Chinese officials attempt to block Cheng Lei's view of document signing
Chinese officials attempt to block Cheng Lei's view of document signing



@SUNStanley Says:
these idiots use these ignorant and stipud ways to prevent CHENLEI's working, which demonstrate such a NO BOTTOM LINE COUNTRY
@Worrawe Says:
This is what happens when Australia bends down and opens up its backside to China for trade! Ordinarily, officials indulging in this behavior would have been thrown to ground for refusing to move had it been in China! Why are Aussies so gutless when it comes to CCP thuggery, be it on land, sea or air?
@idcibsen Says:
I can’t recall any country would let this happened in their country! for sure Russia, China, North Korea and Iran….. so Australia is now part of the group now?
@comchadelalora Says:
Does anyone have doubts that the chinese government (and also bad educated people) proceed like mafia ?
@claudiuspseudonymus1369 Says:
It was another Yankee-Zionist engineered STAGED moment. Cheng Lei herself wasn't complaining was she..?!! YEAH..
@johhw_6432 Says:
@johhw_6432 Says:
@ancientwisdom-ty4nb Says:
Did I just witness assault on live TV and no one talking about d lady laying her hand on that Chinese man? Dies she get a pass cos she's a woman?
@Kiwi_Dave Says:
Chinese are arrogant
@tjtgetjtge Says:
Sargent Schultz “I see nothing, I know nothing!”
@John-rr9nq Says:
Free Tibet !!!
@johhw_6432 Says:
Cheng Lei is a convicted criminal in China. The evidence is conclusive. Cheng Lei was expelled from China due to criminal offenses. There is no special difference between Cheng Lei and other criminals in Chinese prisons, except for their different looks. Other than that, Cheng Lei is exactly the same as the other protagonists.
@叽里呱啦马啦八咔 Says:
让一个被抓的间谍当作记者出席? 脑瘫行为!
@ejd7881 Says:
the Chinese gov is always embarrassing themselves china is turning into North Korea
@keithc904 Says:
So our goverment can't deal with a hand full of chinies spies / agents, and won't deal with a bully union, what actual issues are they capable of dealing with?
@econopack-tmac Says:
What about Cheng chong?
@Khamtruk-7 Says:
CCP in Aussie parliament Where Australian values? Where is the Freedom of Media or Expression? If you do business with China you have to give up a lot values what you have in this democratic country. What a big shame!
@Karl-Benny Says:
Headline should Read Australian Journalist tries to Invent a Story
@tamjordan305 Says:
Cheng was a spy in China. She is not even counted as a moral journalist.
@Conky769 Says:
Remember when Albanese and the national press club put Warren mundine and Jacinta price in a tiny little room at the press club- but gave themselves the big room every time?
@marieabineau Says:
only in fukkkking aussieland !!!! nobody s/b surprised....
@ChuckLeCluck Says:
Cheng Lei is a convicted criminal. How on earth she was allowed to be there is a joke.
@bretloyd8097 Says:
Is there video that shows anything?
@rhyno1740 Says:
That proves to me they have something to hide.
@imantifeminism556 Says:
Good decision China, look at how Australia is treating a Australian former ADF soldier now Whistle-blower or Julian Assange
@briancarr34 Says:
Albo and Wong ..... the best ambassador's of China in Australia.
@charliedontsurf4543 Says:
The albo archipelago,
@wilbur1884 Says:
@CatsandJP Says:
Maybe Sky News should have shown more sensitivity and asked her not to attend…after all she has been through…regardless of freedom of the press….and asked someone else instead….but then this is Sky News ….who love stirring the pot..
@PJC005 Says:
Imagine what the CCP would do given half a chance. The people simping for chicoms are revolting.
@BradleyBellwether-oy2qi Says:
Liberals from most of the western world are the puppets of china. This was absolutely a snub!
@Fire.4Effect Says:
Well, at least they didnt do a Chairman Mao on her

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