'Russia can't compete on the traditional battlefield': Expert on Putin's missile campaign

'Russia can't compete on the traditional battlefield': Expert on Putin's missile campaign


Council on Foreign Relations President Richard Haass and CNN Presidential Historian Timothy Naftali join CNN's Fareed Zakaria to discuss Russia's brutal bombardment of Ukraine and why the West shouldn't try to find an off-ramp for President Vladimir Putin. #CNN #News




@martinlopez4430 Says:
CFR is a nest of snakes. CFR hardly offers any kind of objective perception of anything much less Ukraine. CFR is riddled with Zionist & Zelenskyy being a member of the tribe steers CFR & Haass to be pro Ukraine! Get a clue people!
@audreyheart2180 Says:
Mr. Putin, why you killin' them from Ukraine? You guys look exactly like 'em; you sound like 'em too... Killin' innocents ain't gonna ease your pain, ya know? Rebuilding Russia will. 😐 You're a smart man. You shd know by now, that no country or group can, will, or want to invade or mess with Russia. Nobody wants war.. There's still time... 🤨😑
@1LongTallTexan Says:
Ukraine will not have fertilize it's wheat fields this winter to grow wheat. There are so many dead Russian's left in the field rows...Ukraine can just plow them under and plant the wheat!
@williamwells1862 Says:
No Kidding. Putin just doesn't get it. His troops are being vaporized every day in every way, and he sends more troops to die. Watt a sicko.
@JD-ej8zm Says:
Thank goodness the merchant of death is back for all Russias arms needs!!
@todzarneckey2529 Says:
@Misserbi Says:
Russia depends on the zero factor. Zero knowledge = zero loss. If they were explaining what the hell they were doing then they themselves would be confused. I saw a dog scared on the street and a citizen on a bike ride shot down. This is not justice prevailing. It cannot be. If Ukrainians realize the price they probably would be like me and review each and every little thing I did and knew better not to do. Btw FZ's approach is terrorizing a discussion. That is what I learned. Kiss your own a**.
@Елена-г4о2у Says:
Haha! 15 counties have been sending Ukrainian weapon sinse last spring. Now in Ukraine there are more NATO militaries than Ukrainian. There is constant need of PRO systems. 95 milliards didn't help:) You are shown fake videos that are making in a huge quantity in Ukraine for propaganda. They even show chronicals of the Second World War:) Russia pu a pity on Ukrainian people. Because East Ukraine are Russian perritories with most Russian population.
@jeffwhite5841 Says:
But It makes sense tho..communist news network
@jeffwhite5841 Says:
Lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie thats all u guys do so mite as well rinse and repeat
@d74rjm Says:
The two preopinents tell lies, as is the custom on American TV. The truth is exactly the opposite - the Americans are incapable of conquering a territory and keeping it. This truth is proven in Iraq, in Afghanistan, in Syria and many years ago in Vietnam. The Americans do not want to fight on the ground, face to face with the enemy. The Americans prefer to send aviation and missiles to fight in their place. Right now, Russia is making an excellent demonstration of classical warfare. The Russian army goes to the field and conquers it from the enemy. And keep what they conquered.
@valentinap.macahilomacahil5305 Says:
Lord have mercy on the people oc Ukraine. Putin's policy of targeting energy infrastructure and water facilities to let civilians suffer. He should be stopped Lord. You are the Lord of might and power. Stop this evil man who is targeting helpless individuals. Lord be with the people of Ukraine as they suffer.
@michelecampanelli5419 Says:
These analyzes are useless: the bombing of the civilian population and infrastructure are only part of an overall plan for a war of attrition. A war of attrition is won by the rival who has the most resources...
@youtubeoppressivecensorshi8047 Says:
Not at first we appeared weak because of joe Biden. They going bring them back to Stone Age million people can die . We need impose no fly zone. I think In conflict they likely shoot them in the face . We need military intervention. Blockade oe no fly zone . Whatever we are doing not enough
@youtubeoppressivecensorshi8047 Says:
Cover up should be no fly zone . Unlikely they follow orders to use nuclear missiles.
@skymaster4121 Says:
The truth is Russia sucks militarily Big time. Their airforce is defeated by manpads, their navy is defeated by a country without a navy, their groundforces are decimated by Ukraine, undisciplined, untrained, with no equipment. They are only ‘good’ against small countries. But they absolutely cannot take Ukraine. The funny thing is, Putin wants to take on all of NATO 😂😂😂
@diegofernando9069 Says:
CNN hasn't show Dombass' citizens attacked by Fascist Ukrainian regime for 8 years. I'm not underestimating Russian attacks, just pointing out double morale.
@voodoorage2710 Says:
Ut o
@geezhud Says:
Fake news, Russia is crushing the Ukraine and the US government is destroying our country pretending that our financial support has any impact whatsoever.
@ruskiydude9987 Says:
Well it is solely competing against 40+ countries on the battlefield and showing them all the middle finger as we speak.
@nervous1913 Says:
Never underestimate your enemy
@Xover112 Says:
Then why dont you say that US while outnumbering isis in like 10 times were shelling them with cruise missiles instead of "competing on traditional battlefield", why dont you talk about US bombing civilian infrastructure since day 1 in Iraq?
@mikevalentino2225 Says:
With your ending a senile Biden is not scaring anyone... too bad we have a weak senile old man in office none of this would have happened under strong leadership.
@pedroleitao5102 Says:
Keep getting your information through CNN, so you can reassure all your prejudices are true and keep yourself dumbily misleaded and uninformed. That's good for you!
@davidzaitsev2119 Says:
Off ramp ...at the cost of thousands of Ukrainians
@davidzaitsev2119 Says:
Haha wait until the US faces a comparable adversary...
@bubbyfuzz454 Says:
This is not football. All is fair in love and war. A dirty war is the most effective.
@mogeking56 Says:
Russian people should have rose up against the war by the millions before it started, but I guess they thought 💭 that they would benefit from the rapes, murders and thief that their sons and husband were eager to commit unfortunately they payed the Ultimate price with over 100 thousand dead ☠️ 50 thousand wounded and let’s not mention the mentally damaged the cost is unmeasurable. We all thought that approximately 580 thousand deaths ☠️ from Covid-19 would have been enough for Putin, but I guess his Bloodthirst 🩸🧛‍♂️ had not been quenched . We are looking at 680 thousand people dead ☠️ in Russia 🇷🇺 from Covid-19 and the war, the war goes on and before it’s over their could be more than 200 thousand dead ☠️ Russian soldiers putting the death ☠️ level at 880 thousand people, but please remember Covid-19 is still killing people so…..I put the death total in Russia well over one million dead ☠️ from Covid-19 and the war by years end. That’s a lot of death ☠️ for one country, but Putin still thinks it’s worth it so……he presses on with his death ☠️ March.
@springbloom5940 Says:
Then, I guess neither can the US, huh imbecile? Because we destroyed *everything* with a pipe or cable going in or out of it on literally Day 1 of Desert Storm, Noble Anvil and Iraqi Freedom. Asshat.
@itworked2092 Says:
Putin won’t take an off ramp. And we can’t back off. It’s scary
@gf5617 Says:
Russia is Moscow and St Petersburg nothing else. The true pain is in the post.
@fairshake1518 Says:
@davidarchibald50 Says:
My father was a Lancaster pilot in WW2, shot down in late 44. He always felt unease at the ruthless murder of men, women, children, old people, and babies caught up in an attempt to destroy German industry and morale. While I believe no nation can withstand the destruction of cities without severe damage to her economy, and Germany's war effort was fatally damaged by the bombing effort, I know that Germany never gave in because of the bombing. In fact, the people, like the British before them, became fatalistic and determined to endure, survive, and win. Ukraine will endure a harsh cold winter; compared to Stalin's Holomodor, it will be a holiday camp. Putin has no understanding of people or history, and he will fail and die with his lies in his throat. Slava Ukraini
@nathansowden6223 Says:
Putin's killing of ladies and children now there freezing so sad i Putin Russia killed ladies and young children.the world can't justify this horrible event l children are dead
@Axye-mk6rc Says:
Yeah yeah but Nato don’t want the peace for the world just remember that
@erikroot7372 Says:
It's none of my business but if Donald Trump was in Office this war would never have started. And if it did not only would Russia suffer from strict sanctions. They would have been strategically picked apart by land sea and air within a matter of weeks. Vladimir Putin would have been hit hard from all direction .what could he have done with all troops in and around Ukraine as Russia has all Major electricall power
@USB740 Says:
Why don't these two jews say the reason why Israel won't give back the stolen Golan Heights and the West Bank after having annexed it?
@USB740 Says:
Something is wrong with Fareed Zakarias's breathing
@georgejamesducas9602 Says:
In 60 AD Apostle Saint Andrew traveled to the area of Kiev, preached, and said, one day a great city would be built here with many churches to the glory of God. Today there is a church to Saint Andrew in Kiev. The peoples in the area were Slavic. Kyi, Shchek and Khoryv, three brothers and the sister Lybid founded Kiev in 482 AD, Kiev was named after the older brother Kyi. Kiev the older brother was King. Herodotus wrote that Hercules had founded this land. The Rus were Viking tribes that settled peacefully in Kiev as far back as 750 AD with the Slavs there, 400 years before Moskva existed. The name Russia, coming from the city Moskva, has no connection to the RUS. Russia coming from Moskva started with Batu Kahn much later as a vasal under Mongolian rule. All the early Czars were Mongolian and of no connection to the RUS. The Rus were with the Slavs to the south in Kiev. Moskva were Finnish Urgic Tribes; Mosk means cow and Va water, which are Finnish names. There was no RUS there. The ethnic background of Moskva is Finnish-Urgic and Mongolian. The Rus developed the religion, city Kiev, alphabet, churches, and had its saints. The founder of Kievian Rus (800) or the Rus was a Viking named Askold or Oskold (Norse) from Sweden; not Oleg as in the Russian story. Kievian Rus exists long Before Novgorod and Oleg’s arrival there. Askold is the Slavic name. Oskold, the first King of Kievian Rus was in Kiev before Oleg in Novgorod. Oskold had 200 ships and 20,000 warriors. Oskold was baptized in Constantinople (128 years before Volodymyr) and sent the first bishop back to Kiev. Oskold and Dir were the first Dynasty of Kievian Rus. Askold rules from the 40-60s and Dir to the 80s. Askold is buried in Kiev and the first Kievian Christian King & Dynasty. Oleg followed coming from Sweden through Novgorod and was a pagan. Russia as named today started in the city of Moskva over 400 years later after Kievian Rus or Rus. From Kiev, the capitol of Rus, Kievian culture was spread, much like the Greeks Hellenized the known world, or like the British anglicized the world by the English language. This process does not make Moskva to become RUS in as much as Persian are not Greek. How we are misled by a name; Russia. The capitol of the RUS has always been Kiev. There is no other RUS and no RUS in Moskva. Many say Ukraine began recently; but the culture of the RUS is Kievian RUS, both culture and ethnic background. Ukraine is a name given by Poland meaning outer lands. The land of the RUS before the Mongolian invasion was very large. The name RUS is a Norse name which means men that row; there are no men that row in Moskva. So Moskva adopted the name Russia while being a Mongolian vassal, essentially traitor to the RUS; and all the Czars were Mongolian-Finnish. The Culture of the Mongolian was centralized power, and that cultural imprint was passed on to present day Russia. Ukraine’s real name should be Kievian RUS, or Kievskarus! Russia began in Moskva by Batu Kahn and Novgorod conquered much later, still no connection to the Rus. Putin & Lavrov should be ashamed of themselves, the USSR was an occupation; it never had the status of a sovereign state and due process of law that would be associated with a free society. Even today the mentality of the gulag exists. There is no freedom of press and speech, people are arrested for speech, there is no due process of law, and the religion is state run making it a totalitarian theocracy. As such, it did not deserve to exist in a free world; and history has shown such totalitarian organizations fail over time and author in many gulags. The true culture of Russia is Finno-Ugric and Mongolian, having nothing to do with the RUS (Kievian), expect borrowed as in the sense of Hellenized or Anglicized "forms" as a comparative reference. The centralized form of Russian politics is a very Mongolian imprint on culture. The actions of Putin seem to be another Mongolian invasion of Kiev; here I suggest as to the correct metaphor. I believe so. Putin & Lavrov insistence to have purview over eastern Europe also seems like paying tribute to the Mongolian Horde. Moskva started as an agglomeration of Finnish tribes, combining a Finnish name meaning cows water and developed by Mongolian culture. Mosk means cow and Va means water. The RUS are men that row, Vikings, Norse, established Kiev 400 years before (750 AD) Moskva even thought to exist. The name Russia for current nation is totally inappropriate. The current Russia started in Moskva; how misleading is the name Russia coming from Moskva that has no connection to the RUS. All the lands should be returned to Kiev; the West of Russia to Finland, and the East to Mongolia. Russia’s place on the globe appears as a temporary aberration in my view. To use threats of Nukes publicly strikes at the heart as adolescent behaviour; surely any nation or person that issues such threats and being an ally to such while not even having war imposed on them is not fit to rule. This would include allies of Russia. Oh yes, I remember, Russia didn't invent the bomb, they stole it in the 1940's and gave it to Kurchatov. Russia struggles with an identity crisis since its beginnings unoriginal to the ethnic groups. Its errors are numerous, 50 million killed by Stalin in WW2, allied to the Nazis to kill the Poles for their defeat in WW2, Holodomor where millions of Ukrainians were killed and grain stolen, and constant antagonist with Europe. We even have the Holy Mother announcing Russia’s errors at Fatima. Russia is a Mongolian culture and all the first Czars were Mongolian and Batu Kahn is the author. Oskold was the grandson of Ragnar the king of Sweden, his name is old Norse and spoke old Norse, the name Rus is old Norse, he settled peacefully in Kiev and the Slavs made him king, he brought Christianity to Kiev with his son dir...his burial mound is where St Nicholas church is built, Oleg wasn’t even in Novgorod when this happened, and Oleg is not a Rus nor old Norse name. The Slavs called Oskold the name Askold. After came Dir, Oleg was a pagan who assassinated Dir, Oskold becomes the first dynasty...later when the line of kings get to Vladimir, he is captured at a trading post by the Mongols, the post is called Moskva, and the king killed. Moskva as a city was a Mongolian invention, and Novgorod becomes a part of that Russia by conquest, although having nothing to do with the Rus. Oskold line is Ragnar, ironside, Oskold from the King of Sweden Ragnar. Oleg is via Rurik coming much later. The accounts of Oskold are within the time, Al Mamun an Arab writer of the time wrote of Oskold, the Russian chronicles come hundreds of years later. In much the same way accounts of relevant history are better understood by those of the times, much like the Bible, dating to the original times makes the account authentic. The Russian chronicles are merely a tale and inaccurate. Kiev was a city over 1000 years before Russia even existed. Kiev was Kievian Rus before Novgorod and when Oleg arrived. Putin is kidding himself if he thinks any part of Ukraine belongs to Russia. We can see that Israel belongs to the Jews, similarly all the lands around Kiev of Kievian Rus belong to Kiev as a single nation and city state. Russia's beginnings are a wanting child begun as a captive insurgency having nothing of its own; a captive state that was reeking in servitude to Mongolia and invented by Mongolia. The entire culture of Russia from Moscow is Mongolian centralized power, a pagan culture of no empathy and Christianity. The Christianity is tainted as a state religion or theocracy and politicized. History is often obscured by being written by the ones in charge. The history of Ukraine has been obscured by the Soviet Occupation and cultural appropriations. Moscow in an attempt to appropriate a history not its own, rewrote the narrative of history to cover up its compromised origins; Kiev and Ukraine is a history much older and more civilized; making contributions to civilization. Russian despotism becomes the blueprint, foundation & model for every despot nation, look at its allies; the error of its ways has spread throughout the globe; much like the message from the Holy Mother at Fatima. Those that are sympathetic to Russian atrocities can find similarities in their own histories. Ukraine has a democracy at a local level Moscow never had and fears. Russian boundless ignorance is a type often found in the poorest of nations, and usually the poorest have a history of the hardest tyrants over them that also inflict poverty, physical and spiritual, on others they attempt to subjugate, a reflection of their own lives, an abomination of desolation. Askold was in Constantinople in 860 and Oleg arrived in Novgorod not until 862. The Arabs referred to Askold as the Slavic King or King of the Slavs which he had been for a while. Pontius says Askold brings Christianity to Kiev from Constantinople and a bishop. Ragnar the Norse King of Sweden was born in 767 AD, his son Bjorn ironside was born in 796 AD, and grandson Oskold (Askold) was born in 820 AD. Askold arrived in Kiev in 840 and had a son Dir, Both become King and the first Christian dynasty. Askold dies and gets a burial mound in a park in Kiev. Dir follows as King. Dir is assassinated by Oleg who is a pagan. Nobody knows who Rurik is or who the father is . Oleg is a generation away from Askold. Olga of Kiev builds a church on Askold’ s burial grounds. Pontius of Constantinople says Askold brings a Bishop and Christianity to Kiev. Russia much later is a Mongolian invention....Ukraine was called so since kievian rus..Peter the great changed the name of muskovy to Russia in 1781 and forced the peasants who spoke ugric to speak old Slavic from Ukraine and call it Russian. At that time kiev had been for 1000 years. Russia is not older than the USA. The ugrics allied with the mongolians to invade Ukraine during Mongolian invasion....
@smokeALOTofWEED Says:
This bullshit cnn full of crap zelensky should be in jail for war crimes putin is still selling oil to every1. What a load of crap anyone who believes them why don't u go read more cause u ain't reading enough. Russia doesn't want to fight and has kept saying let's talk zelensky is the one that doesn't want to talk he's a puppet put there by the us in 2014. He's been killing his own people for close to 9 years and why doesn't any1 talk about that or the natzis that live in ukraine.
@Patt12 Says:
Putin need to be remove from power and from Ukraine He is a terrorist He not keep the fight in the battlefield He prefer destroy civilian infrastructure to compensate for the failure in the field Big bill for Moscow to pay to Ukraine damage
@catalinstefanescu7154 Says:
Russia needs to go...
@davec4276 Says:
Time for NATO to Negate a Russia’s attack capability! Time to get a backbone!
@dagmastr12 Says:
Too bad CNN has no credibility left
@randallbaker5056 Says:
Most military countries at least has 6 months basic training they don't pick people off the street or clean out prisons 1 week or less they are on the front lines,it amounts to a death sentence.
@kirtjackson1830 Says:
He so desperate.
@peterbarber7603 Says:
At lease steven Seagal knows what its like to stand next to a mas murdererd like Adolf Putin and his inner cilcle.
@clayvilla8302 Says:
CNN always fuck news idiot
@WhiteDevil-hi2nk Says:
Don't underestimate Russia. It's the largest country in the world with staggering amount of resources including oil and gas. The country is basically self sustaining right now.And they have a huge reserve army of 25 million men ready to die for their motherland.If Putin decide to go for an total war situation Ukraine is fucked.Only hope Ukraine has is support of NATO and US.right now Russia is scared of western weaponry and technology.But it won't matter at the end of the day because Russia still holds the largest number of nukes in the world more than rest of the world combined.
@peterbarber7603 Says:
Viva Ukraine, Pete from England, God save the King. 😄❤💛💙🤟✌👍💪🙏🙏🙏

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