'Blindly adopting' one form of technology for renewables transition is 'not the way to go'
'Blindly adopting' one form of technology for renewables transition is 'not the way to go'



@yggdrasil9039 Says:
So energy is going into negative territory and that's a bad thing so the solution is to build expensive nuclear? Is this the clever country or what? Surely the intelligent thing to do is then manage that excess of free energy in storage, sell it to industry at low cost, and support our local manufacturing. Going back to the old centralised model with the 'plug and play' nuclear swapping out of coal just continues the old paradigm of centralised energy, but with a far more expensive technology, in the middle of the web, and a far more vulnerable one. When Russian missiles landed on a Ukrainian solar farm and damaged some panels at the beginning of the war, the farm continued generating electricity. Compare that to a strike on a nuclear power plant. It would be knocked out in one go and it wouldn't be pretty.
@rattusfinkus Says:
Coal and gas are out, too polluting and too expensive (most coal generators have gone broke in the USA because they are uncompetitive) Nuclear will take 20 years to build in Australia and it is even more expensive than coal. If you want power tomorrow, it renewables or nothing, suck it up Karens.
@FranksHairSalon Says:
You're not getting nuclear reactors. Just give it up and get with the program or move out of the way and let the adults take charge of the problem. You're just like the whiny kid that didn't get picked in Johnny's team but was picked by Judy instead. You're arguing from a point of weakness, Sky. You look weak and whiny.
@graemekeeley4497 Says:
Well that's a welcome bolt from the Blue from Tanya Plibersek blocking the Victorian Victorian Government's plan to build a huge offshore windfarm at Port of Hastings The decision has left the Victorian Government reeling in shock as this project was the first part of a key pillar in Victoria's renewables future to have 9GW of offshore wind energy generation capacity by 2040 Tanya Plibersek stressed strongly that the proposed wind farm would cause “irreversible damage to the habitat of waterbirds and migratory birds and marine invertebrates and fish” that were critical to the health of this wetland. The huge project would have seen the dredging of up to 92 hectares (227 acres) of prime wetlands to produce up one GW per year with each of the turbines producing up to 18 megawatts You have surprised us all Tanya Plibersek, but it is a very welcome decision, may we see more such decisions
@georgesutter2256 Says:
Just remember the liberals had a net zero policy. All pollies work forWEF
@Misty-hl2qk Says:
What about all the green inventions that were silenced and swept under the rug. Why haven't any of them still come out today? Especially, since they're a lot greener for our planet.
@kidsoxoxox Says:
The problem with revolutions is they are full of revolting mindless fanatics that make life hell for all and sundry.
@alexandrugeorgescu6366 Says:
long story short... if you are in a planetary region that accommodates EFFECTIVE solar, wind, geo-thermal OK but if NOT then you will still have to rely on fossil & nuclear. *SIMPLE enough that even a child can understand*
@ivansultanoff6719 Says:
Am not entirely against it -but myst be planned, thought out -not using Bowen's mantra : Australia will be solar power leader😂😂
@mickoz9389 Says:
Wind power generation is an example of fossil technology. It is dead and no one realizes it.
@robertirvine4780 Says:
One form of energy is about the limit of Bonehead Bowen's knowledge. Bonehead has no fall back plan or Plan "B". Where is the government ministry plan with costings? Who pays to replace all the solar at its end of life in 20 Years time? By then most home owners will be retirees or pensioners and may not be able to fund the replacement so will the government bankrupt Australia with further subsidies along with more electricity price increases? Refueling a nuclear plant is cheaper than replacing the entire renewable electricity grid!, generation, and storage battery systems. Currently EVs have a life of 2 years max and their batteries are considered as exhausted and in need of replacement!
@OpenWaterReal Says:
The LNP will be back to save Australia from itself before the Albanese toe-lickers even realize it
@rapscallion9333 Says:
Labor/greens are ideologically possessed.
@LuciferBlack-er9jd Says:
Australians listened to what the Robodebt right wing conservatives suggested and in turn reduced them to a minority government in Tasmania... When nothing changes.. Nothing changes......😉 😆😆😆
Labor putting all Australia's treasure into chinas basket
@dominicpelle7841 Says:
**ROOFTOP SOLAR DRIVING DOWN WHOLESALE PRICE** ---> LNP that's shocking. We should go to the market without subsidies for renewables... 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂***In 2022–23, Australian Federal and state governments provided a total of $11.1 billion worth of spending and tax breaks to assist fossil fuel industries. This year's figure represents a 5% decline on last year's, but subsidies in the forward estimates have increased from $55.3 billion to a record $57.1 billion.*** How do you think coal survives in Australia.
@arunvr9877 Says:
sun hide under our Allah chair at night🌙 Sahih Bukhari 4:54:421 The Prophet asked me at sunset, "Do you know where the sun goes (at the time of sunset)?" I replied, "Allah and His Apostle know better." He said, "It goes (i.e. travels) till it prostrates Itself underneath the Throne and takes the permission to rise again, and it is permitted and then (a time will come when) it will be about to prostrate itself but its prostration will not be accepted, and it will ask permission to go on its course but it will not be permitted, but it will be ordered to return whence it has come and so it will rise in the west. And that is the interpretation of the Statement of Allah: "And the sun Runs its fixed course For a term (decreed). that is The Decree of (Allah) The Exalted in Might, The All-Knowing.
@Yougottaspare2bucks Says:
Will someone wake me up when this nightmare, of a government is gone.
@southern-samurai Says:
Where are you going to dump the spent toxic solar panels from all of those 11 million houses? If each house has 10 panels, that’s 110 million panels PLUS non residential panels that will need dumping in 10 to 15 years. But we can’t have nuclear because we have to store the waste! Crazy.
@actualfacts1055 Says:
Australia is a sunburnt country, a land of wind turbines, transmission towers, solar and battery farms like a giant ugly spiderweb.
@David-ii3bi Says:
@southern-samurai Says:
China has 1200 coal plants and are building 800 more. We have 24 that we aren’t even allowed to maintain because “renewables” will save the day. Self destructive stupidity.
@rogermckinnon5738 Says:
The UK tried off shore wind turbines, let's say they haven't delivered. Multiple countries have tried solar farms/ power plants, again most without much success. California has thousands of acres of unused wind turbines. It's all a con
@paulveenings6861 Says:
It is the way to go if you want to destroy Australia.

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