afraid? 😆
@alisya2694 Says:
Why are the corrupt American PSD politics anti-Islam? Why did Hillary Clinton and her allies finance terrorism to trample on the reputation of Muslims? Islam does not mean "terrorism" Islam is a religion that some (Americans) are trying to ruin their reputation.. Not all Muslims are terrorists, they are groups paid and supported by the US pentagon. Stop smearing the reputation and dignity of Muslims in the mud. Today, Muslims are the same as Jews were during Hitler's time.
@fit-theology3332 Says:
Extremism is inherent in Islam. It is the logical conclusion to consistently following the Islamist worldview.
@barriewilliams4526 Says:
Welcome your enemy into your country and expect to live in harmony?.....
@alisya2694 Says:
US fuels Syrian war with new arms supplies to Al Qaeda terrorists? Why are the corrupt American PSD politics anti-Islam? Why did Hillary Clinton and her allies finance terrorism to trample on the reputation of Muslims? Islam does not mean "terrorism" Islam is a religion that some (Americans) are trying to ruin their reputation.. Not all Muslims are terrorists, they are groups paid and supported by the US pentagon. The Pentagon is buying $2.8 billion worth of weapons for conflict zones around the world. Most of the weapons are destined for Syria. The US has designated Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) as a terrorist organization. However, US missiles appear on the front line in Syria being used by the same group designated as terrorist organisation. While the US State Department has listed Hayat Tahrir al-Sham leader Abu Mohammad al-Julani as a “Specially Designated Global Terrorist” and announced a $10 million reward for information leading to his capture, the Jolani terrorist group has been well equipped with US-made missiles in Syria. A number of confidential leaks over the last years have already exposed the leading role of the US in arming militants in Syria.  Non-standard weapons Documents obtained from the US Federal contracts registry reveal that the US Army Contracting Command (ACC) Picatinny Arsenal has contracted eight American companies to procure non-US standard weapons from 2020 to 2025. According to the Pentagon solicitation W15QKN-19-R-0049 “Non-standard Weapons, Parts and Accessories”, the deliveries will include “theaters of conflict”.
@bookertee3057 Says:
Nigel is right ✅️ once again. Religion of peace? LMAO 🤣
@530jazzercise Says:
Stop calling it "extremism"...this is instructed in 4 verses of the koran..."strike the necks of the disbelievers" is mainstream islam.
@DConstructiveCritic Says:
Lmao, yeah.right. That is the Islamic fantasy. The truth is that the first generation born in a 1st world country living the easy life, the extremism vanishes due to comfort culture.
@nicholasmorrill4711 Says:
Meanwhile our insane Government here are letting them into the Country & putting them up in hotels,you could'nt invent it!
@AP-ei4jt Says:
Extremism is nothing new, has been around in the animal kingdom forever. When you go around pissing people off with invasion after invasion, you are going to create extremism. You will never have peace. You choose this lifestyle, you suffer the consequences.
@oneanddonetzone3673 Says:
Iran called for the death of this man. The Biden administration remains completely silent on this assassination attempt. The Biden administration that not only has given Iran vast amounts of money but it’s also facilitating they’re getting nuclear weapons. This should be terrifying to everyone in the world!
@planetmikusha5898 Says:
The book would not be published today due to the alliance between every crap culture around the world and white Liberals.
@ivyjohnson4039 Says:
Hello Nigel, my friend! Nice seeing you again! The more things change the more they stay the same!
@jennifergirling6850 Says:
No such thing as Islamic extremism. It's just Islam & people refuse to acknowledge that fact.
@peekaboopixie Says:
Some cultures are better than others. Long-term observations become facts, and some facts are sad but still need to be accepted.
@skymeadow7762 Says:
Violence is disgusting
@genxny8404 Says:
We need to bring back dueling laws.
@ousabed4593 Says:
We need all to support Ruchdi and freedom of speech today we cant let the evil dark fear control our life and keeping us in fear of creating anther master peace .
@ayoolukoga9829 Says:
THE TRUE COLOURS OF ISLAM And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see. And I saw, and behold a WHITE horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer. And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and see. And there went out another horse that was RED: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword. And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a BLACK horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine. And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see. And I looked, and behold a PALE horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth. Revelation 6:1-8 Palestine - White Red Black Pale Syria - White Red Black Pale Iraq - White Red Black Pale Jordan - White Red Black Pale Egypt - White Red Black Pale Saudi Arabia - White Red Black Pale Lebanon - White Red Black Pale Afghanistan - White Red Black Pale etc
@lmg7503 Says:
How has hate been allowed to rise in the West.
@卢军宏台长心灵法-u3d Says:
Do not test your control over the five sensual desires —Wealth, Sex, Fame, Food and Sleep.

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