'Worthless billionaire': See messages projected on Twitter's building

'Worthless billionaire': See messages projected on Twitter's building


Employees are resigning from Twitter after Elon Musk told employees they would be required to work "extremely hardcore" to stay. One critic projected insults directed at Musk on Twitter's building. #CNN #News




@diannemose244 Says:
Now Musk wants to build a city where I'm positive he'd be mayor, judge, jury and landlord oh mercy
@TheChosenGeneration1 Says:
CNN is Always so wrong, Twitter is better now but I understand CNN stand point
@tesseract2365 Says:
CNN, the entertainment station of the deluded left.
@8halex Says:
Everyone freeking out to be exposed. I love it
@larry4788 Says:
Stop reporting stupid stuff and get to the FBI scandals
@larry4788 Says:
Why are these people not reporting the real problem with our cheating president
@larry4788 Says:
The president is a rat and will be removed soon
@larry4788 Says:
Biden needs to be jailed along with these FBI crimanals
@obwhankanobee1923 Says:
When we have to depend on twitter to get any real news is just another sign that freedom is dissappearing in a NY Hurry.......
@wst8340 Says:
This a Comedy Channel?
@fifty9forty3 Says:
But, you see, the insides (giblets) of Twitter, it's viscera has rotted (cancerous) and must be gutted. A large portion of the internal organism has turned to foul smelling, swelling swill, and is but a few viable cells of what it was meant to be and could be. During the process of evisceration all attempts to discard only the rotted organs and retaining those healthy and functional will be made, and all attempts to keep the patient alive during the procedure will be practiced. All reliable news updates by "Dr." Elon Musk, Chief Surgeon or his personally assigned associates.
@brendaechols5929 Says:
That's his own fault
@Jwolves Says:
I don't even care about the Elon Shit its scary that people are Calling Twitter Employees Intelligent and Smart.....
@Jwolves Says:
Theres more important things to talk about instead of Twitters feelings
@gilbertozuniga8063 Says:
Fuc&ing Musk just lost 42B- not very smart
@conversationswithme8601 Says:
Puppy Dogs.
@Suh-spence Says:
This segment is a joke.
@conversationswithme8601 Says:
Now we're suppose to protect the Liars?
@ianmangham4570 Says:
Cartoon News Network
@RM-ov8gk Says:
Twitter was not the problem people....it was Jack Dorsey who created the fake news conspiracy platform. It's Elon Musk who is exposing it.
@martindread6530 Says:
Twitter is absolute proof of election interference by democrats.. democrats are misinformation.
@PassengersMusic777 Says:
Twitter colluded with the Biden Govt to censor thousands on important stories such as the virus, vaxx, hunter biden, elections… And now it’s ‘thousands will lose their livelihoods because Elon fired them…’ One again CNN proving they are smooth-brained corrupt tools
@johnprospect78 Says:
Wokes running from hard work...shocking
@shiftyeyesnv8352 Says:
CNN is sad. We see through your political motive to deceive
@stormyweather9917 Says:
@2:46. No, CNN is tanking and not twitter. Elon is cleaning house and y'all will keep using twitter.
@Fanta93 Says:
I dont use Twitter but the sheer hatred and need to cancel people on it is absolutely disgusting. If elon wants to show how bad it is I say let him I only feel bad kinda for those who maybe make a living on it
@CursxR0 Says:
Anyone who doesn’t bakc Elon on this is legit crazy. Why would he keep on all those lazy workers who took breaks every hour? It’s actually insane how easy a job at twitter was before this.
@CursxR0 Says:
The amount of people defending these useless twitter employees is crazy. I wonder how many companies we have in America that harbor this many man children. Your actually complaining about having to do a job instead of having breaks every 5 seconds.
@jmajcher101 Says:
This is all pure lies
@danielrichter5066 Says:
The left is melting, it’s melting.
@Tonyrg1988 Says:
Bigots, if a man wants to identify as a child thats his truth.
@Edward_Gray Says:
Just make people sign up with their legal, government name, so they can be held responsible for anything they say. We should have freedom of speech
@billywarren9834 Says:
Treasonous exodus!!!
@hangten1904 Says:
If you wanna make an omelet, you're gonna have to break some egg shells.
@nashvegas4476 Says:
Crybabies gonna cry
@modifidious666 Says:
this shows how childish these ex employees are, work is work.
@midnighfairy Says:
The mask is falling off democrats face 🤣🤣🤣
@edgarplummer6750 Says:
Elon any chance your gonna release Twitter Files about Governors and Mayors working with the media to promote BLM and Antifa burning down Federal building and police station in there cities?
@erikhadinger7655 Says:
Why is everybody so offended about free speech?
@dannypowers4995 Says:
Musk is saving our democracy and free speech . He is not even a politician or judge. Thank you Elon for saving our democracy and free speech.
@EChaves1 Says:
Lies, lies, lies! Created my NEW account 5 days ago! Logged in. logged out. over and over. You are wrong.
@surajjha2753 Says:
#Hail putin of actually fighting the self centerd west and the actual culprit zelensky , more than 50 countrys got traped in the web of usa and zelensky , but still russia is defending itz needful intrest , there is really needfull of global leaders like putin and modi to reshape the world poltics directions , and future , i and my fellow humatarian brothers are with russia and we r one call away we will fight for russia , in all manner we got.
@slumin069 Says:
Who believes fake news, you can get more reliable news from twitter
@darellsimons2687 Says:
Or is it what freedom looks like 👍
@RealYoutube33 Says:
Democrats butt hurt one of their tech giants have fallen out of their control.
@bmctigue5587 Says:
group of idiots pontificating Don Lemon is the worst. CNN is melting
@PlacidSine Says:
Not too worried, what were they working on anyway
@TomZart Says:
TWITTER & THE LIBERTY OF MAN – 2022 !! Do we really know who we are within Do actually know what we stand for? I hope you’re willing to solve this question As so many have had to before. No democracy can survive the uncaring Those who are corrupted by money and its power. The importance of faith, truth and honesty Is without them no nation can flower. Some of the greatest heroes in history Wore holes in the knees of their pants. For without God's grace and human prayer Man's survival on Earth is by chance. May God continue to bless America Refusing evil the upper hand. It’s up to us to stay resolute Defending the liberty of Man. By Tom Zart Most Published Poet On The Web Tom’s 1, 650 Poems Are Free To Share!
@tsigoloiborcim Says:
Well, that didn't age well.
@richcarroll7510 Says:
How's them layoffs going CNN ...DONT CRY YOU DID THIS YOURSELF ,SPREADING FAKENEWS ,funny how you talk about people leaving as the company you work for is going Broke ....And it's not a conspiracy theory either....🤣😂🤣😂😂

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