Wind turbines only work '37 per cent' of the time: Former ANSTO CEO
Wind turbines only work '37 per cent' of the time: Former ANSTO CEO



@danielbigtiger Says:
Solar panel gets more energy than wind turbines depending on weather probability.
@warrenedser1996 Says:
Remember, it is a new age and a new time of advancement in technology and nuclear is one of them. The countries in Europe are returning with a new outlook in the nuclear age with new technology where the waste is now electricity and only steam is pouring out. If albo had sat down at the beginning instead of spending those millions and billions of dollars and put it towards the future, and housing and other industries and companies and businesses after the lockdowns instead of spending it on his own imitative to please his corporate buddies - Now he is on a tantrum and waste time to using scare tactics only for him - nuclear, wind, and solar, and gas are resources that can work together to ensure that we are not in the dark and businesses may continue to support to growth and productivity for all. While others are in the dark, we will be in the light 24 hours a day even when the wind and sun and batteries have given out or not there. WE consider that nuclear is like the old times but the times we are in they have come along way from the past. Today, many countries in Europe have seen the consequences of going down the road of renewables and now turning to nuclear and in our age and time we now can turn the waste into more electricity and the other thing that pours out is steam. It just like a pressure cooker or a kettle pouring out steam . Now they have Nuclear, renewables and coal working together. Isn't this a perfect balance for our children and their children and future generations? The infrastructure is there, all we have to do is build. Finland, no cost to consumers with electricity to them 0.00- Free, 24 hrs a day and to industries who have a reliable flow, what more could you ask? Renewables in Europe, was an experiment and it failed miserably and now with nuclear, all three are working together, this is what Dutton has done. Free or the high cost to our new generation and the future.
@lubanskigornik282 Says:
The French are not pinching themselves, they are building 6 new and planned 8 more nuclear power plants. It should be noted that they currently have 96 reactors - some of them are undergoing modernization and renovation. Please watch: _French plan to build 80 nuclear power plants in 15 years. How many were created?_
@kevthecontrarian1614 Says:
Wind turbines are the biggest "con" in the environmental armament. To my knowledge the first economic viability study on wind turbines was conducted in 1998 and it showed that wind turbines had the lowest productivity for cost than any other form of usable renewable energy. Governments like to erect them because they are a highly visible form of renewables that give the impression that they are doing somthing to combat CO2 emissions. No other study since has contradicted this original study. The 37% efficiency of wind turbines is old news to anyone that has studied this and personally I think that statistic is over generous.
@tonidantonio9877 Says:
We’ve had nearly a week of cloudy days, what’s going on.? The solar panels are not working.l.
@christinebell37 Says:
The main problem is BOWENS lunacy and Albos weakness ! As Grant king found out, Anyone who dares question the renewable gods will be subject to a highly political and vindictive investigation and without the dignity of an outcome, summarily fired and replaced by the Turnbull puppet KEAN
@ironmaidens6663 Says:
Renewable energy is intermittent. They simply cannot produce reliable power 24/7. And all this renewable energy push is going to cause blackouts and power prices to skyrocket.
@lakebandit Says:
So therefore build 3 times as many backed up with batteries and a bit of gas, sounds a lot cheaper than billions on nuclear (there are still no SMR’s operating anywhere). This whole scheme is just a political scam. And nuclear cannot help our power prices (if ever) for 20 years, so forget the “cost of living” argument.
@danielsoares2479 Says:
ESG is a trap to deindustrialize countries and make the world poor.
@WeveGotBush Says:
Can't power the grid with Unicorn Farts.
@Peter-p5u8t Says:
Windturbines inefficient??? nooohhh! That's a surprise!!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@SeanBotha Says:
And 1 turbine use more oil in 6 months than any car in 25 years
@levan2436 Says:
who care does it works or not as long it made in chyna, we just paid for chyna happy.
@cyber13337 Says:
I like this guy
@Prayers_Pats2024 Says:
We can harness more energy from the flatulence of the world's bovine population than these giant fans will ever produce.
@awc900 Says:
37% is pretty generous but even during that 37% the turbines output can vary quite a lot.
@icabobcrane8984 Says:
Renewable energy is unreliable and unaffordable, wind and solar has failed to some degree , everywhere its been tried. Rolling blackouts are the norm, and Germany buys power from France.
@brettchristoffel6391 Says:
Ya know thats pretty much what I've noticed just driving past a wind farm near the bunya mountains, there always seems to be a quater of them not cranking over.
@troy6882 Says:
37% is a little bit fair you know at a minute to energy production not a second wind full rpm 4 days 4 hours a day gets 28,000MWY a full time coal 3mw turbine gets to the min not second 120,000MWY go figure even on top standard states using gear loading and putting 4units at 3MW with that gear can obtain that 3MW output after lose based on a kilowatt output generator math grid viable twenty befor startup and services???? Gas has hundred MW turbine generator with no gear torque converter to the load shaft that could possibly cut 1/3 the total year gas used go figure????? Fisheries????? sustainable industry so not true to real boys math guess they like lie to kids adults ooooooooo.
@DJ-yj1vg Says:
This is what happened to my brother's rooftop. $4k later to fix it due to insurance.
@ThePresidentOfAustralia Says:
Im playing elden ring and mass effect at same time

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