Hear Putin's message to the West during fifth term inauguration speech
Hear Putin's message to the West during fifth term inauguration speech



@artiartibald9431 Says:
It seems that in the West, journalists and politicians have only one hemisphere of the brain working
@erinkealy4681 Says:
doesn't CNN knowhow stupid they look when they report such lies all the time
@youngblood6606 Says:
Good 👍 job 👍 my president Putin
@gracekalonda8301 Says:
The MAN himself..the KING
@confidencechimwaza8850 Says:
Africa support Russia
@captaincabbage-ny9lu Says:
Imagine Biden doing that walk.
@MohamedMaow-mz4ew Says:
Covid 20219 went people corona ferson so the
@MohamedMaow-mz4ew Says:
Thks wlcom history so how did see the people wen ded 20219 5 years ago
@MohamedMaow-mz4ew Says:
Allahu akaber
@Luvanov Says:
Go home russia you are drunk. Putin huiloooo
@MB-nj5sh Says:
I’m scared of Kolahi and Farhadian Shahbaz families
@MB-nj5sh Says:
Tell Mahyar last night on BBC the Australian prostitutes announced they are sending atomic bomb to California to make me poor homeless and ride horses She said she used Mahyar to change the world to prostitution by his influence on politicians She said now he is leaving him to Another men in holly wood to make LaLa land movie for prostitutes She said she is making my daughters prostitutes by asking my daughters to kill me She said I am the most beautiful woman but I am older now And Mahyar has used her beauty to influence the politicians Now god showed me if she dies Mahyar will kill me Talk to him Tell him if she stays alive she kills me Tell him if I die he dies the world ends I’m scared of Sanaz Ghandchi and Firouzeh Kamal
@impermanence5277 Says:
Putin is on right side of history. Free world 🌎 genuine reliable leader.
@MB-nj5sh Says:
I’m scared of Iran government and its drug cartels
@kurunjioffset6949 Says:
i love modi putin india russia
@MB-nj5sh Says:
I’m scared of Arman Sadeghi
@rabeard Says:
@MB-nj5sh Says:
I am scared of Nikta Shahbaz
@MB-nj5sh Says:
I am scared of Nikta Shahbaz
@MB-nj5sh Says:
Please protect my husbands
@MB-nj5sh Says:
The old men in any governments of the world who demand or have sex with girls are either the grown up fake ID homeless kids who got raped when they were young or are the offsprings of prostitution should immediately get removed from all governments or death penalty
@MB-nj5sh Says:
I need my extended family And my god given husbands come to me no later than tomorrow Please make the whole world against any one who is not letting us to be together
@ace89082 Says:
Much love from South Africa #anti-colonizers
@HelloEdits613 Says:
Trump in 2028 after "winning" a third term. (The election was rigged he had to pull another coup)
@Fonz23 Says:
Sham?? Seems like the same “results” are achieved in many other parts of the world, not to mention right here in the USA, the most upright and truthful country in the history of mankind….
@MB-nj5sh Says:
Michelle sent a picture of beauty and the beast saying she can’t stop her husband We need the world be united against him
@neojohn9335 Says:
Shat up CNN
@goodygumdrops2105 Says:
Luv him
@user-mi9rl7eu9h Says:
President Puto doesn't love or respect his Donkey. He knows he has to pay for that.
@yakubuabdulai6268 Says:
Am here to watch the inauguration not to listen to this liars call cnn
@georgeiberia9950 Says:
@Acetheskyhook Says:
Its all a hack man. Us elections, russian elections, its all a sham
@SalmanovGadzhimurad-pj9qq Says:
И убить могут в любой момент они с детского садика и другие
@SalmanovGadzhimurad-pj9qq Says:
Пе́рвая чече́нская война́ (Операция по восстановлению конституционного порядка в Чечне 1994—1996 годов[23], официально с 2002 года, Вооружённый конфликт в Чеченской Республике и на прилегающих к ней территориях Российской Федерации[24]; также известна как Первая чеченская кампания[25][26] и Первая российско-чеченская война[27][28][29], чечен. Хьалхара оьрсийн-нохчийн тӀом[30]) все что нудно знать с рождения
@citizenOFpeace77 Says:
@user-bw6yx4cv4g Says:
The Omen... was looking for "DAMIEN", the child of the devil, but he crossed the border and changed his name to "Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin" and became the president of Russia, committing destruction, massacre, invasion, and plunder. I'm surprised you went there!
@user-uj9ig2bg3i Says:
Oh really , talking about RUSSIA’s CREDIBILITY when it comes to politics is viewed globally as a widespread FRAUD by the PEOPLE IN POWER and this is PUTIN ‘ THE KILLER ‘ in POWER ! You think people across the globe trusted this KILLER . NOPE ‘ , I am only an ordinary Filipino citizen but when it comes to Russia’s politics - I SHOULD GENERALLY SAY - it cannot be TRUSTED until the whole of the KREMLIN PEOPLE are out of sight - they’re one of the devils in this world and needed to be booted out of office !
@yogitharanachandrasekhar4263 Says:
Good morning 1950akkaanna
@nikkola2329 Says:
Will CNN call the Biden election a sham, carefully choreographed or other unbiased and politically- coloured words??
@HHNinja Says:
Whats with translator?
@mohammedateeque5629 Says:
Corrupt cnn
@sergeysergeev7564 Says:
The USA is a bloody state that has drowned the planet in an ocean of blood.
@Akil-gn3kf Says:
SALute TZAR😂😂😂😂😂😂
@majestik866 Says:
Russia has risen from its knees forever. Now we are a mighty superpower again and you will all have to reckon with us. We don't want a war. We want peace, but on our terms. Welcome to Russia
@ChaniJRandazzo Says:
Came to hear *his* speech - not your spiel.
@GeneralWinter9 Says:
So every time I see a 'diverse' reporter I click away.
@nikolagrigorov3210 Says:
Поздравляю ❤🎉 😢Открытое письмо господину Президенту России, в котором я предупреждаю его, что он поддерживает Президента Республики Сербия который является простым мошенником. Иными словами, президент Республики Сербия – ложный друг, но на самом деле он проявляет РУСОФОБИЮ. То есть Президент Сербии принимает непосредственное участие в работе Правительства и судебной власти( т.е. судьи Административного суда), даже они работают против действующего законодательства, то есть: Запрещают этническим русским разрешать претензии путем изменения права собственности на ЗЕМЛЮ(т.е. имущество должника и поручителя). -> Административный суд сообщил мне 15 дней назад о решении о том, что этнические русские не могут владеть частными земельными участками в Республике Сербия, но это решение суда мне не доставлялось более полутора месяцев. -> К сожалению, я не знаю, дойдет ли когда-нибудь до Вас это письмо, поскольку все мои комментарии были удалены службами госбезопасности. { Ping-pong ili ćutanje administracije je ustaljena praksa u igri državne uprave sa zakonskim Zahtevima građana(navodno daje mišljenje, a stvarno daje nalog Generalni Sekretar Vlade R.Srbije:"Nije ćutanje uprave"; iako na Zahtev ne izdaje konačni upravni akt. Ali je onda sigurno akt siledžije: RUSOFOBA.); Dok je rad pravosudnih organa(tj. sudija veća Upravnog suda; Sudstva) instruisan strahom(i po nalogu donose Presudu koja glasi: "Odbija se tužba", jer je Generalni Sekretar Vlade R.Srbije rekao da se odbije.), i to tako mora ako je bez saglasnosti vrha vlasti i/ili bez pribavljanjog mišljenja iz inostranstva o društveno-političkoj podobnosti tužioca (tj.etničkog Rusa) koji traži da raspolaže imovinom u Srbiji na putu u EU.}
@hukebein92 Says:
The best president in the world 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺 Slava Russia from Italy !!!

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