Continuous heat haunts northern India
Continuous heat haunts northern India



@makuohua3071 Says:
There is saying Heat kill heat . Indians are themselves heat peoples, Heat waves are killed Not Indians lol not An issues . Indians themselves loves spices food to becomes heat they Love Heat waves 😂 no problems, their skin are conditions to heat also 😂 .
@Raytracer96024 Says:
The only way Endia can turn saffron
@krisjustin3884 Says:
Sincere sympathy to the Indians suffering through this dreadful heatwave! I sure hope the better off will offer assistance to the poorer folk nearby - cold water, shared time in air-conditioned rooms, tips for workers like rickshaw drivers working in terrible heat, medical care for those sick from the heat, helping out with bathroom facilities etc.
@irritatedanglosaxon1705 Says:
They shd pray to Cow gods
@cpc9563 Says:
50 C?!! 😱
@azharidris7092 Says:
all those rotting garbage on the streets of India probably stink like hell in that hot weather..
@AnnieT369 Says:
Electricity outages are common in India even without the heatwave.
@ЕленаИванихина-я9э Says:

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