Gaetz Stumps Garland Over Alleged Coordination With Anti-Trump Prosecutors
Gaetz Stumps Garland Over Alleged Coordination With Anti-Trump Prosecutors



@bradkenady8490 Says:
With all the evidence, and nothing ever happening. They convict Trump with no evidence and Clinton, Biden, and Pelosi weak free!
@Soy_Bomb Says:
Y'all are just fine with pediatric pediatrist on a moped Matt Geitz ?
@justanotherguy61 Says:
There is so much manure in the doj's office, that it would take three footfball fields worth to fill it.
@Blueskytoday Says:
@chiclet1052 Says:
2:38 This is rich coming from a guy who's currently under investigation for drugging and transporting a minor to another state to have sex with her. At what point, OANN, do you people start to realize that your Party is nothing but sexual deviants who worship a civilly-libelled rapist and a 34-felony count criminal that has no use for the Constitution or the rule of law? Your site should be pulled just like Fox is going to be in the not-so-distant future. How do you sleep at night after spending the entire day spewing your lies? Do you disrespect your viewers that much? How very sad.
@gabereal420 Says:
Convicted felon because he broke the law and a jury found him guilty we the people have spoken f therapist felon trump
@garywilliams8284 Says:
@sirmitch1 Says:
People aren't stupid we know they've collaborated to make sure Trump is not president again. 😒
@realname2158 Says:
They allowed Jill Biden to sit in on jury selection automatically tainting that jury. This case is done, it's just a charade. The crackhead will face no penalties and walk away laughing at everyone. And even IF Trump were to win in Nov, like before he'll appoint swamp rats to run HIS DOJ and as usual nothing will happen to the uni-party running the US govt solely for their personal benefits. I was a Trump supporter but knowing the caliber of people he hired, like Cohen among others...FAUCI, yes Trump appointed him head of the virus team....and since Trump also supports RINO Mike Johnson I can't vote for him anymore. I'm sitting the election out. If Ivanka runs wake me up, I'll vote for her in a heartbeat as I think she's so much more intelligent than her father is.
@wadepresley3077 Says:
They found cocaine in the White House twice by secret service agents sounds like hunter is still addicted and probably has a gun didn’t hear a news channel bragging how a real man doesn’t need n shouldn’t own a gun have his turned over like trump I must have missed it
@johnbrennan9584 Says:
Garland made a big speech about how his family fled the nazi's and the United States took them in. Now Garland repays the United States by betraying the United States.
@milagrosorlando9848 Says:
I love this reporter from OAN ! Thank you
@williamharvey4732 Says:
Sick of immoral and unethical licenced lawyers ? Tirered of crooked agenda driven judges ? Clintons then Obombems and now OBiden crime family ? Beyond sick.
@RorkesDriftVC Says:
These synaphants ignore Trump's incompetence and moral depravity.
@jimhughes5255 Says:
Merrick’s a chode.
@Mama-Ames Says:
As the citizens of our Republic respond to Garland with one collective, nationwide, "Uh... yeh. Sure."
@rogersorensen5355 Says:
The corrupt ag and the corrupt doj have been warned about harming GODS annointed , Donanald J. Trump.. Now GOD will deal with those corrupt politicians and all involved .. their day is very near
@pookiebear4444 Says:
Sixer Jawa's
@er1cmaurer Says:
Everyone knows what’s going on
@donaldwilliams8727 Says:
Don't look now but The People are Learning Fundamental Law. Oh shoot.... The People are now holding Trustees Accountable to the Contract. All 50+1 Contracts.
@irlburlison4264 Says:
Stop playing blind and stupid with what is happening to America . The truth is everywhere and has been from the beginning . America doesn't have a government . America has a devil worshiping system that is using America to try and control the world . Right now anybody with an oath of office is guilty of treason just on the border alone . AMERICA NEEDS AMERICANS MORE THAN EVER NOW !
@Jomama02 Says:
Never ever a straight yes or no answer!
@MrGreenlantern69man Says:
Garland is a traitor
@Beastlife50 Says:
I love this Matt Gaetz
@insideoutsideupsidedown2218 Says:
@Dm-bz7tg Says:
Garland needs to be removed and sent straight to a place undocumented !
@smokey347 Says:
ALLEGED. It's in your face. Yet the media still doubts. It's just alleged that jb DOJ is the puppet's master of Juan merchan. THEY ARE STILL TRYING TO CONFIRM! Gaetz did a great job though. ❤🇺🇸
@Cyndimarino Says:
Every one of them need to spend the rest of their lives in Rikers.
@seanhoude Says:
This corrupt administration is blatant enough, but they get states or private companies to do even the things they don't dare do directly.
@eddielongley2784 Says:
OAN very cool.
@scottanderson9596 Says:
Let’s Fkn Goooooooo Brandon!!!!
@papafrank7094 Says:
Thank you OAN for keeping the faith.

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