'Nailed it': Eric Adams and AOC applauded for calling out 'atrocious' antisemitism at protest
'Nailed it': Eric Adams and AOC applauded for calling out 'atrocious' antisemitism at protest



@Larry660 Says:
I just hope this isn't a case of a broken watch being right twice a day. Nevertheless, "attaboys" are due and granted.
@mallachsteve Says:
Thats not common sense, thats panic. AOC is a one trick pony, when she sees public opinion turning, she scuttles to change her narrative.
@TiagoNYC Says:
AOC is switching gears to help the Dems close ranks ahead of the presidential election. Nothing to see here
@jaymadre5996 Says:
Antisemitism she helped foster
@tenerremzi9202 Says:
Well your wrong lady other then you no one believes the Israelis anymore because we no they always lie, there has being tons of information and intelligence and proof, maybe you were on holiday and you haven't noticed, or your an ignoramus, I'd go for the latter.
@gdprsn Says:
The left is at odds with it self.
@bobisgollis5168 Says:
Well what colour have their spots changed to?..they haven't...
@samdg1234 Says:
@sallymenezes Says:
Whatever happened to aoc and eric.😂😂😂
@lenyaistashkenta Says:
Don't forget New York has a huge Jewish population. You can't piss them off. Just ask Mayor Dinkins.
@Ann12681 Says:
There is a primary election in NY on Tuesday, that is why AOC all of a sudden spoke out.
@SRiedl48 Says:
Nobody listens to her..we just laugh and laugh and laugh
@carlschnackel3051 Says:
It's an election year. Democrats try to at least look like they care when they want the votes. Black Americans are starting to wake up to this fact. Every four years the democrats act like they care about the "plight" of black people and promise the world, then disappear after the election. AOC has made many antisemitic statements herself, so she's nobody to talk about someone else doing it. Pure hypocrisy.
@gcu120 Says:
Tell me what you accuse the Jews of and I'll tell you what you're guilty of." —Vassily Grossman, from his book Life and Fate
@DanaDRichards Says:
This is the new Democrat party war mongering hate filled pigs
@andreaterraschi Says:
Semitic the jews, semitic the arabs
@Icekolde511 Says:
Even a broken clock is correct twice a day.
@lylarose2696 Says:
Israel said a journalist had a hostage in his home.
@beehive5835 Says:
Why is hate speech against Jews allowed in NYC, but not allowed if against blacks or the LGABCDEF2+-% crowds?
@mjwells100 Says:
I don’t believe for one second that AOC meant those words. I have heard way too many comments she has made, and to suddenly change just isn’t sincere. I’m sure she saw all the people in the Bronx supporting Trump the other day, and she’s seeing how she’s losing.
@LiorIPSC Says:
AOC proves that even a broken clock is right twice a day
@stevedallas4942 Says:
Yeah yeah yeah. One right doesn't correct a multitude of wrongs. Tell her to STFU and go endorse a line of helmets.
@bill3641 Says:
Is AOC up for re-election like the big guy?..........
@this_is_stupid-x3b Says:
The real star of this video is the anchor and that shirt. I don’t even know what she was talking about.
@markicangelo8282 Says:
Stop voting Democrat.
@omlette0 Says:
Is AOC okay? That was almost human
@bjlewis5431 Says:
Occasional Cortex Activity..She actually said that..!? Wow.. That's actually a very respect worthy difference for a change..probably brave too. That's a very rare exception to the kind of utter idiocy & pirile, political-chlamydia infected ephus I'm used to hearing from them.. Seems the loony left has finally slid so far left, that even their own demographics are unable to keep pretending & pandering.. Seems even they're recognising now, just how far their "On the Turning Away" (🎤 Pink Floyd) lunacy as really taken them away from real people, and the real world.. I won't hold my breath yet on the entire left establishment coming good..but still, honour & credit wherever its due..especially in places & people we so rarely ever see it from. Hopefully a few more might join them in this little epiphany..hopefully. Fair winds.
@Weakestlink437 Says:
Israel also quoted hitler against Palestine
@neillewis785 Says:
AOC ...Knows shes on the way out and will try anything to get a vote///...a bit like the labour party..
@billymcg7201 Says:
seriously??, they have both advocated for palestine from day one, its nearly voting season, they are trying to win votes from people who side with israel, then after votes are cast, they will be back to their rhetoric about gaza
@MrCph2200 Says:
I usually don’t believe IDF, since they have been caught in countless lies since October 7: 40 beheaded babies, “there is a list…” “mass rape” on October 7… etc
@ViewerOnline101 Says:
Wow, so AOC actually does have a few working brain cells and some morality. I'm legitimately shocked. Of course, it could just be a ploy.
@jackwojciechowski2779 Says:
Wow you got 560 likes, if you lied less people would like you lore
@AK36677 Says:
United States of Israel 🙄🤮
@TheRanaro Says:
To be fair, Mayor Adams has been very vocal about his support of Israel since the atrocities of 7 October and vehemently condemned Hamas. AOC..I'm rather shocked myself.
@Alan-tjj Says:
Excellent coverage. we should be giving credit when credit is due ..!!
@Michael-h2m1f Says:
Why can’t these people understand that the Holy Land belongs entirely to Israel. Israeli Minister Smotrich has stated the obvious: that Palestinians in Gaza should be replaced by Israelis. The expropriation of West Bank land is, however, continuing and 10sq km of Palestinian land - the largest yet - was expropriated in March this year. Israel can achieve its objectives in relation to Palestinians so long as it continues to occupy Gaza and continues its displacement programs in the West Bank and in the Negev desert.
@ruthirenestotter1712 Says:
@Rezzzzk Says:
1 point for AOC
@jackprice4786 Says:
I loooove the Australian right!!! And she’s kinda cute!
@Ratryggva1090 Says:
AOC has more experiences with her mouth doing more than speaking.
@norfnorf3819 Says:
Oh wow i think she really believes what she’s saying. But probably just a careerist who will lick any boot that could help her.
@onamattapeeya Says:
AOC only made this statement because it's an election year, she doesn't believe it in her heart, so it's nothing but another lie because she is still a terrorist supporter and she is still affiliated with the Democratic socialists of America which is a Marxist organization
@liebasolar9828 Says:
AOC is radically "anti Israel", which is really anti Jewish. She is a notorious anti semite and is simply pandering to the people for votes. She is truly disgusting.
@Shambar18 Says:
Did she look in the mirror. POS. Hope she gets kicked out on primary day
@rockahbilly76 Says:
Did AOC have a "Come to Fetterman" moment?
@sleepfighter Says:
Yet no one is punished
@RafaelSoltren Says:
AOC knows the elections coming up just like Biden trying to be on your side now……notice she hasn’t said anything stupid for awhile………
@driversseat1707 Says:
Not one mention of the vicious S€xual assault of the 13 year old in Queens, New York by from A.O.C. or Eric Adams. I figured he’d be done at the protests playing politicks

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