Fresh protests in Europe against new COVID-19 restrictions

Fresh protests in Europe against new COVID-19 restrictions


For more: Tens of thousands of people gathered in #Vienna on Saturday to protest the Austrian government's new vaccine mandate and a national lockdown to contain record COVID-19 cases. Demonstrators are taking to the streets across #Europe, and the WHO is warning an increase in deaths in the region. Subscribe to us on YouTube: Download our APP on Apple Store (iOS): Download our APP on Google Play (Android):




@panithera2552 Says:
International law overrides national law. Governments signed it when they signed TTIP, NAFTA and so on. The treaties all say the same, carefully drafted by the world' s best lawyers, that no matter the law of the land, "should need arise, governments comply to the measures as they are told, basically without a right to discuss it. That is why governments all over the world seemingly go against national laws, where, in fact, national law is already overriden by international law, carefully crafted by big corporations and hedge funds. Who exactly decides on the basis of those international treaties and so-called international laws is unknown to us. These people are not elected. What "bodies" decide is not even clearly laid down in the treaties our government signed. Our politicians are made responsible for putting into effect those measures exactly as they are told to, for example on the Covid-Crisis, but it could basically concern all aspects of life as we knew it. If not, high penalties are imposed and other measures. In truth, our governments are not those in power any more, every election is a pure scam. Those in power are now those who reign the corporate profit interest machinery.
@thshxvtjdjdjd9871 Says:
Corona is the biggest lie to kill the economy .
@misterhill5598 Says:
So much for herd immunity and living with the virus.
@tutifruti7488 Says:
I would understand the whole concept of protests, if ALL their OTHER human rights were perfectly respected in the Western world,. They're all protesting against the wrong thing. Protests, if any, should have been pre-COVID to demand: right to information (not MSM bullshit), free healthcare, free education, right to smoke anywhere and in any bar/restaurant, because surely, if unvaccinated and vaccinated should mix, then smokers and non-smokers should too.....etc. etc.....
@ig7044 Says:
This time Fashism has no particular Hitler in charge, this time its a conglomerate of evil parasites worldwide.
@corrion1 Says:
Once they get people to accept the mandate there is no stopping governments from handing out literal poison and forcing you to take it as it is LAW
@jumsaesiaw6890 Says:
Such a beautiful scenery to behold. It reminds me of the 2019 HK’s riots. Please don’t stop keep fighting for your FREEDOM 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 And don’t wear a MASKS 🎭
@RendererEP Says:
I wonder what would happen if people did this in china...just out of curiosity of course
@tonymontagna9419 Says:
We to unite and Robbie these dictators
@nobodyhere6723 Says:
HOW I SURVIVED... It was mid February when I first heard about covid. I just been in Portland days earlier. I saw something on the Internet a school closing in Oregon. And some deaths in Washington. I wondered but like most i thought na nah. In the back of my mind.. could be.. then I read about Tom Hanks symptoms. There were no Mask be found anywhere. The only place you could be tested was the hospitals. If you call them you were told don't come up in here unless ur on a stretcher. I was on my own. I knew that pneumonia was what killed you with something like this. I had already had pneumonia twice which made me more susceptible. The only question now was I going to die from this alone in my truck. I bought some material from Walmart make my own mask. Still in disbelief that this was actually real that this was actually happening. Trump was saying it's all a hoax. 7 years earlier I had spent 5 days in my truck alone on antibiotics recovering from pneumonia. I knew if I come down with pneumonia this time there would be no antibiotics. So .. I had to do everything I could to keep from coming down with pheumonia. The first symptom I felt as though I was coming down with something. But when I felt my forehead there was no fever I was just clammy it went away. True to form 5 days later it started. I kept the medicine bag in my truck I went into action. At night I took half a dose of Mucinex PM. To keep my lungs clear at night. In the morning I would take a brisk walk and do forced coughing to clear my lungs. I said to myself ( take to your bed ur dead ) you have to keep moving no matter what... All the while thinking surely this isn't happening it all seemed surreal. During the day I would take half a dose of Mucinex daytime. at 5 p. M. I would eat a decent sized meal. Then at 9 p. M. I would drink a cup of. Dieter's tee. Which is a mild laxative. This cleaned out my system of all the phlegm that had the virus in it ...that I had swallowed during the day and that night. This way It wasn't incubating in my digestive system . An old black women taught me this trick years ago. I did this every night for 5 nights...I ate fresh garlic and took oil of oregano. Both help keep the lungs clear. I did forced coughing once an hour weather I felt like I needed to cough or not. Just keep my lungs clear. In five days it was pretty much over. But I felt like crap for a month. 6 months later I came down with a milder version. At least I think so there was nowhere to get a test. If I had it since I was never aware of it. And I'm not sure if I had it then there is really no way of knowing it. After a month had gone by I called Red Cross. Asked them if they would want to use my blood to immunize those with the same blood type. I might as well been talking to a three year old. I don't understand all the fear. And the need for all the strange medications. I truly feel that most people circum to this virus because they take to their beds thinking that's the way to get better. Or to take some type of weird drug. I'm not a doctor my advice is to keep moving and keep your lungs clear. The worst of it only lasts about 5 days. Of course that's my experience. I hope this helps someone. The key to surviving covid to me is not to come down with pneumonia. In my opinion. Question will all these weird drugs prevent pneumonia. If not why are you taking them. if you've been infected with covid and you're not experiencing flue cold symptoms then your body dealing with it appropriately. You shouldn't need to take Medications. In my opinion. If you come down with covid-19. Keep moving, keep your lungs clear, and whatever you do don't take to your bed. I don't understand why this advice hasn't been out there from the beginning. I post this message and go back and it's gone for some reason. Why?
@someone_else303 Says:
United we stand, divided we fall. Time to fight for our freedom. PEOPLE RISE UP!
@siryonathan1006 Says:
Why all these vaxxos are always ugly and old? Its like humanity is cleansing from hippies ajajaj, thats good.
@adam_da_2024_official Says:
💪🇫🇷🇮🇹🇩🇪🇧🇪🇦🇹🇳🇱 Stand up
@ugaabongoo5621 Says:
If you want to end this regime, you have to invite decision makers on trips to the forest or to the river at night. If you don't start doing it now, you will be killed.
@pinkpeter0007 Says:
Respect to all fighting for their rights to say f-you to big brother.
@krakenaz9399 Says:
Way to many F'ING Commies in this comment section!!!
@allisonharper1819 Says:
Divide and conquer agenda marching lock step. Well done IMF, WEF, CFR, UN, WHO, P5 oligarch globalists with the Jesuitical ideology. 😉
@anonnoone8500 Says:
Freedom, democracy - the two words sound so repulsive these days. They are being used by the western govts for political purpose, and by some ignorant brainwashed masses. Hey, you want freedom? Get rid of your govt or move to an isolated place and live by yourself.
@WayneLu12345 Says:
Where is peng shuai/彭帥?
@patrickganly5206 Says:
I live in Spain. 🇪🇸 People have a more common sense approach here. Especially as Spain was hit so hard last year with so many deaths from Covid 19. Almost all want to be vaccinated, still wear masks in indoor public spaces and are most willing to cooperate with the health authorities. Most of the anti vax filthy disease spreading savages who are protesting don't live in Spain and we don't want them coming here either.
@joandelur4407 Says:
the freedom its not to ask to be permitted or gives back, its taked.
@wlim1260 Says:
Aiya. People want to die just let them die lor. Simple, anyone who is voluntarily not vaccinated gets no hospital admission. That's the freedom they want, then just give them. Simple principle of responsibility.
@gardenia4882 Says:
We stand with the protestors in Europe. Love from Australia. 🇦🇺
@natbirchall1580 Says:
2:33 weird footage
@catonpillow Says:
Unfortunately, as it turns out, stuрidity is a much more dаngеrous and widely spread v|rus than сovid-19. And a much more resilient one I should add.
@catonpillow Says:
Unfortunately, as it turns out, stupidity is a much more dangerous and widely spread virus than covid-19. And much more resilient I should add.
@soonkeeman9800 Says:
@jamesteh829 Says:
This is what the West called Democracy and Human Rights. What a biggest joke !
@theLORDismystrengthandmyshield Says:
wrong: Austria has with 65.2% one of the highest rates of full xx citizens in europe; 26 countries in europe have a lower xx rate, and just 16 countries have higher xx rate; 372.492.998 are full xx, by 792.884.886 total citizens
@nonyabizness997 Says:
To those who asked where Peng is: Peng is in the US seeking political asylum. Having been maliciously persecuted by Tsai Yin-wen because he dares raise a legal challenge against her 30 year old fraud case of faking her PhD degree and having been forced out of Taiwan by Tsai's personal state apparatuses, Professor Peng had to flee to the US and is now seeking political asylum there.
@eleethtahgra7182 Says:
When freedom becomes freedumb.
@fendermarshallbluesbox3407 Says:
agenda 21, corona is deception
@veganlion3434 Says:
Naziiiiiii regim ruled by SOROS, ROTSCHILD and the rest of the old mummies
@albertleung5823 Says:
So much ignorant people. The failure of the western world is in full display!
@kaycosti3631 Says:
“who” has to be nuked. Same goes for “eu” headquarters - PERIOD
@janklaas6885 Says:
@noneshere Says:
Thank goodness or governor banned all covid mandates.
@surrenddermoodi4150 Says:
Covid was born in my country india
@georgequek7996 Says:
Let them die without mask if they want freedom man!🗣
@badimpulses17 Says:
The more die off the better there too many humans dumb humans on earth.
@lw1343 Says:
Probably have to start a new politicians that arent bought and paid for.
@sjn0112 Says:
Vaccine is scam of Israeli and Indian propaganda with the help of WHO
@rebeccafoo Says:
So shocked that they are much stupid than the 3rd countries that everyone wanted to get vaccinated . China did a good job and everyone did their best under the China Government care. Many Chinese even, we are not from China, follow China way to protect our family, wear mask whenever we step out of our house. Wash our hands, quarantine ourselves if we think we may get Covid ! Human's Right, what is Human's Right? If you get Covid and you mustn't spread it to your friends or anyone around you or your family as that's their Human's Right. They have the Right not to get the virus from you.
@ameyapotdar461 Says:
Lmao they are protesting against mandating masks vaccines and lockdowns which help prevent spread of covid as much as possible 😂🤣😂🤣
@DianneBrand Says:
Fascism is back in The Netherlands and Europe! By Design. The same New World Order dream again and a gain ☠️
@daviddz8179 Says:
立馬!!趕快!!!!!!!!退出共匪黨團隊,保平安保命!!!!!!!!!!!!! 00$$$$$$444
@FreeAssange-yc4ws Says:
They have their freedom to die
@ginebra86 Says:
That is what a democracy is chaos.
@imjustbeinghonest1301 Says:
The only country that successfully combat the pandemic in EU is Hungary using non western vaccines and test kit.
@discoverchina1885 Says:
Coronavirus pandemic will still be severe if Europeans continue to protest against the counter-covid measures

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