'Eyesore': Bike lanes labelled 'human rights issue' by Sydney residents
'Eyesore': Bike lanes labelled 'human rights issue' by Sydney residents



@Peter_Thorpe Says:
These bastards are responsible for speed reductions all over Australia
@Peter_Thorpe Says:
These bastard cyclists are always drive on the wrong side of the roads
@Peter_Thorpe Says:
I want a lane for my oxcart
@Peter_Thorpe Says:
Cycle lanes are absolutely ridiculous,these people don’t pay a cent like the car owners do
@peterlostroh8709 Says:
Years ago when we had trams in Brisbane if the tram stopped all traffic had to stop to allow passengers to get on and off the tram.
@paulwaterstreet9844 Says:
Huge cost for no results .I've been hit 2 times with bikes go thru red lights
@vendettarules1 Says:
First off, Cyclists ARE superior to YOU Morons.... But so are retarded possums so that's not saying much.
So, this idiot in the center says "nobody rides on them" just after reading complaints of pearl clutching old people and seeing multiple pictures of cyclists on the bike lane. Also, saying the whole road gets backed up when one person wants to park because there's only one lane? Okay so everyone parks in the right lane...thus blocking that lane... I guess it's okay if the problem is caused by cars.. What a bunch of pearl clutching idiots. Think about what they are saying like holy fuck. People literally want everyone that rides bikes to die or to hop back in a car and make the commute worse for everyone. So fucking stupid.
@ericcoyle5184 Says:
This argument does'nt make sense, you need to watch out for cars as you cross it ( crossing ) , so also to the cyclists, anyway the second speaker was ok, he spoke clearly and I understood his input, BUT the first initially I could not understand his babble ! as a newsreader you have to be understood, he talks too bloody fast annoying , his excitement about this item affected how we could hear him, he needs to slow down, fair enough he has a point to say BUT do it so we understand it ! THE FIRST TIME , but the cyclists also need to be aware of these elderly resudents I guess , and be mindful of them approaching this crossing ? we all have to exist togther on this road and the planet.
@HiopX Says:
I don't wanna be hit by a bicycle. I prefer getting by cars than you very much
@paulb2022 Says:
Who are these clowns ?
@stevewiles7132 Says:
Are they not aware that only lefties are entitled to human rights?
@OG_Sigma87 Says:
Cyclists are a breed of their own! Definitely have a god complex on the road for sure. They dont hmgive a rats ass about pedestrians or cars, they act like they own the road
@andrewmandich5906 Says:
There's no types of people. Those who love riding bikes. And those who don't ride bikes. 😊😊
@andrewmandich5906 Says:
I don't cycle in a city. But I do love seeing fat lazy people complain about bike lanes. Do they know every cyclist is a car not in front of them I do hate the MAMILs also for what it's worth
@jamiechippett1566 Says:
I want a horse lane πŸ˜‚πŸ‘
@Maria-h1q6w Says:
@Maria-h1q6w Says:
@Aaronwhatnow Says:
Sky news not liking bike lanes. Tell me something new πŸ˜‚ There should be more bike lanes. Less cars. Cleaner air. Healthier lives.
@Yoshi-Mooch Says:
Cycling issues are first world problems.
@UltraPerception Says:
Cruella loves Kel being on the panel
@DudeTheMighty Says:
"They're an eyesore" Here in the states, bike lanes (which are a rare sight, but _do_ exist) are marked like regular road lanes, but with bicycles painted on them every block or so. Maybe you should talk to whatever dingus decided to make the road markings into their arts-and-crafts project.
@homeone4054 Says:
Speeding cyclists? Never. In the UK cyclists are entitled to ignore red lights now. Only a matter of time before a cyclist checking the next Dleiveroo delivery they have to make to a lazy c*nt's house and they take out a mother and baby. Also seems to include those not-motor-but-really-are-motor bikes used almost exclusively by middle-eastern gentlemen for deliveries.
@GrandpaVince Says:
We want kangaroo lanes
@TheHelper-l9m Says:
ATTENTION!!? Masks cause horrendous pollution that hurts our environment very much. Google :Face mask litter increased almost 9000 percent!
@tamimrktz6966 Says:
Every time they want to steal rights from the rest of us, they cry human rights. In reality, these lanes put us all at risk and destroy transportation and city centres.
@henryg3146 Says:
What's a bark lane?
@joeybrown3583 Says:
Women are designed to want and need security while men are designed to want and need freedom. The two are exactly opposite therefore the woman's vote essentially cancels out the man's vote making it easy for the ruling oligarchy to take away all freedoms, too often in the illusionary name of "women's rights." Furthermore, women can only have true security when their men are free to support and protect them. This is the true basis of all society, all civilization. Government protection of anyone is an oxymoron. By now that should be obvious to all us slaves, male and female.

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