The Myth of Widespread Election Fraud /CITIZEN by CNN

The Myth of Widespread Election Fraud /CITIZEN by CNN


The University of Washington's Kate Starbird joins CNN journalists Donie O'Sullivan, Daniel Dale and Sean Lyngaas to separate fact from fiction when it comes to accusations of widespread voter fraud in the recent midterm elections. #cnn #News #CITIZENCNN




@SelimeOzdemir-gundy Says:
@finishstrongdoc Says:
The abuser is always right because the abuse never ends; they cry in pain as they beat you.
@paullove3082 Says:
Misinformation? 😂 When Maricopa election workers mixed untallied voter sheets with those already counted, their voters were lost, but to date, I have seen no one from CNN researching the credibility of these accounts. Court find in favor of testimony not countered with other testimony or undermined by evidence of lack of credibility. So far, fair minds must accept as fact that many voters’ votes were annulled. After 2020, I don’t expect CNN to do its job any more than the Maricopa council did its job of completing its election within 24 hours. CNN is a hacking joke.
@paullove3082 Says:
If Maricopa County wants to preclude charges of voter fraud, it needs to do its job—run a boring election and get results in on time. Bungling just doesn’t cut it.
@paullove3082 Says:
CNN is a hacking joke. It denied Hunter’s laptop then expects us to believe ‘no evidence of voter fraud.’ Same argument arose in 2020 within 24 hours of that election. In 2020 and now in 2022, testimony came forward. That testimony is evidence of voter fraud. Journalists of which CNN has few to none, would have researched the credibility of the testimony instead of shutting down the story as they did the laptop.
@woodyallen8997 Says:
Democrats: We oppose voter ID bc then we can't cheat in elections. This isn't rocket science. Hehe.
@studfinderball Says:
Before we had election deniers, we had wall deniers, like Cardinal Pelosi: 'a wall is an immorality'. That's say so without evidence, just like Trump. In fact, the bible contradicts Cardinal Pelosi and our oh so 'impartial' MEDIA: 'You will call your walls Salvation' says Isaiah 60:18, 2800 years ago. I wouldn't trust the MEDIA if they said the sky is blue. To this day they deny, deny, deny, with the 'walls are bad' lie.
@ashmuntz612 Says:
This is Russian disinformation Just like hunters laptop Hunter will be our next president Bwahahahaha Ahh the democrat pedofile party strikes again
@davidleaman6801 Says:
Hopefully the High Speed Internet coming to Rural America will cause Americans to become more informed and able to see through the Right Wing Propaganda.
@davidleaman6801 Says:
It makes me wonder how much it was worth to become Miss Universe.
@jesugbamigbedanielfadipe4026 Says:
Jesugbamigbe Daniel Fadipe.
@ballping2341 Says:
CNN pays for election fraud
@mafirearmsafety Says:
Lying pos ash holes. We MUST outlaw any and ALL voting machines!!! Paper ballot only!! Voter ID!! Same day results!! Stop the cheating and corruption!!!
@mafirearmsafety Says:
We MUST outlaw any and ALL voting machines!!! Paper ballot only!! Voter ID!! Same day results!! Stop the cheating and corruption!!!
@switch6258 Says:
Ha ha ha 😂😂😂😂 Everyone has seen how these elections are straight up RIGGED. Only tiny minds believe the media at this point 😊
@oldsharkbythesea3962 Says:
I remember that. 2016, RIGHT? 😂😂😂😂Funny
@Jgleason23 Says:
Up until 2020 election, the results always came in for the most part by midnight Election Day. We have got to get results done by the morning after election at the very least. I think this should be a bipartisan feeling about the election. I’m all for voting by mail or over a few weeks, I just think there needs to be a deadline that mail in ballots must be in by. I realize a lot states already do, but clearly that date is not early enough to allow the votes to be counted in a timely manner. Laws need to be changed so that ballots can be counted before Election Day.
@doyoueverwonder2683 Says:
@tiboregoldberger6817 Says:
Which is constantly being spread by CNN MSNBC ABC it's a bit concern that these Network television are promoting for people to commit vote the fraud I mean we've seen the violent racist attacks of the Democratic party by the armies BDS army of millions of dollars and millions of followers BLM racist violent criminals anti-semite murderers armies millions of dollars and millions of followers and members and today was sold the effect in Colorado of the Nation of Islam Muslim hatred of gay men women and transgender racist anti-semite murderers armies killer and millions of dollars and millions of followers and members
@TommyJones49 Says:
If CNN spews lies to control voters minds and votes that's fraud in itself.
@TommyJones49 Says:
You mean Democrats are not honest? OMG!
@DerekPK Says:
“It doesnt matter how many people vote, only who counts them.” *― Stalin*
@darrelloconnell8772 Says:
If many people feel there’s a chance of significant fraud in our elections shouldn’t we just require a voter ID? That would greatly reduce the comments about election fraud. I think anybody who is against this really is for election fraud.
@georgemull8644 Says:
You guys are always looking for some way to bring someone down if they are not a damn demacrate or won't agree to none of the bullshit you all offer.
@madriver50 Says:
its not a myth
@texasrav6056 Says:
Yet, it’s not a myth:
@archiecook3421 Says:
Hiding fraud again no reason your ratings so low
@AlwaysAwesome001 Says:
CNN has been busted so many times and you goons still clap like little seals. 🦭🤣
@cv8683 Says:
It is totally true that people who fall for this stuff aren’t as smart. Stop sugar coating it they are homeschooled indoctrinated idiots with distorted views of reality. If you told half these people a wizard stole their ballot they would believe you .
@ajaxinfinitum5604 Says:
The myth is that CNN has a hold or grasp on reality and actually reports factual news. Another item, that has nothing to do with mythology, this is a time of declared war and National emergency. CNN has been serving as a ccp, globalist proxy for over 4 years now. As per the DoD law of War, we will be hanging these CCP proxies, in public.
@mikejackson7284 Says:
Ahh CNN. So many facts....... that turn out later to be lies. Ah.
@idontconsenttoinfobeingsol3041 Says:
I love how they use the blanket term 'widespread election fraud.' How much would be considered widespread? If there is a blanket term 'widespread election fraud' then there is also 'targeted election fraud'. But Yes, there is always some people who would fall into believing a conspiracy. Take the whole Russian Collusion Conspiracy that was very recent. A lot of people believed that was true even to the point it reached congress. Imagine that....
@patwest6356 Says:
Shan,,,,, WAKE UP
@luap2551 Says:
Maricopa county is a Mess - 40% of machine in various places don't work 3 minutes in - This County was under heavy scutiny - and they screw it up ? Really,- ? What are people to think ?!! This is FRAUD or pure Incompetence by Katie Hobbes who was running the thing !!! I Say FRAUD !!!!
@luap2551 Says:
There is more than enough evidence of election fraud - The process needs to change - Democracy is at stake - Voter picture ID, No mail in, get rid of machines, election day should be holiday
@brucewayne2503 Says:
Hahahahaha the myth, hahahahhaa 2000 mules is proof
@sylvesterajah9886 Says:
The reality of voter fraud seemingly gains traction and popularity because some politicians perpetuated this myth .
@williampennjr.4448 Says:
Fake news IS election fraud.,
@jaykay1053 Says:
Excellent discussion. Thank you for hosting such a level-headed, informative, down-to-earth, fact-based exchange of ideas.
@mt.shasta9127 Says:
I would say that actively aiding the treason of election fraud would itself be a crime, and people should be imprisoned if the aided in the crime of election fraud. Being on the wrong side of history is very dangerous.
@mt.shasta9127 Says:
Block chain voting will solve the election fraud. So will voter ID. So will the elimination of mail in ballots. I am sure CNN doesn’t want any election fraud, so I am sure they will support these measures.
@mosestimothy2814 Says:
America never had a woman president 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲✅✅✅😁😁😁 God bless America 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 I want UNO to investigate the shooting of 20 innocent TAMILS from Tamil Nadu by a our neighborhood state and also 2) 14 innocent sterlite fighters shot dead by Tamil Nadu police . UNO must recommend election commission to stop or ban those political party from contesting election.orvex chief MINISTERS .( then CHIEF chief ministers ). Prime minister modi or CONGRESS leader RAGHUL GANDHI are not in Position to comment these shootings (but RAGHUL GANDHI said sterlite shooting is a conspiracy plan of RSS) But modi never said a word about our neighborhood shootings.( May be neighborhood CM innocent ,the shoot was planned by brahmins to spoil kamma caste image or CM'S image )( I don't know about Tamil Nadu shooting) But CONGRESS must maximum avoid their alliance with these two parties. But their head may be RSS.. Regarding marriage . It is difficult to keep girls at home for a long time at home without marriage. There are problems like dowry.. Sometimes girls choose their bridegroom . Lot of casteism. Sometimes some become prey to the cunning plan of old people.( FATHER in law or Mother in law ) Especially Tamil Nadu ex CM'S caste is a abomination. They eat pigs . Their culture is horrible For example , My mother wanted to marry a man to her daughter. I never liked it due to many reasons.( Qualifications,etc) But at one point my mother herself were planning to ask bride groom family to marry her daughter. But is not our true spirit of India or TAMILS. So I said to my mother ( like some identifications of eliazer and issack ,eliazer PRAYER,) My grandma a sister of my orphan grandma SUPPORTED them a house ( cunning plan ) But till today they are troublesome to us . Pray God bless you. 👍👍👍🙏🏼🙏🏼 My mother is all for money and selfish But God helps to live with her But how long I don't know 👍👍👍🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
@TheNecessaryEvil Says:
Madoff. Epstein. Weinstein. Bankman-Fried. All among the biggest Dem donors. 🤔
@cameronfranklin984 Says:
I just simply know in my heart that there is just ALWAYS no election fraud happening both during the presidential elections every four years AND the midterm elections every four years between them. Ya'll know what i'm saying? Kari Lake and the rest of the GOP just SERIOUSLY gotta get it through their motherfreaking heads and move right the hell along for goodness sake. And also, I think that it should be vital for every single GOP candidate out there to take some time to learn about how elections ACTUALLY work and learn about the REAL definition of election fraud too before just either running for any local or national political office OR just really for re-election for it if they have served a single term thus far. Do ya'll see where i'm coming from with this? Ummmm, yeah. It should be important for the GOP to learn about all of that AND I expect all of those election deniers in the GOP to learn about all of that right now as well. ESPECIALLY Kari "Total Sore Loser" Lake.
@joergquasnowitz3495 Says:
Again it proves - the U.S. population is so badly educated on very basic realities, that they don't even know how their own nation works. It is thus probably the most successful move by the GOP to dismantle the education system.
@evolutionistheflyingspaghe2702 Says:
Katie “The Chicken” Hobbs didn’t recuse herself from oversight of her own election. Nuff Said!
@moonlightpixie9976 Says:
There should be a rule if you are a election denier who goes around telling everyone that the election is rigged if you lose but it's legitimate if you win you should not be allowed to run for public office.
@jeremywilson6337 Says:
Myth? Hardly lmao CNN you gave zero coverage of what happened today with biden corruption that doj is investigating. Everyone tune into fox or news max for truth
@shaystern2453 Says:
what a crappy signal
@gabrielruvalcaba2310 Says:
Hello Hunter... Bye bye pelosi

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