Club Q shooting survivor recounts terrifying experience

Club Q shooting survivor recounts terrifying experience


Barrett Hudson was shot seven times by a gunman at Club Q, an LGBTQ nightclub in Colorado Springs, Colorado. He tells CNN's John Berman about his harrowing experience.




@kikaydeklerk Says:
@Femamaph Says:
Wasn’t this place a bath house? Yikes
@thestrugglingmtf Says:
Glad this man pulled through. It is also refreshing to see that there’s no people saying “W shooter” or “hes faking it”
@heatherbrooke7613 Says:
My heart 😢 your blessed hun …so blessed.
@1whocs486 Says:
This experience is horrific...this young man is strong and will get through this ...hopefully this killing of anyone at anytime.. no matter who you are...we are subject to being shot in the Grocery store of pumping gas or at a gay bar will stop ...PEOPLE ARE FULL OF HATE ....I WISH I HAD THE ANSWER ... BUT OBVIOUSLY I DONT ...HEAL QUICKLY YOUNG MAN ❤ best of luck to you ❤
@dotsdot5608 Says:
7 times and standing!? this mans a brick wall!
@Aname-hk4bu Says:
All those things are wanted. Stop being gay. Clearly America is sending a messages not once, but twice.
@Aname-hk4bu Says:
Verbs help. To do. Do drink. To build. To buy. To sleep. To eat.
@brandiwilson31204 Says:
What a brave young man!!!
@rawtooth4704 Says:
Glad you made it out alive my friend.
@joann5075 Says:
17 people 🥴🥴🤔
@dougsmalls5459 Says:
Haven’t heard anything since. Hmmmmmm.
@johnturner2438 Says:
GOD hates sin
@FerallHog Says:
Democrat paid Crisis Actor.
@hOurworld11 Says:
Hmmmm abit sussed, so much happening at the moment involving shootings with officials. Smells like a setup to get rid of weapons from the public.
@iamherocks Says:
At Erauqs Gnag we normally laugh when stoggaf eid, but we are never to rejoice when people die. But look at it this way, the bible says "when the righteous prospers, there are shouts of joy, when the wicked perish, there are also shouts of joy, king David the writer of the above psalms was sharing common sense. Our agents however at Erauqs Gnag have reasons to Believe the shooters too were members of the cowardly illuminati -lgbtq. Jealousy and envy sprouting amongst members......
@misterguy9002 Says:
Can’t wait till Barrett is fully recovered and gets to not only confront the shooter, but the shooters absolute toxic garbage of a father.
@sidali2590 Says:
They need to stop playing loud music in nightclubs. Death penalty for this evil bastard shooter
@carleehenderson Says:
I just want to give this man a hug. <3
@annabelegan8097 Says:
Barrett you seem like a lovely man. I wish you all the best in your recovery. Sending love and healing thoughts to you from Oxford, England.
@dmw4914 Says:
Have republicans bailed out the shooter yet?
@changeibc9599 Says:
Well. Perfect Example of letting people go.. This could have been 100% Avoided. Read Below. Democrat D.A. The shooting came more than a year after Aldrich was arrested following a standoff with SWAT teams after authorities say Aldrich threatened to stockpile guns, ammo and body armor to become the “next mass killer.” But charges were dropped, the record is sealed and prosecutors say they can’t legally talk about what happened.
@makpazon11 Says:
Your shiny smile touched many. Love conquers.
@wildflower1397 Says:
For anyone out there who dosen't know anyone from the LGBTQ community, know that most are a lot like this man and others who fought back. They are good people, and don't deserve the hate and violence they receive far too often.
@todzarneckey2529 Says:
GOOD FOT THE COMMUNIST NEWS NETWORK CNN IS GOING OUT OF BIZ LAYING OFF PEOPLE LEFT ANG RIGHT BOY COTT THE COMMUNIST NEWS NETWORK CNN If you support them then you are a communist and don't let you kids anywhere near DEMOCRATS LIBS for they support PEDOPHILIA so they all must be PEDOPHOLLAS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@ronwong2153 Says:
Barrett you have an amazing spirit to share with your family and friends. Keep recovering and spreading love
@gregDino32 Says:
I hope not though.
@gregDino32 Says:
Wtf man I'm so sick and tired of all these shootings , makes me angry and sad at the same time . I am glad some people did beat the shooters ass though at the club Q , he got what deserved . Unfortunately this guy's grandfather is a republican senator , so it will be a slap on the wrist smh.
@namafarm Says:
Basically a miracle. Wow.
@lbcreativedesigns9210 Says:
Yes God saw it fit to spare him, he's got more to do. 🙏🙏🙏
God bless you. Hope you can recover fully
@annrhoads6808 Says:
Thank GOD U MADE IT God bless you💕🙏🏻🕯🙏🏻
@yvonneclemente9064 Says:
I know this survival story was written by God. He has something planned for you sir 🙌🏾🙏🏾
@yvonneclemente9064 Says:
✨️ Healing energy to all affected by this horrible traumatic incident 🙌🏾🙏🏾
@robingarrett7252 Says:
That's Not LUCK!! You are a walking talking miracle! Thank God for your life sir.
@robingarrett7252 Says:
That's Not LUCK!! You are a walking talking miracle! Thank God for your life sir.
@Aliyahmariamusic Says:
Wow I am horrified at this. I hope you recover soon as possible I’m so proud of you for surviving this senseless hate. I have ptsd diagnosed and you will surely have it as well and that’s a journey in its own. Support from Florida ❤
@paulfox1020 Says:
there’s a sucker born every minute...
@justme3858 Says:
Get well stay strong buddy 🙏💯
@colleen31 Says:
Trying to break 50 cents record of being shot 8 times and surviving! He survived being shot 7 times, that's a miracle!
@apachemimi9762 Says:
@holyjeezy2655 Says:
@Makeusqueak Says:
Oh boo hoo hoo.
@Dani-ICU-RN Says:
Not yr day to go...🙏🏻..THANK GOD..There's something you need to do.. raise age of gun sales,a waiting period?? I'm 15 min from Parkland Fl ,MSD, here.. 18 to 22 yr old men,+ gun..what is it!? Ur awesome..stay strong
@Dani-ICU-RN Says:
Glad you stayed♡ ty.
@tvommy Says:
When will enough be enough?
@robertbattersby8744 Says:
So happy that you’re still alive. You are alive because you haven’t completed your work here. Prayers for a speedy and full recovery. God bless.
@rubcan Says:
What a story 🥺 This is a miracle
@osbornewheaton4776 Says:
Sending heartfelt prayers , I listen to your story in my big truck absolutely crying. You have a purpose and hopefully you have a complete recovery. Much love ❤️
@frankym69 Says:
I have a story for you 'woke leftists attack Abraham Lincoln statues'. I truly want to actually see you hack call out your own, but you created that beast. That's why your ratings keeping going down the shitter.

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