Ban Microchips for Russia: Is It Real to Stop Military Machine with Sanctions?
Ban Microchips for Russia: Is It Real to Stop Military Machine with Sanctions?



@Joe_Terra_Citizen Says:
According to some magazine and AI sources, with the right approach, Ukraine can win the Russo-Ukrainian War. What Ukraine needs is not just more assistance but also a UNIFIED THEORY OF VICTORY.  Ukraine and its partners must get on the same page regarding how the goals of a victory theory might be achieved. Here is what various sources (Foreign Affairs, CNBC, ChatGPT) offer as a path to victory: Sponsor conversations with all western allies about a “shared” vision of a “victory” or cease-fire, what a Ukrainian ‘victory’ means and what steps and resources would be needed to achieve it.”  Inflict grave damage to the economy and society of Crimea. Significantly increase the number of drones to fulfill all these tasks. Ukraine must step up its strikes deep inside Russia, not only continuing to hit Russian oil facilities, military bases, and weapons factories, but also increasingly air defense systems.   Increase pressure on the economic and information fronts to introduce a much more aggressive secondary sanctions campaign against any company operating in Russia. Mount an aggressive information campaign, comparable to that waged against Nazi Germany in World War II or the Soviet Union during the height of the Cold War, to affect perception of the war within and outside Russia. Undermine Putin’s regime and its appearance of success and infallibility.  The Putin regime’s stability is a mirage produced by the repression it exerts.  Use this repression against the regime. Ukraine’s defense industry should collaborate directly with the west. Disrupt attempts at russification of Crimea, Donetsk Luhansk Zaporizhia and Kherson by damaging the handing out Russian passports, pensions and benefits while erasing Russian culture, history and language from public spaces and schools. Mount an aggressive offensive targeting Russia’s militarized economy.
@coreyhayes4788 Says:
China won’t stop sending tech to Russia
@annehersey9895 Says:
😅the biggest problems with sanctions at the current time are twofold. First, unless every country in the world participates, sanctions just means the sanctioned country has to work a little harder to get the product they need. If they can’t buy the product directly, they just use a friendly 2nd or 3rd country to get the product and get it to the sanctioned country by deceptive packaging or some other way. Second, countries are hesitant to impose secondary sanctions on companies in their own country-especially in an election year. Sanctions used to work when there were fewer countries that produced most of the world’s supplies.
@chrismitchell4622 Says:
Yes stop all products to Russia!
@Hawk006 Says:
Trace contraband and render it useless. It doesn’t take an army, just a group of dedicated specialists.
@3613jeremy Says:
Russia has China, N Korea and Iran supplying military equipment to them. China might not be sending large offensive weapons but there definitely sending everything else from micro chips and bulk materials for building and repairing everything to bullet proof vest and guns
@GeorgeWashingtonLaserMusket Says:
What we ought to do is send the CIA in to disrupt.
@vikroy3777 Says:
Thanks for keeping us informed!
@markh3376 Says:
Yes! Full sanction on the metal, electronic, and soils to Russia Ban!
@Fubar2024 Says:
Slava Ukraini 💪💪🇺🇦💪💪💙💛💙💛🇨🇦
@unknownorigin7433 Says:
finally somebody thinking outside the box
@fedorbutochnikow5312 Says:
Unfortunately, Chinese chips are quite advanced now and I do believe they would supply Russia with everything they can't get elsewhere. The only way to counter that is for Ukraine to develop domestic electronic warfare capabilities to counter anything to may have been imported from China. Russia's cost of the invasion has to continue rising by any means available.
@Sameoldsongdance Says:
Oh, Little Pooter won't be happy if the Satanic West hits him with more sanctions. He may start something serious like he promised a year ago . . . And 16 months ago . . . And in late summer '22 . . . But I'm sure he isn't bluffing this time. LOL!!
@hardtackbeans9790 Says:
It certainly won't help the tiny tyrant's war machine hitting them with more sanctions. Poots may throw a tantrum & threaten nukes of course. But that will be of little consequence.
@jean-marcbelanger615 Says:
👍A sanction for it to work must be applied and not circumvented and those who help Russia must also be sanctioned!!! 👍
@newlifechannel804 Says:
CCP will continue to supply so useless your sanctions it must be also CCP Sanctions
@milanocity9870 Says:
China buillset.. china people work and do business.. Europea and america
@tonywuanwilliam8476 Says:
Which country that produce microchips or will become in near future? Putin will come in june,this month 💙💛
@davidreynolds3082 Says:
Sanction Russia FOREVER.
@meso8848 Says:
The steamroller will continue no matter what you do.. you just can’t beat Russia in this proxy war
@RatTerminator Says:
Let them buy Tofu Dreg chips from CCP 😂

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