Adults 'back in charge' of energy debate after Peter Dutton 'transformed the election'
Adults 'back in charge' of energy debate after Peter Dutton 'transformed the election'



@harleydavidsonstreet5560 Says:
Wake up to the future ! No screaming crying throwing Labour tactics. Finally a grown up talking sense 🎉🎉🎉
@MrLeedebt Says:
Keep it up Rup and Lochie, these fruitcakes are why the coalition is out of office except in Tasmania. You two are Labor's most effective campaigners.
@JeannineCoventon Says:
Who is paying for it all where is the money for it ?
@alancotterell9207 Says:
WEALTH DOES NOT TRICKLE DOWN - we have all been told a LIE which is worse than 'the one about theJews killing Jesus' ! Wealthy people do not even apologise. BELIEVERS are dangerous !
@alancotterell9207 Says:
Neoliberalism has destroyed the middle and working classes in both America and the UK where voting is not compulsory. The megarich become weatheir because of voter apathy. However, if you believe 'wealth trickles down' that might be OK. I have a porblem - I AM NOT A BELIEVER. I do not believe ANYTHING without reservation. Particularly RUPERT MURDOCH'S CRAP !
@BozoTheclown-cs9mk Says:
"Adults back in charge", you mean Dutton has given up or at least stopped throwing the toys from his pram.
@annie9099 Says:
I used to be against nuclear power stations in Australia until I found out from former staff of nuclear power plants that they are steam power stations. (it's on the Internet). The whole nuclear program is a hoax, terrorist propaganda. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were fire-bombed, not atomic bombed.
@dawndouglas7904 Says:
Watching question time, watching Albo is so bad you can't watch it for long makes you sick. Renewables are only good for investors not the people.
@vmura Says:
A communist ignores the people
@vmura Says:
misinformation by Albo Gov
@Christian-yz1qu Says:
We inherited the liberal mess of hanging on to coal for far too long, and now electricity costs are going up because the ageing coal-fired power plants the Liberals were so obsessed with keeping them, which now need investment to keep the lights on. It's the Liberals' fault and everyone knows it. Only an economically illiterate person would push nuclear in Australia. Privatise profits, nationalise risks and losses. That's nuclear energy. Look at the cost blowouts and delays in nuclear projects overseas and you simply have to ditch the idea immediately. But Dutton doesn't care about facts, he's all about ideology and climate denialism. The LNP politicians do not understand that nuclear is a Trojan horse. Voters should not be as stupid as LNP politicians. The switch to renewables and smart grids is already underway around the world, and it's not "trillions" as some have been duped into believing - unless you count private rooftop solar that was installed years ago, which is comparing apples and oranges. SA is already running mostly on renewable electricity, exporting it on some days. You can't shut a reactor down when the renewable output meets all demand. Watch as an authoritarian Dutton takes away your rooftop solar to justify his nuclear reactor running. He doesn't believe in community consultation. The share of nuclear energy worldwide is on the decline. We don't need it here; it is a very stupid idea because it worsens the climate crisis by keeping ageing coal power plants and gas running and spewing carbon into the atmosphere. Reckless LNP climate change denialists want to destroy renewables to keep mining dirty fossil fuels because they won't even be holding office when their first fairy-tale reactor goes online. It's unbelievable that many people don't see this.
@peterjackson5225 Says:
Keep going peter dutton we need u
@graemeschubert6162 Says:
Drunken sailor looking for a another pissup😅
@paulclutterbuck1299 Says:
The move was genius? A form of energy to get us to net zero by 2050? Rowan you've been telling us for years now that climate change is a hoax. It makes me wonder if you even know what the f--k your taking about!
@LogicLost Says:
If you don't know, vote no. Why does that sound so familiar?
@easyz6654 Says:
All the Coalition need to do is back Labor into a corner on the matter of the AUKUS subs having nuclear technology but denying the Australian people the right to harness this energy to maintain our cost of living and cheaper electricity. This is all about Labor dancing to the tune of the Green Marxists whose preferences they depend on. Brilliant strategy from Dutton to wedge Labor and the imbecile that calls himself the PM on this issue.
@stevep7657 Says:
Dutton's plan is all fabrication- there will be no nuclear plants in Australia- even his own front bench can't agree on what they're talking about.
@garyjohnstone6422 Says:
Dutton is on a winner. We must have base load to prosper. SMR reactors are the trend globally. 2/3rds of Americans are in favour of nuclear power and 20% of the power is already ex nuclear Nuclear does have an especially valuable trait in that it produces a steady stream of electrons without emitting greenhouse gasses, providing reliable baseload power. Safety is an overblown issue. How many deaths, a couple. Unlike conventional reactors, they don’t require any integration to the grid for safety, Nuclear is the largest source of clean power in the United States, generating more than 800 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity each year and producing more than half of the nation's emissions-free electricity. This avoids more than 470 million metric tons of carbon each year, which is the equivalent of removing 100 million cars off of the road. In 2019, nuclear plants operated at full power more than 93% of the time, making it the most reliable energy source on the power grid. Opposition to nuclear is ill informed and always from the Left. A leftover of the Cold War when they did Mother Russia`s bidding.
@shanekay8278 Says:
So why are labor going ahead with nuclear subs. Won't the soldiers all on board of the sub end up with 3 eyes?
@carlurbananimals Says:
Just stop with all the political memes the alt right ones are just as annoying
@vincentburrowes9243 Says:
The LNP must have consulted a 17 year old kid about locating Nuclear Reactors in Loy Yang - Victoria, Port Augusta - South Australia and Callide / Gladstone - Queensland as these locations are listed Geological / Earthquake Risk Zones. The location of Lithgow is subject to Low Ground Water concerns. There has been a catastrophic failure of a Nuclear Power Station in Japan called Fukushima which was caused by an Earthquake / Tsunami. The LNP has obviously not performed any form of Risk Assessment - does the LNP have a suitable disaster plan for such an event as the one that occurred in Japan?
@vincentburrowes9243 Says:
Currently in the USA, the decommissioning of a Nuclear Power Station has to be completed 60 years after the cessation of operations. It can be longer if the process is required to protect Public Health or safety. A 50 year break is required for radioactive decay and 10 years is required to dismantle the facility. This is a very costly exercise. A renewable power station does not require a complicated process such as this for decommissioning.
@DavidWright-k6p Says:
US have invested truckloads on nuclear for over a decade. It's safe as, just needed better education since Japan issue. Cost of nuclear production was established a decade ago at US0.07c / kWh Minimise poles an wires. Don't manufacture ourselves, import from well established authorised US approved companies. Stay govt owned not subject to shareholder greed and get cost of living back under control. Water next Peter
@driftke70 Says:
labors saying it will be in peoples backyards while they put wind turbines off the coasts and solar on your house at your cost
@Marcus-cz5uu Says:
Congratulations Mr Dutton! Well done!
@Abraham-uk4xy Says:
Nothing wrong with nuclear power. Cheap anf safe. Australia is lights years behind. USA and UK have them.
@petert24turner71 Says:
No animals still grazing around Chernobyl have 3 eyes or deformities.
@jackidosen1791 Says:
Most people who are half wits are loosing their battle for Nuclear Energy. Great a grip people 😅. Albo is a half wit😅😅.Cry Baby 👶 😅.
@CitizenShane54 Says:
Where’s the detail? There is no detail and there never will be. A pathetic attempt.
@joelG1272 Says:
I am not sure if people have noticed what is going on in other countries right now, but many counties are preparing for small scale nuclear conflict in Europe. I asked Chat GTP 4 what would the effect of that on solar power generation and this is what He/She/ Its or other told me. Nuclear Winter: A nuclear war, even on a small scale, would release large amounts of soot and particulate matter into the atmosphere. These particles could block sunlight, leading to a phenomenon known as "nuclear winter." Studies suggest that a regional nuclear conflict could inject 5-15 million tons of soot into the stratosphere, reducing solar radiation reaching the Earth's surface by 10-20% or more. This reduction in sunlight would significantly decrease the effectiveness of solar panels for an extended period, potentially lasting several months to years . Climate Change: The injection of soot and aerosols into the atmosphere would not only block sunlight but also alter weather patterns. This could lead to cooling of the surface temperatures and changes in precipitation patterns, further affecting solar power generation by increasing cloud cover and reducing sunlight . Physical and Environmental Damage Infrastructure Damage: Direct impacts of nuclear explosions could damage solar power infrastructure. This includes physical destruction of solar panels, inverters, and grid connections. Radioactive fallout could contaminate large areas, making maintenance and repair of solar installations hazardous and challenging . Long-Term Environmental Impact: Contamination from radioactive fallout could render large regions uninhabitable and unsuitable for the deployment of solar panels for decades. Soil and water contamination could further affect the structural integrity and efficiency of solar panels . Economic and Societal Impacts Supply Chain Disruptions: A nuclear conflict could severely disrupt the global supply chains for solar panel manufacturing, including the mining and processing of raw materials, production of solar cells, and transportation of finished products. Economic instability and potential trade embargoes or sanctions could further hinder the production and deployment of solar technology. Lets consider that if the USA goes to war with it largest adversary, China, which is looking very likely in the future. Australia would have to decide which side we want to be on. I think that the fact we could not defend ourselves from an attack from China, Iran or North Korea all of which have or will have intercontinental ballistic nuclear missiles, that a similar fate awaits our solar electricity generation capacity. Even a high altitude EMP would wipe out solar farms leading to wide scale black outs and societal chaos. China is producing 90% of the worlds green tech hardware yet they have 56 nuclear reactors and are building another 25 with more to come. They are perfecting the construction of SMR reactors, because they know where the future lies, and are most likely going to be the suppliers of the worlds energy tech long after solar has reached its peak.
@thejedaru1383 Says:
Dutton is the man.
@Ulrich_von_Jungingen Says:
Labor posts a picture of a Koala with 3 eyes, yet the Lucas heights reactor has been in operation since the 50s. Ultimate brain dead party.
@steveblake6877 Says:
Yep! The Canberra Clown Albo has nowhere to hide. He has been protected and championed by his ALP/ Greens ABC all the way. But his own stupidity has undone him. He’s totally incompetent. A child in a man’s body. Spot on Peter Dutton.
@peterremkes9376 Says:
Dutton unveiled sites, not much more. No costings, nothing about how much power they will produce and no answer to quite a few more questions we should ask him. And while I'm not against nuclear power we need to know a lot more before I would vite in favour. Sky should look at it much more critically and not just echo what comes out of Dutton's mouth.
@johndunn4182 Says:
Labor is pathetic.... and they are rattled. They are stuck in the 1980's with their views on Nuclear.... Meanwhile technology and the world has moved on.
@RoyParavinic Says:
Labour party / primeminister have no management skills and are avoiding countries real issues, citizens are scared by government and companies, medical insurances and medicare providing public health.
@timwilson4684 Says:
Voters should not forget - with the Voice campaign Elmer Fudd complained constantly about the so called misinformation and disinformation coming from the LNP - now with this nuclear proposal that's all he has to argue with.
@sosministriesrev1412 Says:
Simple logic, the left lies about the expense, Nuclear will be cheaper under Dutton's plan. If you were to build a 10-megawatt solar or wind farm and you build a 10-megawatt Nuclear power station, which one will generate the most electricity over a 365-day calendar year? Which will be the best return on investment? Seriously Chris Bowen wants 82% of Australia's electricity to be produced by renewables which is laughable.
@fs960 Says:
But Dr Adi Paterson in your interview with him said that people COULD have a nuclear reactor in their backyard; and he said it as if that is a good thing. (I definitely don't see that as a good thing). And now here is Rowan saying that notion was part of a Labor "scare campaign"
@carlbrowarczyk6378 Says:
Good hard Peter Dutton labor greens government have lost the plot sad thing is people still believe the lies
@stephengrocott3917 Says:
rubbish from the reactionaries
@galaxyexplorer6189 Says:
Labor Australia and Democrats in America....Two cheeks of the same arse.
@Swiftsyndicate13 Says:
There would actually be less hospital admissions because people with lights would be able to see better poker machines would work better traffic 🚦 better better better dilldows and electric sex aides better
@jkwmyplace1254 Says:
We need a long term solution for our baseload CLEAN energy needs and that is why we need Nuclear with the added benefit of using existing transmission infrastructure. Solar panels lifespan approx 20 years, but decline in performance start within a few years - I know because I've got a solar system which is 12 years old and the performance is now down to 60%. Wind turbines do not product enough energy, destroy the landscape and are also a short term option not a solution.
@gjamieson1956 Says:
Sydney's had one for fifty years no one is complaining
@Swiftsyndicate13 Says:
Don't get me wrong but nuclear power and weapons is what we need nuclear nuclear nuclear so as I have said don't get me wrong just got push putten next and everything willll be nuclear but how do we get putten on are side with nuclear war instead of having renewable wars
@peterbrown4943 Says:
Adults not back in the energy debate. You are being rediculous. If you stop patting yourselves on the back and think again, we would be going back to coal. We have been blessed with all this coal right near the surface all around these existing generators. The reason we built these generators where we did all them years ago and ran all that copper from the generators to our major distribution centres was to keep prices down. Coal is cheap, abundant and easily scrapped up off the ground either near these generators or near a purpose built railway line. Coal is also very clean. Go back to coal in a big way. Get the prices down and the country thriving, then make a half hearted attempt at going for one or two nuclear generators. In short keep putting labor in the background. And get the greenies to shut up. Treat the abos the same as the whites. Take the land back that Albanese gave to the abos. And stop the $40billion a year wasted on abos and spread the money around all Australians. Close the ABC put staff on the same pension as all the rest of Australia. Use the money to prop up our economy. Look into political rorts and sack them and remove their pensions as well. More money for all.
@imeagleeye1 Says:
Spent nuclear fuel, occasionally called used nuclear fuel, is nuclear fuel that has been irradiated in a nuclear reactor (usually at a nuclear power plant). It is no longer useful in sustaining a nuclear reaction in an ordinary thermal reactor and, depending on its point along the nuclear fuel cycle, it will have different isotopic constituents than when it started.[1] Spent fuel pool at a nuclear power plant Nuclear fuel rods become progressively more radioactive (and less thermally useful) due to neutron activation as they are fissioned, or "burnt", in the reactor. A fresh rod of low enriched uranium pellets (which can be safely handled with gloved hands) will become a highly lethal gamma emitter after 1–2 years of core irradiation, unsafe to approach unless under many feet of water shielding. This makes their invariable accumulation and safe temporary storage in spent fuel pools a prime source of high level radioactive waste and a major ongoing issue for future permanent disposal.
@katsebo5526 Says:
If Labor are so scared of nuclear power plants which they label dangerous then why are they send Ukraine bombs when Ukraine and Russia are full of nuclear power plants? Are they not worried about the people there or the climate for that matter?
@shanemallinson7644 Says:
4:08 At lest Peter Dutton got balls to put it up front before The next Federal election not like Labor how hide what they really going to do

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