Liz Cheney: GOP majority in 2025 would be 'a threat'
Liz Cheney: GOP majority in 2025 would be 'a threat'



@kevinhodgson7434 Says:
No republican should ever be able to run for a government job again, not even governors of states.
@kevinhodgson7434 Says:
Why is Trump aloud to run for president
@LisaOwnby Says:
Liz Cheney is not a truth teller
@DJ70404 Says:
Anyone who believes a word that comes out of Liz Cheneys' mouth is an idiot. She is so scorned that she is in total destruction mode. She is not a spokesperson for the Republican party. How stupid do you think we are now CNN? I will file this scare campaign with the Russia Hoax and lap top denial. I like his "firealarm" analogy. Which member of which party pulled the fire alarm?
@jayg-lg2ot Says:
Well I'll have to explain to you liberals how the constitution works , we the people decide who's president not CNN not MSNBC not Liz Cheney or any of you cry babies ,the people will vote and the people will decide , so it doesn't matter how much you cry about democracy being under threat, we are not a democracy we are a constitutional Republic.
@nholmes Says:
Cheney is a Deep State shill just like her father and their CoG plans that started in the 70s to undermine democracy
@anthonygriffin1958 Says:
Former Wyoming State Representative Liz Cheney is keeping it 💯 about where the country is heading in the world of politics in Washington, D.C. If the insurrection against the country on Capitol Hill wasn't a warning sign. I have no idea what it would take to convince the American people before "democracy" is destroyed in the process.
@LynnLouthen Says:
For Grace Seager to say Liz Cheney is trying to get her beliefs out is because she’s expecting to be remembered as being right is a grave disservice to Ms. Cheney. She put her entire career on the line and continues to dedicate her life to saving OUR country from a man who proves daily himself that he is exactly who she says he is. We owe Liz Cheney a huge debt of gratitude.
@Frenzy2409 Says:
As I have been saying for the past week, Liz Cheney & Adam Kinzinger should form a third party as they might be surprised how much support they would get... After all they are only up against a convicted rapist & fraudster who committed treason and most decent Republicans can't stand him...
@CorporateU-Tcensored Says:
Lizard is a Rino in the swamp swimming with the corrupt deep State Democrats....
@mikebush6074 Says:
Liz Cheney's message does get through. Add more like minded individuals such as Bill Kristol, Adam Kinzinger, Chris Christie, Susan Collins, et al, their voices will make a difference.
@edg1107 Says:
bro this is nazi germany all over again
@sdjslkdjlsskldjslkdjsl8262 Says:
Thanks for your input, noted proud daughter of a war criminal responsible for the senseless deaths of thousands of Americans, Afghans and Iraqis.
@lubegaedward6207 Says:
Unless God intervenes at the moment, the Bible in the book of Revelation tells it all just get ready Jesus is coming back
@StacyInLove1 Says:
Trump = 💩
@nyarlathotep8890 Says:
I grabbed my popcorn but this is beyond entertaining it's just borderline sad to see how many people are so full of lies and bullshit that it just oozes out of them at such alarming rates it's making the toilets of the world envious. The fact that these idiots actually believe there was an insurrection is astounding, and then to think that taking anyone (Trump or otherwise) off of a ballot for an "insurrection" when there has been no conviction or even a charge against him is proof of how many imbeciles we have running around in political office and how many "journalists" we have who couldn't find their ass with two hands and a mirror.
@artsmith1347 Says:
0:20 How well are the "checks and balances" working with Biden in power? Explain how the "checks and balances" are securing the southern border.
@universal3024 Says:
I think neocons and rinos hate Trump because how dare he come into the party, especially as an outsider, and Trump them. So it’s really about revenge and not the bs views they spew which is just a mask. The constant bs they spew is just campaign smear and a lame, pathetic, ineffective fear tactic to frighten the public into not taking Trump seriously so that they can get back to their grifting, their corruption, their war mongering and ill gotten gains paid for by the American working class, unjustly while feigning moral superiority.. Like liberalism, neoconservatism is an infection, a disease. And Trump is the cure. ✊🏽🇺🇸
@Steam32137 Says:
Only reason they dont want trump because they all know when he gets in power all this religion and transgender stuff going on right now in the world will be over in split of a second
@judiesmith6322 Says:
When you are used to living under a dictatorship like the Bush, Obama and Biden Administration you have learned to not trust the true American government. You turn against the party you and your family have aligned themselves with. She cannot like or align with a person who doesn’t agree with her. If you ever listen to what the Bible calls PROPHETS, they are completely in agreement with Donald Trump. God has chosen him to be the President at this time. They are actually fighting against the will of God. They won’t win. Gods will, will be done whether others like it or not.
@CarolSmith-k2b Says:
Pres Trump prevented any new US wars. The Cheney family and their MIC friends can't get rich that way.
@p2pportal Says:
Well, THANK GOODNESS she wrote a book to warn us all of this calamity. What’s more, she is even willing to now make appearances & interviews on many televised, streamed, & printed media outlets to let everyone know that indeed she has issued a warning & said warning & all the details can be found in a book. That she wrote. She decided to write it all down, so it would be safe. Duh. And figured it important to take all that time & the effort to do the whole “writing it down” thing FIRST & then get the word out AFTERWARDS cuz 1.) the warning = so dire & 2.) so the warning & its details would be safe cuz she wrote it down
@magoldeng1354 Says:
Stop De campaigning the world president Donald Trump, we miss him and need him back at White House
@Maxscout24 Says:
This lady is absolutely pathetic….. she is upset because Trump rightfully accused her father of creating a gigantic mess in the middle east
@laurabartoletti6412 Says:
I believe Ms. Liz .... I believed Ms. Hillary ...... I believe 01-06-21 was an insurrection & treason .... 🔊 Voting BLUE Voting BIDEN 2024 Voting for USA Democracy and Freedom and Rights
@kentjones6813 Says:
All the career politicians hate Trump because he is not beholden to their masters. Wake up you idiots, stop buying the media B.S.
@ejb9545 Says:
Liz put herself out of politics with her views makebe she should rethink herself
@rhodylynnkennedy6686 Says:
😂😅🤣🤣😅😂😂😅🤣 Nope! However, please by all means keep spreading your perception!
@thomashosking385 Says:
I've spotted a typo in your video title: for 'threat' read 'treat'.
@jodyb852 Says:
Love her!!!
@TheMrCougarful Says:
America today is Germany in 1933.
@jmaniak1 Says:
Trump wants an uneducated following. Liz Cheney for President!
@MichaelKrick-tu8jk Says:
She's a socialist, what do you expect her to say?
@patrickkelly6691 Says:
Poor Liz - so absolutely and totally lost to the very real mental illness that is shorthanded as TDS. The fact is it is the Democrats and their leftist deep state penetration of all the pillars of society that is the major danger to Human liberty everywhere, but it is ignored in the one place that could rectify this. But the Marxist goal has been reached, everyone that matters is on one camp or the other, right or left and if you aint with then you are against . Vae Victis !!
@umoabasute9424 Says:
#Facts: @RepLizCheney Cheney has no room to criticize anyone when her Father and Bush lied to the American 🇺🇸 People that sent our Troops into an endless war that meant nothing so, they’ve blood on their hands. Cheney all of sudden becomes the Mainstream Media Darling? Really!?
@victorm7274 Says:
When democracy falls it’ll be at the hands of republicans and the dictator they are willing to blindly follow.
@scottkrater2131 Says:
Far as I'm aware, the 14th Amendment states anyone born in the US or territories is a US citizen. So it requires a constitutional Amendment to change it. Good luck with that.
@rikcab Says:
What more do you expect from the Gentiles, in these their Last Days.
@henrykahr Says:
@chukachris3755 Says:
CNN is the worst new network in the world. If anyone wants to debate this let's do it. The hate for Trump is outstanding. The feelings these fools have for Trump and the republican party is twice what the trump and republicans feel for all democratic party members. Liz Cheney cannot win one vote in republican party and because she's saying what you guys wants to hear then you give her platform. That's crazy. Shame on CNN. Since Trump came out to context election you guys have been against him.
@stanf7862 Says:
You can not fix stupid.
@kellycasperhanson4426 Says:
🙈🙉🙊 MAGA= "Rules be DAMNED! Win at ALL COSTS!" The constitution means NOTHING if it doesn't bolster trump.
@jeffreykalb9752 Says:
She knows that if Trump is elected, she and the whole J6 panel will be facing jail time for withholding and destroying evidence. She and her war-mongering, wicked, godless father, who was deep into 9/11.
@Rmmlom Says:
Trump is a criminal. What do you see. A criminal x president. Lock him up..!!
@Rmmlom Says:
Trump is a dictator. We're done. Mrs. Chaney is very right, no one has said the truth more than she has. Fascism, dictatorship..!! Is trump..! The country to trump means nothing. He wants complete power over all thinks. A king, a dictator..!!
@sheldonfish7801 Says:
When Trump was in we had a great economy and no wars and no border issue. The left just wants the hell and chaos that we have today. MSNBC is one is the most evil organizations the world.has ever known They accepted the Covid 19 attack by China and defended the CCP parroting their lies and acted as lackays for corporate CCP interested owners. , ,They helped spread the BLM attacks with their inciting using theselected porno -violence of George Floyd the career criminal. promoting this jerk as if he were the messiah and presiding over riots and police bashing. They promote,woke garbage of every type where people now dont know what sex they are,,,,,garbage like DEI killing our film industry and universities .They have promoted fake geriatric fossil of a president Biden and his grand zero of a side kick Kamela Harris as something valuable and viable Now they are helping spread Anti-Semetism by feigning fake " concern" for palestinians
@rayito1172 Says:
Trump 2024❤❤❤
@Theendofeverything7036 Says:
I wonder if AIPAC is helping to fund Trump. And this is why a bunch of congress members aren’t running for reelection, it’s a dumpster fire.
@DavidThomas-ec1ch Says:
Liz Cheney and others lack faith in America and our Constitution. With or without Trump in the White House cannot and will not destroy America. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt said "America has only fear itself to fear."
@stephaniejames6672 Says:
How could anyone want that creep back in office? Trump destroyed our economy and was directly responsible for the deaths of a million Americans. Anyone remember the Ebola pandemic? No? That’s because the Obama administration contained it, just like it was the Trump administration’s responsibility to contain Covid. Trump was the absolute worst President in our history. If anyone says anything about the Trump economy being good, their lobotomy was effective, because that whole administration was a disaster.

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