Retired colonel on what we can expect Israelis to do if truce ends
Retired colonel on what we can expect Israelis to do if truce ends



@شيماءحجازي-ك4ظ Says:
👇👇 💦We believe in the one true God alone without partners. 💦We believe in same God who sent Abraham, Jesus, Moses and Muhammed, peace be upon them all. 💦Almighty God is One, Unique and Perfect. 💦God has no partners, no equals and no rivals. Allah is the Supreme Creator of the whole universe 🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏 Why_do_we_have_to_worship_Allah?? Let me ask you a question,  if you are in a fire and you were about to die and I came and saved your life  ,will you thank me ? Will you always remember me ? How come we are not grateful and remember Allah who gave us life for free ? 🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏 Allah gave you life without asking Him . He created you from nothingness and saved you in the womb of your mother .He gave you hearing, sight, mind , heart, and honored you over all other creatures. The oxygen that we breathe in and out , if you go to the hospital , you get charged for it. We get it free from The Creator  who wants for us to worship  and serve him. That's why Allah said in Quran : if you try to count Allah's blessings on you , you will never be able to do so. 🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏 Would you be grateful to Him or not ? And to thank Allah we have to do things that he loves. If you want to give me a present , will you choose something that I love or something that you love ?  Likewise , if you want to thank Allah and  worship him , we should worship him in the way he loves . He wants us to pray 5 times a day , and to be good to ourtc parents and do good to people . And Allah will grant us paradise. You don't know Islam If you want to know, contact انت لاتعرف الاسلام ان اردت معرفته تواصل معنا:- ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏
@keretamalam1475 Says:
Free Palestine
@philiplisondra2542 Says:
Hey Boris, why did you go bald?
@alparslankara4155 Says:
Indirect negotiating (!) So that means governments can negotiate with whomever they choose to, so long as it's "indirect" (?) Or is what's happening between Hamas and Israel a protocol of war and that's how all wars are dealt with for the process of beginning the peace talks or any other kind of negotiations?? Have someone else begin the process, who both sides are familiar with.. If Hamas are terrorists, what does that make Israel, who are negotiating with Hamas? If Israel are a government authority, what does that make Hamas, who are negotiating with Israel?? Somebody else doing the talking for you will not change the person who you regard as a "terrorist" Don't take people for fools! I mean they can if they want but that won't make people the fools.. Need I say "man thinks of man as himself" Don't belittle intelligence, yours and ours!!
@googlandroid176 Says:
This isn't about precision. These people don't know what they are taking about. Israeli forces are reserve forces, the life blood of the populace. This is about protecting troops.
@isrratapia8228 Says:
Human explossive bombs are terror!
@joshuayanez7674 Says:
Leave the palestianian free
@londonbudgetgardner5205 Says:
8:36 The Palestine 🇵🇸 War of Independence You have to fight for the independence of your people. You have to find ways and opportunities to combat your enemy.
@bradsays Says:
In 2004 Ben Wademan was in a vehicle in Gaza when terrorists stopped it and abducted an Israeli Arab translator who had worked for years in the region with no problems. The rest of the CNN crew in the vehicle were allowed to go on their way. Seems Ben and the terrorists had and still have an understanding together. Maybe thats why he comes across very pro hammas and anti Israel? Maybe not.
@MiladaKaiser Says:
2023 years ago a little JEWISH boy was born in Jewish town of Bethlehem, country named JUDEA and ISRAEL. He survived, to teach people to be peaceful, to throw bread back and to TURN THE OTHER CHEEK. Today, two millennia later, the “babies head choppers” are still killing Jewish babies there and the terrorists supporters are shouting in our streets : From the river to the sea” kill all Jews. 2 millennia progress. 234 out of 960 Nobel prices were given to JEWISH PEOPLE. 100 times more than to the others. Jewish people ( 16 millions of them) did for humanity 100 times more than the others.
@MichelleKumler Says:
Where did this handsome CNN guy come from?😮
@terryhardesty1985 Says:
Give everyone citizenship and a vote...have one set of laws for everyone. That would be a good start for Israelis to be a democracy.
@jackwaterman-lw4co Says:
Hamas already broke the ceasefire, isn't that precious. Well, they promised they'd keep at it; only the DNC is willing to bury their heads and support terrorism because it's BLM approved.
@deehazsnow3178 Says:
The United States is a shameless hypocrite
@theorncampbell4432 Says:
They literally destroy "possible firing positions" of defending militants in Gaza. The means, that if there is a tall building in an area that they want to send soldiers, they will drop that building. Gaza is almost completely comprised of tall buildings.
@Americas294 Says:
What a suckers deal why do more Palestinians get released and few Israel people it should be the same
@ProfessorJayTee Says:
15,000 "people" killed by Israelis--and how many were holding weapons at the time? Most of them, I bet. Just because they were wearing civilian clothing doesn't make them noncombatants. Hamas has all their people wearing regular clothing.
@OmarAhmed-jo1cf Says:
if they do airstrikes again then more condemnation and loss of moral ground , if they use soldiers then they risk losing a great number , both choices are in hamas's interest . So its best they admit they lost , make an arrangement with hamas for a non-aggression pact , move again in the peace process and stop expanding settlements , illegal detentions of Palestinian civilians without trial, raids (including on el-aqsa) and killings in westbank .
@alparslankara4155 Says:
So, what does this negotiating mean for Israel and Hamas?? Does this mean; Hamas is recognized as the legitimate authority and government body of Palestine (Gaza) in this war against Israel or are the Israelies (idf) negotiating with THE "terrorists" (?) How do people around the world view this as??
@richieiseed6813 Says:
40000 lbs of bombs were dropped
@richieiseed6813 Says:
The ones left are soldiers so it has to be a different set of exchange like release food and water have an open border so they can rebuild the destroyed Gaza Let’s go inside Gaza and report some of the tragedies and destruction the world hasn’t seen since ww2
@abouda2008 Says:
All the Destruction of civilian homes that you've seen in the video is from Khan Younis which is in the SOUTH OF GAZA, imagine getting evacuated from the North of Gaza to go to the South and find this!! We are witnessing the worst humanitarian tragedy of this century.
@ekawardhana7332 Says:
Day in day out, The Zionist carries atrocities with impunity. While the so called free democratic counties such as USA and England provide all the necessary support i.e weapons, media narrative and UN veto. “Those to whom hypocrites said, ‘Indeed, the people have gathered against you, so fear them.’ But it [merely] increased them in faith, and they said, ‘Sufficient for us is Allah, and [He is] the best Disposer of affairs.’” Quran Al Imran 173.
@connortilson7141 Says:
ISRAEL, a Apartheid Theocracy, created by European Ashkenazi’s, is Ethnic Cleansing, the Indigenous peoples! ITS WRONG ! 🙈🤷‍♂️
@hilicohen257 Says:
Spread more lies The know nothing cnn again with there ridiculous news
@danielset245 Says:
Israel is the only country that is expected to stop fighting while her people still held hostage, after a brutal attack that killed 1400 people And without throwing out the terror orgenization. Hypocrisy!
@monaoconnell5650 Says:
Japan and Germany had tragic civilian losses because of German and Japanese terrorist dictators. After they were defeated and surrendered, both countries were occupied for 5 to 7 years. Germany and Japan have thrived for decades and have been allied with the United States for close to 80 years. This can happen to Gaza too when Hamas is defeated.
@HumanBeingsRThinkingBeings Says:
Mind Begs the Question: - If USA/West Leadership - Stand with Starvation,Death Camps,Gas Chambers/White Phosphorus,Pogroms,Ethnic Cleansing,etc - Pro Democracy or Pro Nazi?
@YoramAizenberg Says:
There are no innocent Gazans. A population that sends thousands of killers is almost entirely involved in one way or another. The school books, teachers and clerics teach them to murder Jews and anyone who is not Muslim.
@garyclark6727 Says:
boycott israel! for humanity's sake..
@Antzdamanable Says:
The whole reason Hamas attacked is obvious. They wanted their ppl back that hv been arrested by Israeli. Also no one even gave a crap what Israel was doing for the last how many all of a sudden everybody is talking about Gaza.
@Rexident97 Says:
Bring them home!!
@chadnasir6387 Says:
Palestine are women and minor And Israel is women and children I don't get it
@MilenialLzm Says:
@مسخيريه Says:
@tremontefr5617 Says:
I don’t get it. Why does the Israeli government get free passes to do what they want and break international laws?
@Vort_tm Says:
Thousands of Palestinians being held by Israel on no charges or charges as flimsy as throwing rocks or flipping-off Israelis. These Palestinians are effectively hostages, yet the world only focuses on the Israeli hostages. There is only one side driving all of the violence in this conflict, Israel. There is only one side waging a war, Israel. There is only one side illegally occupying land, Israel. There is only one side committing textbook apartheid, Israel. Hamas has committed many atrocities in the name of resisting Israeli occupation, but Israel are the true terrorists here.
@bmiller949 Says:
Cool . Let the kids and women go.
@alohalaniboido8083 Says:
Not in my name.
@talpata Says:
I m wondering! How did Israel detain minors and women without any charges before October 7, in this modern time? Is Israel a terrorist country? And US is funding our tax payer money to a terrorist country! What's wrong with us!
@Dude-zz9om Says:
Het getal van 15000 zal waarschijnlijk 50000 worden als ik kijk naar het oppervlakte. Er is misschien niet veel andere keuze, want het is niet alleen hamas dat zou blijven bij een permanent staakt het vuren maar ook een deel van de tunnels.
@retf054ewte3 Says:
every day I see tiktok, I hate mainstream media more and more. they always lie or take Israel side for no reason.
@deepaknagvekar8639 Says:
Please add Criminals for Palestinians. They cannot be compared with israeli hostages. Whereas the Israelis were ordinary citizens the Palestinians were convicted by courts for attempt to murder and grievously injuring Israelis.
@heyhohey2 Says:
Captives are the only reason Gaza hasn't yet been flattened from north to south. Everyone knows it. Talking about extending truce is a sick joke. Israel have made clear they will not stop. Palestinian allies MUST intervene, because the US clearly won't.
@ColdSamra Says:
9:00 if they dare to go in 😂
@ColdSamra Says:
7:33 the israelies were focusing on killed as many Palestinians as they could, they weren't looking for the hostages.

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