Filmmaker captures the brutal Russian siege of a Ukrainian city
Filmmaker captures the brutal Russian siege of a Ukrainian city



@Marjana954 Says:
C'est le message (et temoniage) fort pour aisi appelant "pacifistes", qu'ils, en fait soutienent agression russe! Et ils sont hypocrites! Et l'hypocrite le plus grande est soverain Francis! Son affirmation, que Ukraine doit capituler (en fait pour ca s'agit!) est hypocrisie!!!!!
@MarynaDawson Says:
The Ukrainian documentary film "20 days in Mariupol" won the "Oscar"! Thanks to the talented Ukrainian director Mstislav Chernov for his courage and showing the real situation! The world has the right to see the truth
@SimulacronX Says:
That is all bullshit propagnda once again, as Azov Nazis attacked Mariupol against anti-Maidan protesters - thats how the war even started. The movie only shows 5% of what's happened. Amnesty International has shown that the ukrainian Army placed havey guns and cannons in civilian buildings and places so it was very diffictult for the Russians to fight. This is war crime by the ukraininan army btw.
@bohdan4677 Says:
That movie made me cry
@namesurname7801 Says:
I like that his name actually translated like Black Revenge.
@joanneg460 Says:
Extraordinary Documentary.
@Mit-dr3zj Says:
@thomasgeorgecastleberry6918 Says:
Ukraine is fighting for its very existence, while our congress "clowns around!" I do like the Republican idea of supplying money for the border, but I wouldn't delay Ukraine funding I'd make them separate issues. There will never be an opportunity to "de-fang Russia," like there is right now!
@bredovaanna4892 Says:
I walking stops every 10 minutes while watching the documentary to let myself cry it all out. I couldn't sleep at night after I watched it, it brought all the fears back from the days we fled the country. I keep thinking about all those who stayed and pray for them. I keep thinking about the doctors who were trying to save every single life despite the shelling and airstrikes. I keep thinking about those Ukrainian soldiers who helped Mstislav and Evgeny to escape and show their footage to the world. People who didn't try to be heroes and were just doing their jobs. And yet, this is an extreme courage and bravery, I do really hope that this all will have meaning. Thank you CNN for talking about this.
@rifatzaman04 Says:
Russian and far more human then Israeli. No one is better but none are talking about the others.
@eastafrika728 Says:
This is a testament to the stupidity of the Ukrainian regime challenging Russia's security at the behest of America
@robd3123 Says:
Russians disregard for life, words cannot describe Brutality of this war is unimaginable. This film shows the truth of war.
@juandelacruz1520 Says:
Putin is evil and there are countless of people who supports evil ,, now make your choice,,
@ABX-bb3jb Says:
@agneloantonio4901 Says:
@aczjbr Says:
Hitler do Kremlin e seu gado tem q ser detido logo com armas atômicas
@jakekisiel7399 Says:
If Biden gives one more tax dollar to Ukraine, I will never vote for a Democrat ever again. Never ever.
@cr3292 Says:
This is noting but western propaganda.. I’m from Odesa Ukraine . The western backed government has been shelling eastern Ukraine since 2014 .
@adwoaacheampomaa7304 Says:
So is United Nations aware of this horrible act made by Putin and his soldiers? United Nations please Wake-up
@adwoaacheampomaa7304 Says:
So is United Nations aware of this horrible act made by Putin and his soldiers? United Nations please Wake-up
@Appreciate2704 Says:
👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦 Thank you for bringing the truth to the world .. keep it real … I will be watching this documentary and sharing it … preserve their memories..🫶🇺🇦🫶🇺🇦🫶🇺🇦🫶🇺🇦🫶🇺🇦
@itranslatestuff6507 Says:
Aaah, my heart 😭😭😭
@Em76394 Says:
Just watched it. Incredible. Should be aired in place of regular scheduled programming on all channels. Russia needs to pay and pay hard
@rickyibarra Says:
Después de la guerra no sólo Vladimir Putin sino el partido político de Putin, sus funcionarios y TODOS LOS CIUDADANOS RUSOS que apoyaron a dicho partido político deberán pagar los crímenes de guerra que cometieron en Europa.
@johnchristiansen5968 Says:
Where was the journalist in Mariupol from 2014 to now??? Did the journalist film when russian soldier gave food, blanket and shelter to the people og Mariupol ??? Now the journalist just tell the narrativ story about what happent.
@igorderka4960 Says:
@henadzy-g6m Says:
The Russians liberated Mariupol from the Nazi Ukrainian occupation. Mariupol is being rebuilt now, and the residents of Mariupol are grateful to the Russian army. There are many new schools, houses, shops, new roads, bridges, new kindergartens. People were actually saved by the Russian army. Google helps to find reliable information from the first hand, and not from the mouth of corrupt journalists.
@henadzy-g6m Says:
The Russians are coming, hide! We need to fight back against Putin's aggression. Because when Putin invades Ukraine, he will repair roads there, build schools and residential buildings, he will start paying pensions, he will start paying money to people. Putin is an aggressor, he is building new modern hospitals, developing industry and agriculture. We need to stop this progress. Oh, I'm sorry, that is, to stop the aggression.
@VVV85650 Says:
When BBC and CNN accuse someone of disinformation, I feel embarrassed
@kelvinmsyani3913 Says:
cnn is corrupt now days .controled by american pentagon and whit house
@kelvinmsyani3913 Says:
dont blame russia blame ukraine . they wanted this war . this video is only used to make the russia bad .
@raphael3620 Says:
Maybe CNN should show us new better rebuild mariopul
@raphael3620 Says:
So Ukraine decided to destroy there country in other for zelenski to make money in his new movie and comedy?
@KeithPluas Says:
All the western drama…. Brought upon themselves by themselves
@СчастливыйЧеловек-м6ъ Says:
Ukraine has been killing civilians by shelling Donbass since 2014, they asked the international community to stop it, but no one wanted to see it. They still fire missiles at civilians. How many false dramatizations there were on the part of Ukraine, trying to blame Russia. Ukraine is to blame for what is happening to it. If the United States were in Russia’s place, it would burn everything out and there would be nothing alive left at the site of the bombing, which it proved in Serbia. At the very beginning, in March 2022, Russia proposed to peacefully resolve the conflict. Russia made big concessions. They refused to do this in Ukraine, they were forbidden to do this from the USA and England. Only now, if there is a peace treaty, it will be with greater losses for Ukraine than before. They missed the chance. And the military operation began because NATO deliberately crossed the red tape, wanting to station its troops in Ukraine near the borders of Russia. Only NATO and their allies are to blame for this conflict, as well as for the deaths after March 2022. Ukraine does not solve anything. And now everything is not going according to NATO’s plan; they are losing. Ukraine has no results, but hundreds of thousands of dead, this could have been avoided if a peace treaty had been concluded at the very beginning.
@novak7970 Says:
Ukraine has had to deal with US aggression to since 1948 - Operations Gladio and Aerodynamic.
@Nicswar7196 Says:
come on cnn you have to do better than that
@mazizul112233 Says:
It is sad but it is 1000 times more in Palestine which the mainstream media, the US and the West downplayed.
@neverendingmods Says:
This was a too short, half assed interview. Other stations have spent 10-30 minutes of interviewing him about his documentary.
@neverendingmods Says:
Im actually taking a cigarette break from watching his documentary. It's really a must watch. Soon YT will sensor the documentary like they have done to all the past war documentaries and docu series. Watch it before it gets edited and sensored. It truely is heartbreaking. But it is a true, 1st person, witness to war type documentary. Showing how Russia committed war crimes by intentionally killing civilians. Their targeting of apartment buildings, hospitals, schools, playgrounds, fire departments, maternity ward, anywhere trapped civilians were hiding. All while closing every road/border out of the city. Leaving no way for citizens to leave.
@lorisaunders7505 Says:
Ukraine is not interested
@Привид_Бандери Says:
Best war films she ever seen, yet didn't know if the pregnant woman was dead or not. #CNN 🤦🏼‍♂️
@redscorpion-se4hr Says:
Russia is calling up 160.000 troops. To replace the 302.000 russia lost
@shd94 Says:
@enixword2637 Says:
How does CNN and co manage to tell their viewers and readers that Ukraine is winning this war and Russia weak and at same time tell them Russia is doing brutal things to Ukraine? Also, how are they telling us that Russia is weak but with same breathe tell us Russia will take over the world if not stopped? And fools still believe and make opinions from these media outlets 😂😂
@Anti-zionist123 Says:
What about the brutal siege on the Palestinians? Besides, The US government started all these conflicts, why don't you ask them what they plan to do? Why is anyone asking the Ukrainians anymore? Now they're playing the blame game.
@Spirosbotos Says:
No people should have to die for politicians
@badgerdad777 Says:
I watched it on Frontline and it was captivating and heartbreaking.
@dezbell6109 Says:
Where can this documentary be viewed???
@user-1mrndslvd8h Says:
"Russian President Vladimir Putin reiterated a two-part conception of Russian identity in a speech on November 28: a “Russian nation” – claimed to include Russians, Ukrainians, and Belarusians – at the center of Russian identity; and a wider “Russian world” including other non-East Slavic ethnicities in both modern Russia and the former territory of the Soviet Union and Russian Empire. Putin made a lengthy speech on Russian identity at the World Russian People’s Council on November 28. Putin reiterated his previous false claims that the “Russian nation” and people are composed of ethnic Russians, Belarusians, and Ukrainians who were artificially and violently divided via policy miscalculations during and after the fall of the Soviet Union, arguing Russia (the state) should unify this “Russian nation.”[1] Putin defined the concept of the Russkiy Mir as a union of people who feel a spiritual connection to the “Motherland,” consider themselves to be native Russian speakers, and are carriers of Russian history and culture regardless of their national or religious affiliation. Putin, however, pointed out that there cannot be Russia (as a state) or the Russkiy Mir without ethnic Russians and implied that current Russian citizens and “all other peoples who have lived and are living in [Russia]” make up Russia. Putin geographically defined the Russkiy Mir as the Ancient Rus’ (Kyivan Rus), the Kingdom of Muscovy, the Russian Empire, the Soviet Union, and the contemporary Russian Federation, indicating that the Kremlin’s concept likely also includes “Russian compatriots” in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, and Central Asia. " ISW Why the West doesn't give Ukraine enough weapons to win this war?

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