Future Secretary General of NATO
Future Secretary General of NATO



@UATVEnglish Says:
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@sarahkragness7138 Says:
I've said it before, I'll say it again - TURKEY SHOULD NOT BE A MEMBER OF NATO. Their primary allegiances are to Islam and Russia. They are not supporters of Western democracy and have lost any remaining trace of secularism. Ataturk's establishment of a secular government was the justification for their inclusion in NATO after WW2. They are now a fundamentalist Islamic nation and cannot be trusted to support western secular and democratic values. EJECT TURKEY FROM NATO. ----- HEADLINE: July 1, 2024 Topic: Security Region: Europe Blog Brand: The Buzz Tags: TurkeyTAI TF KaanTAI TF-XF-35NATOMilitaryDefense TAI TF Kaan: Turkey’s New 5th-Generation Fighter Is a Dagger Aimed at the Heart of NATO Turkey’s relations with the West have declined, partly due to the refusal to sell Patriot missile batteries and exclusion from the F-35 program. Turkey has instead developed its own fifth-generation fighter, the TAI TF Kaan, with advanced stealth and avionics, to replace its aging F-16 fleet. QUOTE: Summary and Key Points: Turkey’s relations with the West have declined, partly due to the refusal to sell Patriot missile batteries and exclusion from the F-35 program. Turkey has instead developed its own fifth-generation fighter, the TAI TF Kaan, with advanced stealth and avionics, to replace its aging F-16 fleet. -This move indicates Turkey's shift away from Western alliances, raising concerns about interoperability within NATO and potential competition with the F-35 in the export market. Healthy relations with Turkey have been declining for many years, especially since the Obama administration refused to sell Turkey Patriot missile batteries. Even before that moment, though, Turkey had been turning away from the West. Not because Turkey was inherently anti-Western per se. But because the European Union balked at embracing Turkey as a member – something that Turkey’s government had desired. From that moment on, a decline in Western-Turkey relations began. *A HISTORY OF BROKEN RELATIONS* During the Patriot missile fiasco (which was entirely the result of Obama administration ignorance), NATO-member Turkey decided to stick it in the eye of the Americans, and NATO, by purchasing Russian air defense systems. This was in violation of the NATO pact, which required all members to purchase systems that integrated with each other. Since Russia was not a member-state of NATO, their systems were not considered interoperable with the wider ecosystem of defense products created by NATO members. During the contentious 2014 Turkish presidential elections, it is widely believed that Turkish leader, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and his Islamist party essentially rigged the election to stay in power. The deterioration in U.S.-Turkey relations continued apace when, a few years after that, there was a failed coup against Erdogan’s increasingly authoritarian rule. Erdogan initiated a crackdown, blamed the Obama administration, and began distancing NATO member Turkey from the West. Since that time, Turkey has acted less as a dutiful member of the NATO alliance and more as a free agent. Throughout the so-called “Arab Spring” (in fact, an “Islamist Winter”), the Turks supported a variety of jihadist groups. They have striven to undermine the Americans in the Middle East and their Israeli partners as part of a bid to restore the Ottoman Empire that had collapsed at the end of the First World War. Turkey has also become the target of unfair NATO retaliation. Greece, another NATO member and rival to Turkey, has engaged in a series of provocations against Ankara over control of oil-and-natural-gas deposits along islands in the Aegean Sea. Ankara and Athens contend over the fate of Cyprus, part of which fell under Turkish control after an invasion in the 1970s. Turkey is further embroiled in tensions with Egypt and Israel over natural gas rights in the Eastern Mediterranean. As Turkey has found itself at loggerheads with the West, it increasingly looks to alternative power centers to back its government up on the international stage. Thus, Turkey has moved in closer to both Russia and China, while at the same time doing business with the embattled regime of Iran. A physical manifestation of this turn away from the West has been in the form of Turkey’s construction of a new, fifth-generation warplane, the TAI TF. (--- article continues---) ALL OF WHICH GOES TO SUPPORT MY CONTENTION THAT TURKEY SHOULD _NOT_ BE A MEMBER OF NATO. THEY ARE A STEALTH ALLY OF RUSSIA, THE AGGRESSIVE POWER THAT NATO WAS FORMED TO OPPOSE. DUMP TURKEY.
@kamikazeplayer3483 Says:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wso4sTKT6jw 😂
@rionijam727 Says:
Lets hope the new guy is more trigger happy
@Anttoinet Says:
Mark Rutte ::: has a nickname “Pinocchio “ in the Netherlands.. Besides during his term he suffered most of the time on a leak of remembrance… Most discussions in the parlement he said: Oh sorry, I don’t have an remembering on it….and walked away with it… Good luck with your new job, Mr. Rutte.. And Remember: Mark Rutte …This War in Ukraine is not OUR War…. (Because you told us so)…
@marlenfras5490 Says:
Good reporting. Many thanks. Strong Ukraine.
@Horatiuy Says:
Euro 2024 will continue, I am glad Holand won this, but at Euro, things may be different, only God knows what will happen.
@aresivrc1800 Says:
#StandWithUkraine! #NATO
@louisecorchevolle9241 Says:
Batavian Nato general secretary will be the puddle of US neo-conservative and the US military complex
@kenanderson-q7q Says:
Good choice, now 2 major Dutch figures in the NATO high command. Adm Bauer chief of NATO Mil Commitee.
@MrDanielElliot Says:
Another rich elite person
@johnhopkins6260 Says:
Here's to a sensible, sober NATO transfer of authority (note how the term "power" is not used)
@chrismitchell4622 Says:
Thank you Jens welcome Mark first task ensure the logistics are in place to the front line in Ukraine for victory! second task remove the dots from N.A.T.O. and grow globally starting with Australia / Japan / Philippines, Third task grow NATO in the EU starting with Austria!
@rafaelsanz3441 Says:
Should have been Kallas. They are discriminating Eastern Europe, it´s the third General Secretary, until now 0 Eastern European.
@matthewbaynham6286 Says:
What happened to the audio, it was all suddenly just out of one speaker.
@mirola73 Says:
PM turned career politician. No, you cannot have a balanced opinion of the guy if you have not lived in NL and experienced the man over the years.
@markdeckard7651 Says:
I watched Mark Rutte hug and shake hands with wounded Ukrainian heroes in a hospital, and there was no "politician fake sincerity". He actually seemed to care. That counts for a lot to me.
@4rmDEC2FRE Says:
Merry Xmas 💙💛 Santa Putin brought gifts…. 🙃
@DominikGentener Says:
Mark Rutte is definitely an excellent choice as Secretary General of NATO.
@DarrenLine-k4j Says:
Good man .I know.❤
@norbertdapunt1444 Says:
@Nero-dz5gr Says:
Why are Turkey and Hungary ALWAYS those peeved countries who Veto EVERYTHING ..
@richardlewis8860 Says:
Yes Mark Rutte should be the next NATO General Secretary

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