Albanese government blasted over 'off the rails' nuclear scare campaign
Albanese government blasted over 'off the rails' nuclear scare campaign



@pefrja1 Says:
Get the feeling the Australian people are sick and tired of this incompetent government.
@russellcullen9913 Says:
Kean is a gun for hire.
@russellcullen9913 Says:
No welcome to country for julian Assange
@peterkirgan2921 Says:
Albo is a crook ! He should be sharing a jail cell with julian Assange!!
@robertcunningham35 Says:
if labor wants to use the Simpsons as a scare campaign may be liberals should use the Simpsons episode when the wind turbines stopped turning the power turns off
@Pamela-zu7hh Says:
Labor has totally lost the plot he needs to stand down
@graemeschubert6162 Says:
Must be hurting
@JohnHSmith-q9f Says:
Net Zero??? Yet, Adding 1.6 Million Polluters via mass Immigration with nowhere to house them!!! This is A Massive Human Rights Abuse!!! Think about that, 1.6 Million More Polluters??? It’s all Lies, Lies, Lies and Parasitic Grift, Graft and Corruption
@pieterwiffers3095 Says:
Sack albo now
@SenorTucano Says:
All the big corporations that bought up Australian power plants arent going to like nuclear power plants being built.
@rickman2267 Says:
We have so much gas , but alot goes overseas! Shameful
@cheesecracker1543 Says:
Hilarious! Albo talking about three eyed fish with his forked tongue!
@robertsutton3439 Says:
Problem is this cockhead albenezi thinks all Australians are a stupid and dumbass as he is
@frankmontanari5534 Says:
Labour is just a big joke.. It is hard to believe that people had faith in Labour. How disappointed labour voters must feel in the current political bullshit Labour is dishing out. They need to go, and go quick
@chrisdagg5117 Says:
Duhh joining the duhhhhhs
@graycoin7271 Says:
Albo looks like he is still in opposition and not in government.
@Petergrand371 Says:
Our parliament is a total disgrace all im listening to blame scare campaigns bullshit lies no solutions whatsoever from the 2 major parties and loosers of the parliament some stupid targets they have no idea of meanwhile I just pay
@alancotterell9207 Says:
Many radioactive isotopes have half lives of thousands of years. Nuclear proliferation might be death by inches. What happens to decomissioned reactors ?. It might be OK for the first 100 years, by then those who are living now will all be dead. However I like to believe my descendents will carry my message about common decency to the world. We all have a responsibilty to care about the legacy we leave for the next lot of idiots.
@desking8065 Says:
1 A What are the disadvantages of SMR reactors? However, they also take longer to build, have higher capital costs so are harder to finance, and are arguably becoming too complex. Different conditions at different nuclear sites also reduce the potential to replicate designs, which also adds costs.18 Oct 2021 What are the problems with SMRs? With a roll-out of SMRs, skills will be needed for factory work, on-site construction, and plant operation. Deploying SMRs without concurrent supply chain development could hinder deployment and increase costs What are the safety concerns of SMRs? SMRs feature smaller, less robust containment systems than current reactors. This can have negative safety consequences, including a greater probability of damage from hydrogen explosions.23 Sept 2013 Are there any operational SMRs? As of 2023, only China and Russia have successfully built operational SMRs. The US Department of Energy had estimated the first SMR in the United States would be completed by NuScale Power around 2030, but this deal has since fallen through after the customers backed out due to rising costs. Power plants based on SMRs may require less frequent refuelling, every 3 to 7 years, in comparison to between 1 and 2 years for conventional plants. Some SMRs are designed to operate for up to 30 years without refuelling.13 Sept 2023 What is the controversy with small modular reactors? Small modular reactors, long touted as the future of nuclear energy, will actually generate more radioactive waste than conventional nuclear power plants, according to research from Stanford and the University of British Columbia.31 May 2022 Are SMRs the future of nuclear energy? According to Csizmadia, compared to typical, larger reactors, SMRs are more economical and can be scaled to local needs. They also are less costly to build, take less time to complete, have fewer risks and provide more flexibility on siting, proponents say.26 Feb 2024 Do SMRs need water cooling? SMRs can vary in size from less than 10 megawatts electric (MWe) up to 300 MWe and can use a range of possible coolants including light water, liquid metal or molten salt, depending on the technology. What is the temperature of SMR reactor? Some SMRs are based on existing commercially deployed technologies, while others are based on advanced design concepts, offering a range of sizes – from 1 to 300 MWe – and a range of temperatures – from 285°C to more than 850°C. What are the arguments against small modular reactors? In addition to the waste and proliferation problems, small modular reactors will not be built and operating in time to be an effective climate solution. Canada's climate targets involve decreasing greenhouse gas emissions to 40 per cent below 2005 levels by 2030 and reaching net-zero by 2050.1 Apr 2024 Who is building SMRs? • NuScale is developing SMRs in the U.S. and overseas. • TerraPower was founded in 2008 by Bill Gates. • Westinghouse's eVinci micro reactor. • BWXT Technologies is a subsidiary of BWX Technologies and is based in Lynchburg, VA. • Kairos Power engineers work to develop molten salt reactors. 9 Jan 2023
@aaronmoffatt4771 Says:
You haven’t given any costings labor your the one in government and still can’t tell us but the opposition should.hypocrisy be thy name
@patrickhill8639 Says:
Leave Albo to playing the man. He's going to be a one term PM.
@dfor50 Says:
This guy can't be trusted. I have an open mind for nuclear and believe the ban should be lifted now but this guys track record is more like Matt Kean's.
@graememcdonald5121 Says:
Why are we trying to meet emissions targets?
@peterjackson5225 Says:
Hay idiot...i just saw a 4 eyed fish . ....sorry it's albo crying in a corner
@bettymarshall2702 Says:
We are not interested in net zero rubbish. There is no problem with the climate. Lalalalala.
@knight2425 Says:
Costings costings Labor wants costings but they haven’t released their full costings after they have been working on their policy for two years!
@kennethprocak5176 Says:
You can get realistic construction figures right now. UAE are over half way through the current construction of 4 X 1.4GW reactors $20 billion includes extensive training, Human Resources and education programs.
@imeagleeye1 Says:
Spent nuclear fuel, occasionally called used nuclear fuel, is nuclear fuel that has been irradiated in a nuclear reactor (usually at a nuclear power plant). It is no longer useful in sustaining a nuclear reaction in an ordinary thermal reactor and, depending on its point along the nuclear fuel cycle, it will have different isotopic constituents than when it started. Spent fuel pool at a nuclear power plant Nuclear fuel rods become progressively more radioactive (and less thermally useful) due to neutron activation as they are fissioned, or "burnt", in the reactor. A fresh rod of low enriched uranium pellets (which can be safely handled with gloved hands) will become a highly lethal gamma emitter after 1–2 years of core irradiation, unsafe to approach unless under many feet of water shielding. This makes their invariable accumulation and safe temporary storage in spent fuel pools a prime source of high level radioactive waste and a major ongoing issue for future permanent disposal. Spent nuclear fuel stays a radiation hazard for extended periods of time with half-lifes as high as 24,000 years. For example 10 years after removal from a reactor, the surface dose rate for a typical spent fuel assembly still exceeds 10,000 rem/hour—far greater than the fatal whole-body dose for humans of about 500 rem received all at once.
@kennethprocak5176 Says:
What’s the Climate Change chairman qualification? Politician! Bullshit again!
@deniseorourke7235 Says:
Labour knows its energy policies do not work but the high paid degenerates of labour have too many fingers and investment in their unworkable solar and wind turbines
@JonathanBriggs-q4u Says:
Unfortunately whether this is justified or not, the right wing set the template on The Voice. So actions and / or words have consequences. Sorry.
@warrenedser1996 Says:
All these politicians think that they can be employed/voted in and do what they want and steal the tax payers money and spend it like it was their own and give themselves enormous pay rises from tax payers money. Where do you think they get paid from? other wealthy people no! from tax payers money from selling making deals and the best one, raising taxes for this and for that- Enough is Enough!!! The Parliament shall, subject to this Constitution, have power to make laws for the peace, order, and good government of the Commonwealth with respect to: "the people of any race for whom it is deemed necessary to make special laws" who are the Commonwealth?: The term Commonwealth means people- Living beings- not enslaved to a king, or a queen, or a power of another country but Living Beings- A commonwealth who lives independent of a master and therefore not a slave. People, Living Beings. The Parliament shall, subject to this Constitution, have the power to make laws for the 'peace, order, and good government of the Commonwealth - the people. - commoun welthe, "a community, whole body of people in a state of rank or status of... A commonwealth is a traditional English term for a political community founded for the common good. Historically, it has been synonymous with "republic". The noun "commonwealth", meaning "public welfare, general good or advantage", dates from the 15th century. (The term Commonwealth means people- Living beings- not enslaved to a king, or a queen, or a power of another country but Living Beings- A commonwealth who lives independent of a master and therefore not a slave. People, Living Beings. There is the corporation called the parliament of Australia and there is the Common- people/commonwealth.
@clintclintonforshortbonser736 Says:
As Rowan Dean says: when simon Birmingham starts talking, cover your ears, say lalala and walk the other way.
@roostercogburn1984 Says:
Over 400 countries have nuclear, Labor are backward moonbats.
@KF-bj3ce Says:
Contrary to what Alanese says "If Labor would propose nuclear base power the Liberals would object" I do not belief this to be the case. This nuclear option to reduce pollution and ( CO2 Level if you belief that ) is a logical choice. Anthony Albanese has backed himself in to a corner and there is no back door, hence he keeps pushing his destructive doctrine regardless of the damage it causes. Labor is just wacko and if you belief they are managing the economy better that the Liberals you should have another look at it.
@connorduke4619 Says:
Simon is still too LINO for me.
@Macca980 Says:
Net zero does that mean no more bush fires!! Labours pipe dreams
@KingsleyThomson-j1w Says:
Albo and his cronies are ruining this country he has had two years to reduce electricity prices and give a $275 rebate he has failed on both,,, time to boot them out,,,,
@KenDyer-wl4lf Says:
If we debate nuclear fission energy, we’re falling into Peter Dutton’s trap. Nuclear fission energy is an expensive fantasy, easily dismissed.
@stanyeaman4824 Says:
Take a look at Macquarie Bank’s investment in UKoffshore wind. 2023-24 profits down 32%. Why? The North Sea wind didn’t blow last summer. It’s not cheap. Can be infinitely expensive when the wind doesn’t blow.
@beepboop205 Says:
I like how Birmingham refused to pull a number out of the air and instead wanted all power generations on the table and not to conclude what is best but to have a transparent investigation and that determine what Australia can achieve without destroying ourselves. This was a mature conversation.
@paulchilds9137 Says:
Simon, you dont back nuclear, you have a b rain and are a decent man. What are you doing in the Liberals. Go with kean for the sake of the country and your self respect.
@paulw7404 Says:
"What matters here are not the personalities but the policies" BASED! Re: comments below; Attack the man when you cant debate the truth, post memes of misinformation(the Hypocrisy from the labor government) when you want to stifle debate - because the labor/greens YET AGAIN have been caught out on their incompetence.
@larrym12 Says:
so in 2005 everyone was on the same page GAS was the answer so there is no need for Nuclear if you use gas for the next 25 years and in the next 25 years there will be superior solar panels wind and wave turbines and gravity systems problem solved
@paulgraham5790 Says:
I look forward to a day when the government doesn’t carry on like children in the play ground calling names, teasing and telling lies.
@PeterA-r8x Says:
Dutton's plan to use nuclear is one real solution to achieve net zero emissions even if one were to believe in the hoax. Renewables will never be able to do so simply because it's never going to produce baseload power, which is essential for our economic survival and our national security. Renewables are intermittent and unreliable
@johnkauppi7078 Says:
We achieving Net zero will have no impact on carbon dioxide levels. But we could ruin what little industry we have left. And what have Labour and the greens have against nuclear power anyway? It doesn't emit any emissions at all.
@TheBigmongrel Says:
Emissions Targets are a joke. Australia's emissions are about as significant as a mosquito fart in a blizzard. Renewables are not even a reliable back-up to nuclear and yet so much beautiful land will be destroyed having these short lived monstrosities installed.
@neilbeauchamp1924 Says:
Labor always ignores facts and goes with ideology. Labor's ideology is not based on facts and science and that is why they are failing to provide consistent base load power. Renewables are a choice based on ideology, not science. Nuclear is the choice based on solid science and sound economics.
@timwilson4684 Says:
Even a phonsey ponse like Birmingham can see the value in having nuclear energy.😅

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