Hear what a retired US colonel thinks Hamas will do during truce
Hear what a retired US colonel thinks Hamas will do during truce



@philliplamberth4075 Says:
There is tunnel holes in every house, hospital, schools in Gaza built with thousands AMO in them hundreds of miles of tunnels built but they took money from world to get all that to destroy israel.
@y031962 Says:
45 years ago the whole west launch the onslaught on Iranian people by sending Ayatollah Khomeini from the outset it was very obvious that Ayatollah was enjoying the support of counterfeiters. Now the whole world has to pay the price. Unfortunately two nations that paid dearly for this policy were people of Iran and Israel.
@ericp1139 Says:
Why do they keep bringing this guy on? He’s been wrong about everything in Ukraine.
@idrismohammed111 Says:
This is the problem with Western main stream media such as CNN. It is biased and keep telling naked lies. This report, she is keep asking about the well being of only Israelis hostages, but no a single mention of the Palestinians kids and women who were imprisoned (if fact they too are hostages) for years and year just for merely throwing stones or resisting against the Zionist settlers who took their ancestral houses by force. Shame on CNN! where is your humanity and Justice. It is disgust! That is why so many people turning away from the main stream media outlet and go to online (social media) to find out the truth and what is really happening in ground. Keep up spread the lies and your double standard narratives! At the end the truth will win! you will be exposed.
@ray24051 Says:
In my opinion as a US Army veteran I would say Hamas Will not go back towards northern Gaza. There is nothing there really their tunnels have been destroyed and infrastructures also they will push towards the south and move their assets and equipment there.
@Sarah-j3r1h Says:
@tjmaxx4739 Says:
The hate these Israel and USA has for Palestine is sick, Gaza is a Palestine state , USA had invaded and killed 1 million Iraqi , all reported in USA media , and USA military have done what? PTSD, can you image how Gaza biggest concentration camp USA gives Israel dollars for doing such thing ?
@jocksam6634 Says:
Nuke Hamas !
@WayOfDiplomacy Says:
"The violence committed by Israeli settlers amounts to practicing ethnic cleansing in detail. Here it involves getting rid of a troublesome village, there of a town, or even of a family." Gérard Araud, former French Ambassador to Israel, November 15, 2023. Please free all hostages and prisoners in Israel and Palestine. Please stop illegal settlements.
@autisticfieldmarshall1006 Says:
IDF soldiers have proven to be cowards, while IDF commanders have proven to be stupid. Worst outcome for any military.
@QuantumOfSolace1 Says:
This guy is never correct !! Drone surveillance won’t stop. And if you think every missing hostage will be released and accounted for - think again. Israeli forces are formulating attacks on HAMAS positions during this pause. This FBI guy is Captain Obvious and lacks some reality - trust - is he joking??? Both sides are plotting their next attacks!
@tabbaf7948 Says:
The world is watching, israel is not destroying hamas, because new hamas will emerge as a result of their action. CNN wake up everyone is now a journalist, thanks for mobile technology we cant listdn to your lies anymore. There are many respected podcast that we can hear correct news.
@NobleCrow10 Says:
If you share the same humanity as me, you should take the time to study the topic of Islam vs. Jews. It will open your eyes to this existential conflict. This is not about land or occupation. We are talking about the final rejection by Muslims and Islam of the existence of a Jewish state within ANY borders. “From the river to the sea” means the complete absence of Israel. Islam only allows Jews to have the status of "dhimmi".
@hassancell4406 Says:
This colinal don't know anything about Hamas and how think Israel sending airstrike against civilian as usual that how Israel do for the last 75 years
@canoadelina Says:
Today, Israel is using the ceasefire time to atk civilians. Please stop the ceasefire
@DustinLeighMattern Says:
How do you kill Hamas when you pushed an entire society into their hands with martyr? You only created more...
@briansnyder4492 Says:
American hostages!!!! Where’s biden???
@briansnyder4492 Says:
Why are there still American hostages while others have been released??? Where’s biden ???
@cadredeux1047 Says:
CNN had gone dark in their reporting. Seems like they are covering for Biden again.
@rochellegriggs6461 Says:
I told you he may not have them anymore what did he do with them the 4 days cease-fire just open the door for him are we really supporting Israel or Hamus 🤷🏽‍♀️
@Liii989 Says:
Dude they killing children in Gaza not reach to hostages hamaz have still 200 hostages
@MohamedbineliasMohamed-oo2cn Says:
Ion I'm not go to school UN 3
@HichamChouitar-q7g Says:
America the land of freedom as they called themselvesThe land was buit of bodies and blood of his native people America that caused death more than million of people inI Irak America that threw an atomic bombs in Horichima America that supported israel of billions of dollars to kill babies in Palestine 70percent of weapeans in israel occupation are provided by USA Million of innoncent peple are taken by USA every year The true terrorist in th world is amerika governement
@Tom-ym7bm Says:
Mathew 8.28, 2 Chronicles 7.14 We need an act of God 🧂Lighten up on the conversation & drop the threats - Rev 21.5 🏃🏿🏃🏿🏃🏿🏃🏿🏃🏿🏃🏿🏃🏿
@joseaugustofigueiredo2796 Says:
Zelensky the Robinson Crusoe of the 21st century! Islanded in Kiev and has two parrots, one on each shoulder. The CIA and the English MI-6! UK Foreign Minister David Cameron may have tried to force Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky to make peace with Russia and threatened to remove his personal security guards, says former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) agent Ray McGovern in an interview with the Judging Freedom YouTube channel. “The British de facto control the protective cordon around Zelensky. […] Cameron could have said that they didn’t have enough money and they need to remove the bodyguards they gave him”, suggested the expert. According to McGovern, Cameron, as well as Pentagon chief Lloyd Austin, came to Kiev to inform the Ukrainian president of the depletion of the West's financial and material resources and demand that Zelensky sign a peace agreement with Russia.
@glantedavid9728 Says:
I wonder why the world is blindly supporting the Palestinians. Even the Quran ( the Islamic scriptures) clearly states that the Jews are the rightful owners of the land of Israel. The Palestinians are not mentioned in the Quran. They are migrants from neighbouring Arab countries. There are 22 Arab countries and only one Jewish nation. Why is the world forcing Isael to share a small piece of land with the Palestinians? Quran 10:93 We [ Allah] settled the Children of Israel in a blessed land, and provided them with all manner of good things. They only disagreed among themselves after knowledge (of the truth had) come to them. Surely your Lord will judge between them on the Day of Resurrection concerning their disagreements. Quran 7:137 And We made those who had been persecuted inherit the eastern and western lands which We had blessed. Thus your Lord's gracious promise was fulfilled to the Children of Israel, for they had endured with patience; and We destroyed all that Pharaoh and his people had wrought, and all that they had built. Quran 5 :21 My people! Enter the holy land which Allah has ordained for you; and do not turn back for then you will turn about losers The Bible also says the Jews are the rightful owners of the land and God's judgement will come on those who divide the land. Exodus 6:7-8  I will take you to be my people, and I will be your God, and you shall know that I am the Lord your God, who has brought you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians. I will bring you into the land that I swore to give to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob. I will give it to you for a possession. I am the Lord. Joel 3:2 I will gather all the nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. And I will enter into judgement with them there, on behalf of my people and my heritage Israel, because they have scattered them among the nations and have divided up my land.
@lunchboxs197 Says:
The media seriously needs to stop calling it a "war" it isn't. It's an extermination....
@dmok372 Says:
Most Gazan people do not support Hamas , they want normal lives. I disagree with this retiree
@suleimanfreefire8581 Says:
These types of generals and colonels wasted us 20 years in Afghanistan trying to eliminate Taliban
@karldettling5981 Says:
This colonel is just being an idiot. There are no hamas forces so how the "F" are they going to do a "F"ing thing. All israel is doing is a genocide, period. Hamas is an israeli front group and everything they are doing is staged by israel so they can make you think they are being attacked by palestine. Anyone with a brain should have figured this out by now. But you know a whole bunch of people stay stuck in denial.
@desolator108 Says:
So Israel wants to achieve a phycological victory by punishing the civilians, which is essentially they give up their pursuit of a free State of their own? That sounds like the very definition of terrorism. Wow.
@rahmaabdijama7844 Says:
Taking America advice strongly ain't smart at all. Taliban is back in Power & Iraq was handed over to Iran by America. You cannot Destroy an ideology nor people's yearn for Freedom Imperialism days are long gone.
@mohameddedat6255 Says:
Let's not worry what Hamas will do. What will the apartheid brutal oppressive entity, together with its partner, America do? That's the question we need to ask. Stop worrying about Hamas, these are resistance fighters, fighting against an illegal occupation. If only the arrogant Zionist would be true to itself and stop its denialism, then there is a positive step ahead. If not the resolve of the resistance will continue. Besides, CNN and many other pro Zionist in the West have falsely provided their viewers with non factual information. The CNN reporter on the Frontline a few weeks ago gave herself away, well rehearsed. Fox recently gave themselves away with the blindfold man. You guys take your cue from Hollywood. It's time you take your jobs seriously and present fact over lies. Sooner or later your viewers will judge you for the scoundrels that you are
@colindavis1496 Says:
Hey... it's the same colonel proving himself so wrong so many times, professing Ukraine would win against a mighty Russia in the suddenly forgotten US proxy war loss, yet he's still invited on as if he's credentialed...amazing CNN...!!!
@walijohn5761 Says:
Every reasonable Palestinian In Gaza should be asking themselves and the Hamas leaders these simple questions; (1) Why are we spending our funds building tunnels and rockets instead of developing our infrastructure, health and human capital investments. (2) How long should we keep fighting and getting hurt all the time and always find solace in being a martyr. (3) Why the so called leaders of Hamas enjoying a lavish lifestyle in Qatar instead of staying back to fight with their citizens. (4) Why is it so important to extinct a whole tribe from a region at this modern age instead of opening their hearts to live in peace and unity with their neighbors. (5) Why are our Islamic brothers who are quick to donate weapons to fight Israel not taking the least of us(Women, children and the elderly) as demonstrated by most western countries during a period of war. If all these can’t be answered, then is high time the Palestinians reevaluate themselves on who the true enemies are. Peace to All. Thank you
@Q-ELUK Says:
zionist propaganda nonsense... with all the might of the US they did not win the wars in Iraq & Afghanistan, all they caused, were thousands of deaths among the natives, and their own soldiers, it created of more violent groups, and wasted trillions their US taxpayer's money all in a total of 29 wasted years...
@drdajoh Says:
Dancing under the Rain on the ship Galaxy for attention the leader of the country did not respect innocent citizens, babies, children, women, and soldiers suffering until death in Gaza
@Nobody-eg4bi Says:
God with Biden so no need to worry
@seanskywalka5172 Says:
*No talk about the Palestinians women and children prisoners kidnapped by the Israelis? Got it*
@rochellegriggs6461 Says:
Because everybody is who is watching the hostages instead of him that’s what he wanted to take the focus off of himself not sure now what’s gonna happen i believe God
@robertdrake7082 Says:
10 Americans are purportedly hostages in this conflict! Why isn't the the FAKE News Network(CNN) speaking about them and/or asking Qs on their behalf!?!
@dianesorokac2260 Says:
Ot everyone has a strong mind n can weather stressful situations
@patrickhughes1790 Says:
Good because the lack of resistance is concerning. People are wondering of the majority of HAMAS fighters fled to Iran already.
@patricelabelle1386 Says:
Hamas is an international terrorist organization with major players living and managing funding sources in other countries. What is Israel or its allies doing to go after Hamas money, much of which is held in countries with banking systems that are not amenable to Western influence?
@JCcollazos1 Says:
Wolf Blitzer wants you to think that this is real news. He's wearing his intellectual glasses. And he's interviewing a real "expert". CNN is a "news network" with "breaking" news. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@Yadanar527 Says:
Hamas don't do nothing if Israel do not occupation in palestine land. Blame to Netanyahu he steal palestine land and source.😂
@mjeffn2 Says:
A geo-political dividend for the US in its support of Isreal will be in showing our NATO and South Pacific allies that the US will live by its mutual defense agreements and act if necessary.
@husseinmukred5921 Says:
Palestine tomorrow will be free
@lynetteray2146 Says:
It would be great if there were more seasoned journalist/interviewers covering the war between Israel and Hamas. Anyone younger than 45 is basically a waste of time. I don't want a naive individual leading the conversation.

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