What's revealed by U.S. opposition to the ICC arrest warrants?
What's revealed by U.S. opposition to the ICC arrest warrants?



@ElleMolinaChannel Says:
Common sense right now is very "uncommon"..tey are doing that in the expense of US' Bibi's request..they do not want to disappoint their BB..
@ramstrong1961 Says:
TRT World: Palestine talks w/ Max Blumenthal (Part 1&2)
@JescaML Says:
Icc supports terrorist activities
@obystormuleke2712 Says:
Why does the US want to impose sanctions on a court they are not party to and doesn’t recognize? Hypocrisy is totally bare? Thank God we are born to move issues.
@obystormuleke2712 Says:
Why does it take long to get that warrant of arrest but took to two weeks to issue one on Putin? 6:41
@mikelmiller1259 Says:
The other governments have the final say. One group (US or ISRAEL) should not decide. We are the people.
@mohiuddin7176 Says:
An excellent interview of highest value and thought based on humanity and democracy . Thanks to Colombia University professor for his well thought replies.
@mohiuddin7176 Says:
USA is losing its leadership supremacy of the world because of excessive irregularities in humanity and defendance and on ugly shadow states policy such as Palestine and Taiwan etc..which USA not realising even now but soon it will realise and get no times to recover. How naked inhumane USA can be has been proved in Israel case. Shame.
@teye-master Says:
Internatinal law is dead. Ridiculed all over the world. USH killed it
@cumulusterraticus3446 Says:
Now he is thinking how to support me ? Wonderful.idea ❤
@georgetang8696 Says:
U.S. has blood on its hands not only in Gaza, but in many other parts of the world, and throughout its short history. As President Carter admitted, America is a warring nation.
@ismaelmahmud6094 Says:
Why going after smaller dog go for the big one crooked Joe Biden warrent for his arrest. Reason aiding and abetting Israel. 😂 America is the issue not Israel.
@cherylarce8738 Says:
It's BS that's what it is.. no one can tell a country like Israel what it can do and what it can't. They're going to do what they have to do to ensure their safety because nothing else has worked
@Abe-wy7ct Says:
The courts that raises the flag of justice and international law is the only solution left to the Ghaza saga. The west that espouses justice & international law show double standard. Some legislators demonstrate this. Such attitude drag on the mess as between states.
@User2024ti Says:
Who is this god of israel which agrees genocides since 75 years? Dear Christians the BIble has been falsified by israeli religious
@mziwabantuyaya9600 Says:
We have not forgotten that the US and Israel were supporting the apartheid government of South Africa nothing good ever came from the US. But even so they couldn't stop the freedom of the South African people from the brutal racist regime, that's why we believe in the ultimate freedom of the Palestinians.
@Marta...8877 Says:
Dzień dobry ... mam prośbę do YouTube 😍 aby zaprzestał niebieżącego w czasie rzeczywistym wyświetlania mi moich subscribe... a co do samego fantastycznego gościa, ktorego Państwo do rozmowy zaprosili... za co Pana Profesora cenię, że ze względu na zdobytą renomę i wiedzę, mówi zwyczajnie... bez tego filuternego języka politycznego, gdzie dominującą stroną wypowiedzi są powtarzane wielokrotnie te same teksty we wszystkich mających lub uważających się za najważniejszych na globie... Pan Profesor sporą ilość w trakcie trwania wydarzeń okrytych okrucieństwem ludzkim dla drugich ludzi ... artykułów, felietonów napisał, gdzie zawarł własną opinię, ktorej dzięki pozycji jaką ma na globie i w instytucjach miedzynarodowych nie boi sie mowić ...o chronologii wydarzeń... nawet o sprawie dwupanstwości ... samo wystąpienie w ONZ potrzeba budowy świata opartego o relacje pokojowe, gdzie zrozumienie jak ważne są gospodarki budowane w spokojnej atmosferze, które niosą nie tylko tym największym zyskownym, ale pozwalają tym najmniejszym myśleć o przyszłości w stabilnym położeniu ... zastraszanie ludzi, to jedyny i najczęściej wykorzystywany sposób, jaki jest przypisany do wladzy i polityki w państwie, a właśnie takim zachowaniem władza, polityka pokazuje swoją słabość wewnątrzną ...
@m1lfslayer225 Says:
America is a Zionist cockhold 😅😂😂😅
@aeubanks0 Says:
October 7th was a "'Prison Break". Plain and simple, a slave revolt!!
@robertklotz9319 Says:
The US government isn't listening to other governments, nor to it's own citizens. That's very un-democratic. Neither does it want peace anywhere.
@TopQuality-ms6uf Says:
Don't need USA No respect for Humanity.
@8innings Says:
Lindsay Graham said recently: Netanyahu and his IDF should nuke the Palestinians: Threatened tge ICC because he said if they issue warrants against Israel then they’ll go after US as well… Rightly so
@nurainiarsad7395 Says:
This is probably the first time in UN history that a country recognised by nearly three quarters of its members, somehow could not be admitted to the UN.
@arkdark5554 Says:
US utmost hypocrisy is unveiled…
That the US is above any international laws? Oh wait, the US has proven that since well ... Don't get me wrong I love being an American. But absolutely hate my lying, 2 faced dog pony soldier government.
@TommyTCGT Says:
5.9999m needs 180m gallons of fuel and takes 43 years with 6 burners.
@TauvicRitter Says:
Move UN office out of New York
@RituBora-f3m Says:
Its all a big show - choreographed by Bibi/Blinken/Biden. They hatched(Remember - Blinken holed up in Israeli war room for whole one week in the aftermath of 7th Oct? His identification as a Jew rather than a diplomat!) the plan to expel the Palestinians - no matter what. That is what they are executing. Hence - unconditional US support for Israel's transgressions and numerous vetoing of ceasefire resolutions at the UN. Once the population is pushed over the border - they would not be allowed back ever again - until that is achieved - US would not call for any ceasefire - no matter how many more thousands of innocent civilians are killed. They would talk of humanitarian aid - build a pier to deliver aid - but they would not call ceasefire to prevent human casualties. That is the irony and harsh truth. They don't care much about the hostages either. That's the plan - the final solution. And they are sticking to it. Halt of arms shipment is a just a farce - a cruel joke after killing thousands of innocent civilians! They are playing their parts in perfect tandem - while Palestinians are just hanging on on the Rafah border before another Nakba. Its a master show - but it is real. 76 years of zionist gory occupation is in flagrant display. Anybody thinking otherwise must be fooling himself/herself about these ruthless neurotic men.
@fatihaa7423 Says:
Vive la résistance palestine !!!!❤🇵🇸🙏🤲☝️♥️que dieu les bénissent tous ! Pour la liberté !!!!!!et la paix........
@stewartlowe6703 Says:
@stewartlowe6703 Says:
@annmowatt7547 Says:
An excellent interview. We always get the truth from Prof. Sachs, a realist, a great diplomat and humanitarian. THe US and most of the West is ruled by genocidal lunatics.
@jamesruscheinski8602 Says:
experience God without government
@retrofedora7061 Says:
Indeed, US is a hypocrite & has double standard. This shows that US doesn't care about law, justice & humanity. & threatening ICC is a crime. Now we can see the real t3r0ris. Thanks for the interview.
@samwisegamgee289 Says:
no one ever said americans were the smartest people on the planet
@gdup1728 Says:
Rules based world order [when it suits them] = western hegemony.
@Mmudassarbilalbutt Says:
Usa biden always wants puppets dogs for his coloniel power
@Daka613 Says:
The white tribe strength is that they stick together even when they are wrong and become criminals.Unlike other black tribes and in this case the arab leaders who have no pride in themselves😮😊
@Daka613 Says:
The genesis of all wars is the USA ,And the world knows.
@DavidAspinall-q6v Says:
America is no better than a dog with rabies
@babs420th9 Says:
Jeffrey feels right at home with his people, the Chinese 🐲🥰 .
@rafaelbendavid4041 Says:
this professor is full of kaka
@rizikinassor5618 Says:
This is just a joke to arrest ben jamin
@paulwww8 Says:
It's all about JEWS and ISRAEL! 😮
@RedNeckSurgeyTech Says:
That's you're opinion professor. I and many others feel differently.
@gagibakija4825 Says:
US seems to have lost the plot,we are just watching bi-effects
@indigostar178 Says:
I dont understand that israel is able to use AI and high technology to destroy everything every being in palestine but they are unable to use the same technology to free hostages..?? Do they really care about those hostages? No because they themselves keeping those hostages and using them to continue this masacre.. 7th of Oct. Was self created by the Israeli's to achieve what they have been doing. Why cant israel use an AI project like nimbus crated by google for them to find the hostages instead of using it to kill palestinians???

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