'Childish memes': Labor's reaction to Coalition nuclear push slammed
'Childish memes': Labor's reaction to Coalition nuclear push slammed



@meeranraees3183 Says:
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@meeranraees3183 Says:
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@meeranraees3183 Says:
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@meeranraees3183 Says:
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@meeranraees3183 Says:
In the hunder rules regulations international court justice south Africa United nations international criminal court law of Islamic of general scientist globally peace
@actualfacts1055 Says:
Guess what a woman as Governor General, who would have thought ?
@actualfacts1055 Says:
Problem is the Coalition wants to pay for it not private enterprise, but if it turns out not to be viable then the only answer is gas or coal or both to back up renewables. Net Zero is a pipe dream that will never happen in that case.
@GeoffTrevenen Says:
Mr Dutton can you try to ban the black horde who have arrive since the last federal election. FFS this mob in government have filled the country with free loaders. Time is running out to rid Arsehole Albanede and his scealey mates!
@guymoschella4066 Says:
An Australian nuclear expert talks about nuclear it’s worth listening to . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J50hWO2DKHc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xSchwB-gfjg
@kpopandotherplaylists2518 Says:
Albo; memes mocking me are not acceptable. Also Albo: look at my 3 eyed blinky bill meme, boys. Ti ti wi ..dwiddums funny... Still Albo; How dare you call me " man boy" Another Albo; costings. Webery bwody knows green energy is chweeper.. ( a trillion ish. ? 😂 )
@Gregpriestley-q4e Says:
Yes you’ve nailed it 🎉
@timifumi46brown91 Says:
Albo is plain and simple full of shit , nothing but lies from him and the labor party!!! they are an activist group plain and simple!!!
@actualfacts1055 Says:
The Governor General does bugger all except to host tea parties.
@actualfacts1055 Says:
Good riddance to Matt Kean, he might as well join the Greens and be done with it.
@actualfacts1055 Says:
The SA Labor Premier was all for nuclear in SA but now that a Federal election is coming up he is suddenly against nuclear.
@KingsleyThomson-j1w Says:
Unfortunately you can't have a serious debate over nuclear power with stupid people,,,, and Albo Bowen and all the Labor clowns are,,, STUPID PEOPLE 😢
@actualfacts1055 Says:
Matt Kean is not an energy expert, he is just another left wing politician.
@actualfacts1055 Says:
Renewables need either nuclear, coal or gas to firm up renewables, coal and gas produce emissions and gas is very expensive.
@KingsleyThomson-j1w Says:
Albenese and Bowen are spoilt little children having a tantrum because we finally have a choice and leadership from Peter Dutton ,,,Albo and his clowns are rattled ,,,, jellyfish 🪼 ALBO!
@LogicLost Says:
A bit hard to “focus” when all Dutton provided was an advertising pamphlet not a policy
@John-ul4hv Says:
Another scam by politicians um promise
@rogermckinnon5738 Says:
Someone needs to chance Pinocchios nappy and give him a nap time.
@MarkHines-p8d Says:
Taxpayer, $38 more due to tax cuts, Govner General a $4,000 pr week pay rise. That makes sense.
@alancotterell9207 Says:
Risk-consciousness is 'child-like' ? Most kids and many adults or not risk conscious - particularly those who have been nowhere and done nothing.
@wongnaichungrd Says:
No surprise Malcolm Turnbull was in the public gallery when Matt Kean farewelled parliament.
@jenzag7621 Says:
The government don't deserve our hard earned money. Their pay rises and the disgraceful increase for the governor general, is a slap in the face for starving Australian families, living on the streets. They're totally heartless.
@jenzag7621 Says:
There's nuclear medicine.
@graemeschubert6162 Says:
The word WOKE baffled liberals. I have Nether seen them this sensitive before . You could take the piss years ago and draw a laugh now they just go for their guns😅
@vincentburrowes9243 Says:
No Crises - We have had an increase in Natural Disasters in the last 10 Years - the insurance companies are raising their premiums or refusing to insure. Don't believe in climate crises - Fine - but we are all paying more with something to do with the weather / climate!
@robrobs7529 Says:
Albo =Man child
@redruby5689 Says:
Stick your nuclear energy...Nooooooo. Your a liar Albo..
@ngaugefouroaksstreetstatio6932 Says:
As expected Murray Watt continues to make foolish statements to what he must think is a stupid uneducated electorate.
@hadrian3487 Says:
I dare you to send a 3 eyed fish to Macron, Elbow.
@baldrick6071 Says:
He won't lift the ban because he knows the investment will ultimately be undertaken.
@hadrian3487 Says:
This is hilarious,I haven’t seen Labor hit the panic button ever before, not like this. Election is all over. Greens/Teals will be smashed as well.
@stephenmirgel4109 Says:
Climate Change Authority or Ministry Misinformation and Disinformation. Labor is sitting in a cave in the dark with their fingers in their ears. Do not want what they are selling.
@JonathanBriggs-q4u Says:
Now you know how it feels to try and have a sensible discussion. Re The Voice. Righties going nuts.
@vincentburrowes9243 Says:
The tale of two Matt's One Matt is interested in the generation of wealth for his own and his families interests. The other Matt is an open far sighted operator who understands the long term needs of the community.
@vincentburrowes9243 Says:
Dutton’s idea is Nuclear Power for 3 to10% of the total electricity supply. How are we going to generate the remaining 90 to 97% of our total electricity demand? Renewables are going to have to do the heavy lifting for 90% of Dutton’s Nuclear fantasy
@RosaCulhane Says:
When are people going to wake up to this scam by Albo and the greens our pockets are going to keep paying Albos compatriots guaranteed profits that’s why labour is running scared at least nuclear will be Australian owned
@vensimo4293 Says:
If you believe in climate change go nuclear that easy we don’t need to buy it, we supply it to everyone else as to the rest of our resources but NO Australian people have to us panels on roof tops . A happy PM gets an offer pay rises, that’s 3 now I think. Life’s tuff right PM . His a peace of work . Stay warm everyone
@RosaCulhane Says:
Why is everyone banging on about cost of nuclear bite the bullet and let’s get started we will only be paying more and more over the years for this renewable nonsense Dutton is talking about a combination of energy resources which clearly cost less then the trillions we we have to pay under labour and the mad left greens
@RosaCulhane Says:
I don’t think the high court has any idea no it’s up to us to vote leftist labour and the unhinged greens out
@vadersfather1248 Says:
So they want to ban misinformation on the web but they put out this rubbish once again is rules for thee but not for me
@Berserker978 Says:
That figures. After all Albos a Child in a Mans Body. 🤭
@Kim-q8x Says:
Yes, welcome back, Peta. Missed you conviction and common sense. 😊
@dmarshall8366 Says:
The Murdoch media interviews the Murdoch media, nothing but balance here. 😂
@janinapalmer8368 Says:
They should let the High Court decide if we should have nuclear power ... they do with other important stuff.!
@Dismas2503 Says:
The use of humour is an excellent strategy for putting idiots in their place.
@davidcarter4247 Says:
Albo is very child-like. His continual need for reassurance, his endless repetition of his tale about life with mummy and his inability to.hold an adult conversation. His response to criticism is not the narcissistic rants of Rudd and Turnbull but a rush to get someone to protect him. Like changing the law to stop people mocking him. Albo is a 10 year old.

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