Violence erupts between protesters on UCLA's campus
Violence erupts between protesters on UCLA's campus



@BigAndyG Says:
@marcorolo4726 Says:
Radical Israelism is a sick danger to humanity. And has the American government completely bought and paid for on both sides
@stand.with.Iranians Says:
The country needs Donald Trump to bring law and order.
@macaron3141592653 Says:
Wow its almost like the actual pro-Palestinian protestors aren't the ones being violent and trashing the campus grounds. Incredible. Who could've thought the people protesting military action would be, peaceful?
@TuaTagovailoaTouchdowns Says:
They must be thankful Los Santos PD didn't show up
@animillation Says:
You really do think we are stupid ,huh...😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@iosipescuu Says:
@JesusGarcia-nc1ld Says:
These students should be expelled immediately.
@MrCjbatz Says:
"between protesters"...great "journalism"
@adventusproductions Says:
Xtreme LARPing. Only on SPIKE TV.
@Thelly1029 Says:
La UCLA no es lider politico y muchos estudiantes pagaron dinero que no tenían, son estudiantes inocentes ,no tienen que ver con Israel o Gaza solo quieren volver a estudiar y graduarse.Mira como les dejaron la Universidad:
@Urbanhunter49 Says:
Islamists taking over USA
@michellegomes2030 Says:
@kDewani Says:
Cnn : most lying propaganda news channel
@grace-lq1km Says:
How u reported when happen in Hong Kong. How u treat them compared to Hong Kong. Double standard. Well done.
@tiboregoldberger6817 Says:
Democracies corporations college institutions must stop financial divestment supporting Fascism of Pro Far-Right Fanatical Extremists Racists Arab Palestinians Civilians Fascist Military Dictatorship And Tyranny of transgender rights gay rights Women rights freedom of speech press literature and the Arts Liberty and equality for transgender rights and women rights not a penny not a cent to to support Right Wing Arab Palestinian religious extremist Fascists Military Dictatorships Of Hate Criminals Hate Speech and Bigotry 6:54
@franciscaramosmendoza754 Says:
Casting sust guing gamer videos fastimgs los delauer siempre cuestions derriver droms berdad fugitivos de guerra nading cree que exista sus aneles si en verdad palestinos supieran que causo su trompada que oropino al cenador apenas de estados unidos nadie cree que ocurrio si envano me llaman a reflexion siempre digo que pasa nadie confia en trabar su idioma se rien hasta de lata quien les va creer que no comprenden con razon disen asesino a su democrasia antigua sin lios defiendanse envano va llegar las balas primero luego los cohetes por que eso pasa por no querer entender nada luego disen quien mato su idea desde un prinsipio estidie norteamericano ellos llegan siempre con un regalo luego empiesan a quemar todo y luego desaparesen de la fas de la tierra por creer que alguien se apiadara de los angeles sin resultados nuevos fin
@limen7679 Says:
Wroooooong! The title should be pro-Israel thugs violently attack pro-Palestine protesters. Pro-Palestine hid behind plywood and police barriers to protect themselves from projectiles and explosives hurled at their encampment while police stood by and did nothing. CNN's coverage has been Zionists trash, especially Dana Bash, who should register as an agent of a foreign government. MSNBC removed Muslim journalist for being factual and CNN promotes its blatantly pro-Israel journalists spreading verifiable lies. Sad.
@drbenwaymd Says:
CNN exposing itself as part of the propaganda. The truth is exposed through the actions of the media, the police and the government as they try and silence the truth. The media focusing on the unmasking of the protesters by police… making sure that the cameras get a clear shot really is an eye opener to the power structure.Threatening the future of the protesters as a threat to their freedom of speech.
@larryhong2785 Says:
fake news, Trump is right. but right wing news is also fake.
@ufoools Says:
CNN is an embarrassment to America.
@firthm2 Says:
Interviewee said: "It's more from the counter protestors side." CNN captions: "It's more from the protestors side." CNN, thank you for blatantly revealing your willingness to corrupt the truth. We know whose side you are on.
@MrOC13 Says:
"Pro-isreal" you mean Pro-genocide? Pro-mass murder? Pro-War?
@Issues-fy5sg Says:
The very title of this video is false. A pro-Israel mob literally attacked peaceful protesters while the LAPD stood by and let it happen.
@iringa77 Says:
@sommmeguy Says:
Aren't Americans concerned about who is attacking its citizens on its own soil? Who were the counter-protestors in masks? Everyone seems really comfortable assuming they were students, but that is not the assumption about the pro-palestinian protestors.
@jagusiff Says:
some protesters carry American flags and pray for their country, others carry different flags and chant "death to America", these two groups of people are different
@13888. Says:
Disgusting corrupt payed for news outlets! You CANNOT trust them!!!!
@rifatharb7554 Says:
CNN you are hypocrites. Never thought I would agree with Trump on anything but finally I can see how you are FAKE NEWS
@TheBonzo66 Says:
You were always crap news. Now you’re just propaganda. This is what you’ll be remembered for
@meylinortiz1584 Says:
I'm so ashamed of CNN reporting. Report the truth!
@aye3678 Says:
CNN... You're a disgrace
@markholohan4446 Says:
Shame on CNN and their biased coverage of this...
@vickireynolds8309 Says:
dont worry people,no one wants any of these kids working for them,dont need that kinds drama working for them,boycott all ivy league schools,hire community college kids.
@SKillhandlemyhandle Says:
What REALLY happened.. CNN lied, students could have died.
@rawadn458 Says:
we've all seen the brutal Zionists attack on the peaceful protesters. The level of gaslighting is beyond infuriating.
@rawadn458 Says:
''Nearly every war has been the result of media lies.” —Julian Assange
@alisaeed-ht9sq Says:
Here's the facts, pro Israeli supporters wearing masks attacked the peaceful protestors.
@thebeautifulmanclub3790 Says:
Democrats hate Jews. Stop lying. 😂😂😂
@josepharce7417 Says:
You mean violance erupts between protestors and police at illegal UCLA encampment.
@ErnestoRoca Says:
This is not a war between good guys and bad guys. It's a war between sons of b. The problem with the US is that it knows that Israel is a son of a b state, but as Roosevelt would say, it is our son of a b. The problem with supporting its commercial interests over its values ​, is that the United States ends up losing the respect of the world and its own people.
@jsioux056 Says:
Good thing y'all didn't defund your police, or the millenials would take over.
@majl7917 Says:
You're entitled to your own opinion, but not to your own facts.
@gcurry3416 Says:
Where is Joe Biden at?
@donknotts5625 Says:
Jan 6 was peaceful This is not
@stalked5627 Says:
Thank You PGovernment of the Rich, by the Rich and for the Rich. 2 Party Election Illusion. Politicians make $2M on a $200K salary. Vote!, don't waste your time. We are not our government.rotesters!
@Moose745 Says:
What an absolute bunch of morons
@crossx695 Says:
I left a Muslim country long time ago to get away from these characters, there is no doubt that over 90% of the slaughter in the Middle East is being committed by Muslims and the vast majority of the victims are also Muslims, in Syria 600 000 slaughtered with help from Iran, they actually tortured kids for anti-government graffiti, in Sudan half a million slaughtered, unspeakable atrocities in Darfur but it seems no outrage from Muslims abroad, no protests, no marches, tens of thousands killed in Yemen, tens of thousands of Kurds who are also Muslims killed, bombed, gassed but again it seems they don't care, many thousands killed in Algeria, doesn't even make the news, I live in Europe now only to see it being trashed by these people., it seems there is no escape.
@billth716 Says:
MSNBC and CNN are Nazi lovers!!! Trump for president 2024 get rid of dementia Joe he's the worst president in history
@billth716 Says:
Pro Palestine protesters are the new Nazis

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