Wikileaks founder Julian Assange accepts US plea deal
Wikileaks founder Julian Assange accepts US plea deal



@markgendala5689 Says:
"I plead guilty to journalism"? Once a child starts enjoying other peoples' secrets, it never grows up...
@rickertom8122 Says:
The previous PM followed US so close that freeing Assange was never his choice!
@stevencorlett7972 Says:
Julian Assange is a STRAIGHT UP TRAITOR he should never have been released
@Mmzynire Says:
He will expose isreal soon😂
@Jst4funn Says:
About time.. watching the Trump fiasco and corruption to lead to conviction, we all know hiw this works. Like facing TRUMPED UP "espionage " charges in Russia..
@johndifrancesco8333 Says:
Careful Sky News, your starting to simulate the ABC, JULIAN ASSANGE revealed the USA knowingly slay innocent Iraqis, yet once again we talk about the lives put at risk. Yeah, the C.I.A. the military personel who murder civilians based on WND's that didn't exist, Australian media is disappointing, Albo's useless, but why not feel proud, come on!
@ainisepalu8427 Says:
So happy he is free! Let him go!! Enough of this circus.
@shannonspear8751 Says:
Shame on OZ for not having his back . And where’s the woman with the fake Rape accusations
@stand355 Says:
Julian Assange should pay for all the horrible things he did on his private island.
@htunlin2000 Says:
Godspeed for Mr assange! However, the real criminals remain in office, committing genocides as we speak . . . on multiple warfronts by proxy all around the world.
@paultsjan6047 Says:
After tormenting and putting Julian Assange through hell with false charges and fabrication of crimes for 14 long years with the help for US allies, the US finally decides to release Julian Assange from the United Kingdom’s Belmarsh prison with Julian Assange agreeing to a plea deal with the US. In the plea deal, Julian Assange will plead guilty to a felony charge under the US Espionage Act of “conspiring to unlawfully obtain and disseminate classified information relating to the national defense of the US. The plea deal was a way for the US to save face amid the increased pressure to release Julian Assange. The US has been asserting long-arm jurisdiction over other countries or persons deemed to be critical to US interest and US foreign policy. The US has also been expanding the scope of its long-arm jurisdiction to exert disproportionate and unwarranted jurisdiction over extraterritorial persons or entities, enforcing US domestic laws on extraterritorial non-US persons or entities, and wantonly penalizing or threatening others through coercion and total submission to US whim. The release of Julian Assange is the result of a global campaign that spanned grass-roots organisers, press freedom campaigners, legislators and leaders from across the political spectrum, all the way to the United Nations.
@walkinbeauty7248 Says:
State criminals against True of Julian.
@redsed1565 Says:
@redsed1565 Says:
HE WAS FED WELL! MMMMM...... I smell a rats?😁
@redsed1565 Says:
@blushflush Says:
Australia is a colony of United States and United Kingdom. Your Government are slaves and they should pay reparation to the Assange Family. Whats the point of paying your hard earned money in Taxes when the Government can not protect its citizens?
@comancheflyer4903 Says:
The system always wins as long as the people support the system.
@Rmiento2410 Says:
God is good 🙏
@AdkJACK Says:
you realize this man is one of the best hackers-coders on earth and the dems just brought him in.... we are about to see some internet chaos, this election is going to be a sham...
@ramjet4025 Says:
He is going to the WRONG COUNTRY - Should be Russia Russian Trolls The SOB is a Russian Traitor, a Rapist, a mass murderer, and promoted endlessly by Russia as a "journalist". He is not a victim. Its notable that this story brings out all the Russian Trolls.
@BozoTheclown-cs9mk Says:
Good on you Joe Biden.
@Outdoorswithmikey Says:
The tides are changing
@1thehawk Says:
Let's not forget John Pilgers words:
@IrenaJenewein Says:
@rethinkscience8454 Says:
No help from the Australian media - now you will all make out you were There supporting him , the press is full of cowards.
@remitablechair Says:
Wonder what happened to those military personnel who blew up civilian cars from a helicopter gunship
@MarkBrown-gc6hr Says:
Australia is the USAs biaaatch
@MarkBrown-gc6hr Says:
Glad he is free. Never trust a yank.
@MsArgentana Says:
To denounce the NAZI for SHOA should too be a vriminal act??
@krisolguy Says:
The man is free as it should be ! What has been done to him for speaking truth is beyond disgusting. We all know why they've kept him hostage.
@lindalee-brown5539 Says:
About time. The successive governments here have been dragging their feet for years. I wish him all the best of luck.
@bobaverage Says:
Sounds fishy. I wouldn't trust the American justice system.
@visionlandmusic Says:
so….the British justice system isn’t completely corrupt…yet!
@deano2000nz Says:
America sucks
@cindersspace5011 Says:
A very happy day wohoo about time Julian now go be happy and free
@gilbertcolacicco1655 Says:
Pedo Joe is a paedophile. God bless Trump ❤. We are winning 😂
@kryptonic269 Says:
@woobykal68 Says:
I will believe it when he is on australian soil.
@Meld61 Says:
He is NOT free until he is back in Australia do NOT trust the USA ,he isn't free yet .Wishing him and his family all the best .
@LastStitch Says:
America's Bush,Clinton's,Obama And Biden Lying CIA Killers will get to him . Trusting America Government is like Trusting the Devil and his Works
@SilverLine-v1d Says:
Australia being the coward who handed him over. Shame on you, you bushpig American boot lickers.
@AmandaViolinGirl Says:
Not guilty. These charges should be dropped. Shame on you America.
@stanadams5541 Says:
Great to see this guy given his freedom he has done his time for at worst an unintentional mistake.
@jmw1982blue Says:
It's still wild that the US can charge a non citizen with a domestic crime.
@mikematthews2750 Says:
This made me shed a tear. It’s wonderful news. A man who revealed not state secrets but criminality at the highest level, the stuff the corrupt elite in the Fascist States of America (I love the people hate the govt) wanted buried. A great start to the day!
@atman3437 Says:
From Aussie Sky News quoting "American news outlets", so goodness knows how accurate this is! 🙄
@hholton7245 Says:
Under British Justice the law protects the rich and prosecutes the poor.
@Bernd-m2o Says:
Anything short of a complete rehabilitation and the payment of adequate damages to Julian Assange is a continuation of a heinous crime committed by a rogue state against an innocent human being for speaking the truth.
@harrydavey9884 Says:
I guess his clone is finally ready. Now they can "free" him and replace him. How nice. Just 2 short weeks after Trump said he'd give serious consideration to pardoning him.
@timbucktoo99191 Says:
Innocent! The people's hero ❤

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