'Risky, slow, and expensive': Bolt slams Chris Bowen's green hydrogen schemes
'Risky, slow, and expensive': Bolt slams Chris Bowen's green hydrogen schemes



@vensimo4293 Says:
Well you wouldn’t believe the ABC after the lies they have said about our soldiers. They are a disgrace
@Ich_slage_dich_in_dominos Says:
yeah it works everywhere else but hear wow
@stephenday1520 Says:
Bulldhit............. The Elephant in the room.............don't enemies bomb reactors?
@NoelineHobbs Says:
I’m so glad this terrible government wasn’t around in the forties when our veterans were fighting for our country Voters in those days had 🧠 brains though Labor in those times were real Labor for the working man 🧍‍♂️ This lot would never ever be in charge in the past decades Very hard for elderly voters in 2024 to see our great country end like this. If Labor do get re elected it will be the end for all of us 🇦🇺🇦🇺
@geoffh5529 Says:
There is no global warming crisis so why don’t we keep the coal fired power plants going while we get the nuclear power plants built. All these green alternatives will probably need to be replaced in 10 years time just like the solar panels on my house. Labour is trying to bankrupt Australia & make it too expensive to live here.
@joycelynbennetts Says:
Why so we accept morons in our Federal Labor Government. Bowen is has absolutely weird idealilogy.
@oddball3675 Says:
In the land where voices clash, under the Southern Cross’s gleam, Andrew Bolt, our hero bold, confronts a quixotic dream. With piercing eyes and steady voice, he challenges the green, For Chris Bowen's schemes of hydrogen, a costly, risky scene. "Look at reality," Bolt cries out, with fervor in his tone, As costs inflate and deadlines fade, in dreams of green alone. “Risky, slow, and expensive,” are the words that Bolt employs, To dissect Bowen’s visions, to expose the hollow noise. A new report from CSIRO, a tool for those in power, Claims the Opposition’s nuclear plans should wither, fade, and cower. Bolt stands firm, undeterred, amidst the jubilant cheers, From ABC and Albo’s camp, their claims fall on his ears. “If I didn’t look outside,” Bolt muses with a grin, “I’d almost buy their happiness, their triumph over sin.” But reality, a stubborn truth, stands steadfast in his view, He calls out delusions, and the follies they pursue. Chris Bowen dreams of hydrogen, a future painted green, But Bolt sees the pitfalls, in this futuristic sheen. Expensive, fraught with peril, slow to yield its gains, He challenges the optimism, the euphoria, the claims. So here’s to Andrew Bolt, a sentinel of sense, In the storm of lofty promises, in the battle so intense. He stands against delusion, with reason as his guide, A hero in the narrative, where facts and truths collide. In the realm of public discourse, his voice cuts through the din, Exposing self-delusions, and the frailties within. And as the tale unfolds, with debates fierce and grand, We watch as Bolt dismantles dreams, with a firm and steady hand. OddBall
@Retiredroamers Says:
I think Bowen was describing himself, Risky, Slow, and expensive sums him up perfectly.
@stevenmitchell7830 Says:
Seriously? Nuclear is working in so many other countries, but Australians are too dumb to make it work here? Albo is just lying again.
@astonbrowne8203 Says:
labor just wants to buy Chines wind mills and solar panels and keep borrowing their Yen to dig tunnels we don't need.
@hrausss Says:
Good to see a young man interested in energy .but France gets there uranium from russia. We need to have a enriching plant in australia. Otherwise we will be like france dependant on other nations on there energy. Independence is more important than climate change
@johnephgrave4701 Says:
CSRO has no credibility what so every, they don’t include transmission lines , also add in 30 billion dollars worth of home batteries that you pay for so they can draw 😮on of a night time They don’t mention that
@BelloBudo007 Says:
This report is 4 days ago. Just today I heard a report that the CSIRO have revised their numbers and knocked 50% off the costs, with more 'discounts' pending. The Government defiance to even consider nuclear & desire to go with unreliable, renewables that cost a fortune, is alarming. And given that this Government has proven itself to be wrong on so many occasions, does nothing to inspire confidence in them.
@davidhall6350 Says:
What planet does this scum bag flog Bowen come from, he has no idea about anything, he never has and never will
@BozoTheclown-cs9mk Says:
Yeah, green hydrogen is a pipe dream, like carbon capture, just buzz words, no real substance. I don 't believe the LNP costings on nuclear include the fuel, dealing with the waste or decommissioning. Even more concerning is the quality of the build, we don't seem to be able to build apartment blocks that last 20 years, you can't skimp on a nuclear facility.
@computer-training-for-seniors Says:
In the real world there are many economic advantages from adopting renewable technologies like solar energy, however Mr Bolt is apparently blind to this reality.
@jimbo9 Says:
Bolt the expert of everthing, NOT.
@vernonwhite4660 Says:
Defund the CSIRO and ABC use the money to build a few biofuel plants in Aus which Petronas has done in Malaysia. To fuel cars! Thailand population 70million.plus generates 53% of its electricity from.gas. Build a few gas fired electricity gen plants and stop exporting Aus gas to China & Japan😊
@petert24turner71 Says:
Just as a reminder Bowen stands for Black Outs When Energy Needed. do I need to say more about a politician who has no idea how the general public are suffering.
@petert24turner71 Says:
Come on Bowen, The hunter has not produced enough wind for at least a week. Therefore no power, full stop.
@petert24turner71 Says:
A nuclear power plant can be built in 5 years with the help of people who have built them before.
@petert24turner71 Says:
Bowen is going to can the labor Gov. Albo is accelerating it.
@Big_Filly Says:
All I hear is whinging, hydrogen doesn’t have to come from solar and wind. Already 100% profit within 6months doubling my wealth with hydrogen stocks :)
@666dualsport Says:
bowen is the best example of an imbecile you will ever see
@peterkirgan2921 Says:
Sorry Andrew! Re phrase his name please??? It's Albosleazy thank you! And Casanova Bowen!!!!
@troywallace322 Says:
12 billion hmm. I'm the count I like to count billion dollar energy failures. 1 one billion dollars Bwah ha ha. 😅
@troywallace322 Says:
Bowen is a trail of drool 😂.
@marktanska6331 Says:
Only a Woke bank would lend money to hydrogen. No idea how much the product will cost. No idea how they can make electrolysis cheap and durable. No idea how to store it. No idea how to transport it? Every woke western country wants to become hydrogen powerhouse. And finally, no customers. Only CBA would lend for this project, with taxpayer money support for 80%
@Kawasaki1-m4l Says:
Labors trust factors zero, out of idea's and clutching at straws.
@yggdrasil9039 Says:
I agree that this government isn't handling the renewables rollout very well, but Snowy was a Turnbull brain emission. It's was a knee-jerk political reaction to his previous reaction to transmission towers falling over in South Australia a few weeks before, which them prompted him to make the Snowy announcement, 'to make up for it'. Knee jerk policy and this is what you get.
@johnmancini4700 Says:
Slow and expensive describes Bowen to a tee.
@mo-fogarage8739 Says:
Open your eyes. They don't want us to have reliable power or even vehicles to drive. They want us to starve in the dark and perish. That's the real agenda here.
@janinapalmer8368 Says:
Only one answer ...🥹... vote this despicable labor/greens coalition OUT !!
@daz5138 Says:
He's like I'm a PEANUT Look at me...
@LynMurray-j1z Says:
If nuclear so bad then why is it safe enough to use in the medical community without incident
@juliennesmart6523 Says:
Incompetent & hopelessly out of touch...blackout Bowen looks foolish ...thankyou Andrew for your show...u give us hope for a more sensible future which is looking increasingly bleak under this Labor Government....
@peterjames174 Says:
Bowen is a moron.
@Jon-cb9dt Says:
Or molten Salt reactors have been in constant use from before the Atomic bomb into today.
@johnkauppi7078 Says:
I don't know what planet Bowen lives on but its not the real world. He is one of the dumbest most clueless men I've ever seen. This idiot has never held a job outside politics. One day soon when we start having rolling blackouts, then the people will be screaming for reliable electricity generation. But Bowen will be off in a cushy fat cat company executive job with a massive government pension as well. He couldn't care less about the damage he has left behind.
@carlbrowarczyk6378 Says:
Bowen you are a absolute idiot. How the hell did you get voted into government You’re a clown.🤡 remember this the CSIRO is payed by the government Bowen hurry up and retire
@blackukulele Says:
Wont the wind turbines and solar panels need replacing in 20 years time -- all that money and environmentally destructive waste over and over again?
@S.Carrick Says:
But experts or dumb Bowen, refrain from telling of the fact that in a couple of decades, the wind turbines will either burn up, fall apart or just need replacing, as will solar panels, at God knows what 4:18 expense. All renewables, will have to be replaced, and the old turbines and solar panels dumped into landfill. 🤔
@antonbrum5492 Says:
Hydrogen fuel cell technology is moving forward, but that might be okay to say' power your house, or supplement/off set your power consumption. It is a different story when it comes to powering vehicles, especially in large quantities. Using sea water to produce hydrogen is very expensive due to its salt content as apposed to "pure water". I think people like Chris Bowen live in a fairy tale land.
@TrevorProctor Says:
What the hell dose csiro no about constructing a nuclear reactor.
@calvinpurdy2668 Says:
When a 17 year old school kid can tie this fool up in knots over nuclear energy on national TV, what does that tell you??
@kanderson4417 Says:
Siemens will sell you an off the shelf nuclear power station.
@lesliecarter4295 Says:
CSIRO is just a stink tank 😂
@lesliecarter4295 Says:
Backwards with Bowen… !
@evil17 Says:
Spot on Andrew, Chris Bowen is a complete idiot and everything he says is either wrong or just a complete lie, this must be part of the brief for a position with the Labor Govt. China built 2 new 1400 MW Thorium Molten Salt Reactors the first one took 5 years and has been operating for over a year now, the second reactor is due to come online in about a year at a cost of around $8.5 billion each. These are the latest state of the art reactors that are very safe, can’t proliferate weapons grade material, can reuse spent fuels from other reactor processes to recoup 95% of remaining energy and lower the waste toxicity and half life considerably. That could be two reactors here in potentially 7-10 years that would last up to 100 years for the price of one new pumped hydro system pitched for Qld by Steve Myles at $18 billion dollars before it blows out, except the two reactors could supply 100 times more power on 50 acres of land without any expensive grid upgrades, just cheap, clean, stable, reliable, non polluting, high density, base load energy for 100 years with a reduced toxic waste of a very small amount, fueled with our own Thorium supplies for a million years with little required maintenance or need for operating personel, it’s magic. Lift the nuclear ban and start training Australians in the relative nuclear fields to work in this industry before we get too far behind.
@origprankster Says:
Nuclear is up against a lot of "woke" and "won't"

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