'Beyond logic': Retired general baffled by Russia's military move

'Beyond logic': Retired general baffled by Russia's military move


Retired Maj. Gen. James "Spider" Marks discusses Russia increasing their cruise missile carriers in the Black Sea and what it means for Putin's war in Ukraine. #CNN #News




@SelimeOzdemir-gundy Says:
@kiethjohnson9034 Says:
I hope they have already issued ov we r time
@RiosTikvic Says:
fake news. You know who is in control of the world.
@allenc4909 Says:
Russian cruise missile boats are in the Black Sea because they may be nuclear armed. If and when Putin decides to use nukes, he wants to hit Kyiv from a variety of locations, increasing his chances that at least one nuke will get through the defenses. That’s the only thing that would make the risk of loss worth it.
@blackrocks8413 Says:
baffling that no matter how many billions he spends....he can't beat Russia. Lol...
@relating Says:
Dear heavenly Father: When we witness so much destruction, suffering, pain, death and misery, we feel a real need to ask You that your spirit of wisdom and intelligence could be with us so we could help all people on earth including Russians and Ukrainians to believe that we would certainly would have a happier and more prosperous world if all people on this world would be guided to believe the words and teachings of Your Son Jesus teaching us that we should love You with all our hearts and with all our souls and with all our minds and to love all other people as we love ourselves and that we could also be able to make all people to believe in Jesus' teachings when He said that we should do for all people the same things we wish people be able to do for us. In the Name that is above all names, Your Son Jesus, we ask this and many other things. Amen, Amen. 🙏🙏
@monmixer Says:
The carriers will be hit.
@1Drgnrydr Says:
No shit they are . Just a reason to put us deeper in debt . Warmongers is all the US is !
@Thor_Odinson Says:
The ammunition that the US send to Ukraine couldn't be put to a better use. We help a country and people that are defending themselves from an aggressor and at the same time degrading the military power of a self-proclaimed adversary. While I wish all these weapons systems weren't necessary Russia has demonstrated once again that if you want peace you had better be prepared for war.
@jamesjaramillo2189 Says:
This is more than likely no different than political polls, a bunch of BULLSHIT...
@rod-contracts1616 Says:
The reality is there will always be occurrences of major conflict - that's what men do. Putin must be put down, so the US must continue to arm Ukraine to the hilt, never mind the billions.
@danielsprouls9458 Says:
If the United States budgeted ammunition for a European theater war. The war in Ukraine is a European war. The only near-term advisory is Russia. So I say ship the ammunition. It's tougher with missiles, but one report put the prewar stocks at 4M rounds of 155mm projectiles. No doubt deliverys would out pace production but it will take years for it to be a problem. After a few million rounds of artillery ammo, our supposed near peer rival, Russia, won't be attacking anybody.
@stuartthompson2362 Says:
I can't believe this guy. He knows nothing. He is totally out of touch. Our military could clean this clock in 36 hours. Ground Navy or air
@stuartthompson2362 Says:
What type of ammunition? 22 caliber. We have armories everywhere dumbass. The Springfield armory in Illinois has enough weapons and ammunition for all the armies in the world. You got your little spill on CNN
@sisyphusvasilias3943 Says:
You can get to the Caspian Sea from the Black Sea
@PEvangelistaCruz Says:
What are the world´s leaders waiting for to put an end to Puttin?
@stevejette2329 Says:
OMG ! USA is running low !! Defense expenditures: USA $778 Billion China $250 B India $73 B Russia $62 B UK $59 B AMERICA NEEDS MORE ASAP !!! gimme a break
@echohunter4199 Says:
As a retired Infantry NCO, this is bull. We have a butt load of high end weapons, they want the public to believe we need to make more munitions so they’ll go along with a ginormous spending bill to buy weapons. Hope some of you invest with weapon companies, lol.
@cyclometre Says:
Give Ukraine whatever they need to stop Russia. The Ukrainians are fighting, not only for themselves but for the entire West. We have to ask, who would have been next if this prick Spu-tin defeats the Ukrainians? Spu-tin is just another Hitler!
@kilok9599 Says:
And the defense industries aka War PIgs are making tons of money. Stockholders are ecstatic!
@fordhouse8b Says:
Supplies of munitions dwindling is NOT an inevitability, at least not dwindling so fast that we can only sustain a major war for a year, give or take, it is a policy choice. We could have chosen to have such a large production capacity that we could sustain this rate of munitions use for a decade. We could have chosen to keep production a maximum capacity until we had stockpiled enough to use for the duration of a prolonged war, even a larger war than the one being fought in Ukraine. Sadly we did not make either of those choices.
@petermendoza1170 Says:
China, who 'says' they don't support the war are "tickled" that its going on They've NEVER been friends with anyone. Putin has done this because the west has shunned him at every turn when he wanted to have closer ties between Russia and the west. SO? He went to a longtime enemy,goes to China during the Olympic games,has many toasts with the Chinese and? Geez! He comes back with Cancer and a completely different person which his friends even said "This isn't the man we remember." The makers of COVID smiles in hiding while they watch BOTH the west and Russia running out of weapons. How does China feel about this? The country who has been buying Real Estate abroad including farm lands surrounding the northern nuclear bases just south of the American/Canadian border.
@thatguy8005 Says:
That is why this guy never won a war.
@e.r.t.583 Says:
America has a problem just as Russia has one now. Ammunition weapons and man power and staying power. If war broke out tomorrow with China,, Russia would jump in on their side and the free world alined would jump in with the USA. But a3World war the Chinese would have more weapons than the USA because of our donations to Ukraine over the past year. A global war would have to be short because the amount of weapons we have to throw into a war against China and Russia. A growing problem for us in the future So we must increase our efforts in weapons and ammunition
@srpskidecopravitelj3388 Says:
What a liar, us have been supplying ukrain since 2014 Truth is that US have no guts to fight and win the war against Russia and probably no means to fight the conventional war against them
@samuelgibson780 Says:
Isn't the whole idea that Sevastopol is the only "warm water port" Russia has year round access to the main reason they keep sending ships there? Could be the main reason they took Crimea in the first place. How are they planning on getting those cruisers there? I thought Turkey had closed the straight to warships.
@tomaszkwiecien8591 Says:
During the 2nd Iraq war the US spent 3bil.$ a Day. Since WW2 the US industry is powered by the Military industrial complex. Only Poland ordered 500 Himars Systems, plus Abrams, plus Apache, plus, plus plus. It is not the time to panic but a time to work on 4 shifts 24/7 and bring hundrets of thousends Americans into employment for the benefit of US economy and the security not only for Europe but the World. Russian Aggression broke the Chinees Plans and if same agents in the US gov. Start now to spread panic it is time to Show them the consequence. The consequence is global Butcha.
@joshuadarden7200 Says:
What happens when the US gets into a conflict and we need these weapons. Who's gonna help us
@DR-pj7sr Says:
Civilisation ends in Ukraine. Russia has left civilised world. 🇺🇦🇪🇺🇺🇸🇬🇧🇵🇱💪
@DSRQ1 Says:
Putin is more worried about "accidentally" falling out of a 10th floor highrise window than we are about inventory.
@jimmybobbyluckyducky Says:
We’re running low on military supplies? I sincerely doubt that…
@mymind7508 Says:
Supply with our surplus CRT manuals (in Russian). It will kill them by boredom !
@feedyourmind6713 Says:
Wrong again,CNN, Russia hasn't increased missle capabilities in Black Sea. Misinformation, still.
@ronwalker4849 Says:
@918HUMAN Says:
Cnn diging up these people out of graves for interviews 🤣
@chickendinner2562 Says:
why is this being reported ? honestly if the enemies wanted to attack us this would be the time. Thanks CNN
@dsbmgrey9504 Says:
Russia is historically good at chess, but they apparently don't even know the basics of warfare.
@wintermaryland3619 Says:
Why such lame questions, from ladys on all news channels. Watch piers morgan and see what to ask. Not any lame question.
@philchurch1115 Says:
Running low ? I am a retired Navy Veteran and we will never run low on anything so why say it ? so what we need to do is park two aircraft carrier battle groups right off of the coast of Italy and sit and see what happens and I know that would freak pootin out for sure..
@robertseavor4304 Says:
America must continue aiding the Ukrainians. Without US weapons how are the Ukrainian Nazi militias going to complete ethnic cleansing in the East?
@MrRacing44 Says:
So we’ve gone from being able to fight a major to front war to just helping a small country and running low on munitions ! With size of the defense budget somebody needs to start asking where the hell is money going !
@coloradomountainman8659 Says:
And the Industrial War Machine gets richer and richer. Thank you leftist tyrants for supporting the corrupt Biden administration that in turn supports the corporations that profit from war. Unsure how you all can sleep at night.
@southpole4776 Says:
Ya Germans said the same. They lost
@pmacgowan Says:
Every $ US spends is destroying $100's of R gear, sounds like a good deal to me!
@alchapman4621 Says:
China are loving this.usa & NATO running low on ammunition. WW3 is their a for the taking 😠😠
@wallyw4965 Says:
We have an 800$ billion a year defense budget- Russia has a miniscule 64$ billion a year budget- US help combined with all the EU and world help going to ukraine is simply too much for russia to handle- this war will only go on for so much longer - we have sent 18 billion in weaponry- 5% of our defense budget has crippled the russian army- the return for investment literally could not be any better - only Republicans using ukranian lives as pawns trying to impede support packages, are the only ones even raising this issue- but in reality the lend lease was singed into law and congress has nothing to do with it now- biden can supply ukraine through that program for the next 2 years - people need to realize russia simply can't sustain the rate of loss versus 50+ countries supporting ukraine- just a matter of time before russia fully crumbles- the days of ww1 ww2 where you can just keep throwing troops into the battle are over- once russias missle stockpiles, artillery, and tanks are all destroyed they won't be able to do anything.... in modern war you have to have the equipment and capabilities- once it's lost your done for.
@sue4129 Says:
Nukes r on the menu, unless I ate them already
@tjlegs6621 Says:
Like me, aren't the global citizens very tired of all this conflict and bullshit in this world? Isn't it time for a change to a better way? Or not yet?
@amorosogombe9650 Says:
Well think how many more missiles you will need if Ukraine doesn't keep Russia tied down and they invade Poland? The best move is giving Ukraine everything to resolutely defeat Russia as fast as possible and trigger a coup in Moscow. There's no other way out of this mess. Prolonging it serves no one.

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