UK: 'Restore Nature Now' march in London; 'make polluters pay,' chant protesters | World News | WION
UK: 'Restore Nature Now' march in London; 'make polluters pay,' chant protesters | World News | WION



@luciferdevil4725 Says:
India other poor country use to much fossil fuel
@DavidGetling Says:
The sad and undeniable truth is that in the UK our water companies have been allowed to pay dividends and bonuses instead of spending that money on properly treating our sewage, and preventing vast amounts of water being wasted through leaky pipes. To satisfy greedy shareholders, and senior executives, far more water than actually gets to our taps is being extracted and poison is being pumped into our rivers and costal areas. The vast majority of UK citizens would not object in the slightest if water companies were re-nationalised without paying any compensation.
@summess5567 Says:
THank you, all the people who have bothered to learn the facts and - no9t just catch a train/bus/tram/taxi to the gridlocked centre of London but also to have created easy-assemble COSTUMES as well. That is DAYS of dedication so that our kids might have a tiny chance of not licving in a hellhole where fod is rare and basuic, water is expensive and somewhere to live is a Refugee camp fr5om the last flood/huurricane/deadly heatwave. You can tell this London-wide protest is unnerving the Fossil Industry by the way thety're a) not allowing it to be reported and b) paying for so many Trolls to post the usual nonsense insults/lies on any places where it's shown,. NOtice how the Police have ensured that NO member of the Public is permitted to be around to see the Demo. This has been blocked off from the tourists, shoppers and other residents that might want to join in because they too care about the death sentence the oil Industry is giving their kids. Perish the thought that the international super-0rich should pay for destroying the world that nature and ther rest of us used to live in.
@FindThisArtist Says:
95% of EV's aren't recycled. Mass graveyards of EV vehicles in China. China monopolise mineral mining in Africa. Women take young children to mine cobalt and lithium of which requires mass amounts of water, subsequently polluted beyond use. Workers get seriously ill. Broken windmill blades and solar panels are buried, too costly to recycle. California's energy grid can't handle mass use of air conditioning (they have brown outs) so how in God's name can any energy grid support mass EVs. Not to mention every other hazard and short sighted policy to do with being "green" or getting "net zero". The maddest thing is the left hate establishment but do their bidding, Klaus Schwab is the "Nazi" they're looking for, and Soros their funder.
@Deeejjj64 Says:
Imagine flying battery planes
@elizabethmcintyre8529 Says:
You pay your fair share and how do they get around in cars bus train plane or do they fucken walk
@stansbornak8116 Says:
Pay your fair share!
@_wokeweaklingscryoverwords_ Says:
Btw Aditi Singh is stabbing people in the back in your DNA or did you learn how to stab people in the back after turning into a Leftist Liberandu?

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