How concerned are Democrats after Biden's debate performance?
How concerned are Democrats after Biden's debate performance?



@MichaelEngeldinger Says:
doesnt Benadryl make you drowsy ? And why would you want Biden to fall asleep during the interview , dont you want Biden to be the best he can be ?
@johnsamford2504 Says:
Wen Et Comes tu Xi, Putins, ant " Little RoCket Mans".... Meybe Wi Don Kneeds " MR. NYce GUYE ! " En de Witehowse ! :) JUs Sayen !
@marvbush5592 Says:
Peter knows the truth don’t tell me this young man has not seen this before … now they are turning him into a liar
@user-nn1vk4rt8n Says:
hunter is pissed it was his
@user-nn1vk4rt8n Says:
They gave biden coke.
@kevinhawley8724 Says:
Yes, at this moment all of America is concerned and is praying for Joe Biden, not because of Joe's physical condition, but because of his verbalized hatred for Donald Trump. Joe knows ALL hatred is wrong and that nothing good comes from hatred. America, please join us in praying for the Commander in Chief.
@lh3540 Says:
Trump can't even walk down stairs or stay awake in court. His stream of consciousness rambling is also fcct. It's embarrassing that this is the best both parties have to offer.
@edwardausmus6907 Says:
Trump is a bully rapist ,convicted felon ,& A lier ,draft dodger & all around bad man ! Vote blue.
@Tamara61622 Says:
Trump can’t answer one policy question and has at least 30 bold face lies and you are worried about Biden? You need to worry about Trump living in fantasy land. Flat out lies about Pelosi on Jan 6. Trump refused refused national guards to help. He is a piece of crap
@user-zn6gz4ub7w Says:
What Trump and Mike Johnson has planned to do first thing will result in every family in America paying an extra $5,000 per year just to pay for basic needs. Go ahead and refuse to believe me. His plan for another tax break for the wealthy and HIMSELF on top of an international 10% tariff will set the economy on fire. Trump is an evil con man. Figure it out. By the way he plans to increase taxes on the non-wealthy.
@DbaggsHemmeroid Says:
Democrats killed America ! Bidumb ruined America, Bidumb supporters ruined America even more !!
@mont9380 Says:
Listen to Biden mumbling and his gaffs have been around for years and someone is surprised?? Please this was a set up to expose him!! No doubt!! Dems know he is DONE 😮
@Chet73 Says:
25th Amendment now!!!
@bluediver2 Says:
He should do what Linden Johnson did say I will not accept my parties nomination
@escribed2575 Says:
Who the heck wants an authoritarian america. Take away rights that's already underway, disbanding of the states and the govt, one ruler autonomous, the homeless gets arrested yay, all looks akin to russia and north korea, hey you'll get that New World Order strengthening ties with the two, fun. Read project2025
@maynunal Says:
"Boycott all Republican Businesses" ---- sounds about right :-)
@maynunal Says:
“The Manhattan DA's Office has agreed with Trump's request to postpone his criminal sentencing so that Judge Merchan can weigh whether the Supreme Court immunity ruling might impact his conviction." If you think that a judge will see Trump paying off an adult entertainer, who he slept, with in order to prevent himself from losing an election in 2015, as “an official act as President “ then you are stupid. Sorry.
@oldfashiongirl Says:
He wasn't sick. He sounded like he always does. He clears his throat, a cough once in a while. Same as always.
@maynunal Says:
"If hard work was all it took to become rich, school teachers would be millionaires."
@davidcastle7212 Says:
Have you been watching trump lately?
@maynunal Says:
"In 1649 King Charles I was tried for treason and other high crimes. The Monarch responded with the Maxine: "the king can do no wrong and therefore he can not be tried or convicted" He was beheaded ten days later."
@maynunal Says:
"King Brandon should use his official powers to have the IRS, FBI, and the DOJ investigate the Supreme Court Justices to find out every penny they have ever taken from anyone, ever. Enforcing corruption laws is under his Authority. And you can't question his motive at all."
@maynunal Says:
Jake Tapper is a MAGA "mole" ..... prove me wrong.
@maynunal Says:
"Never be deceived that the Rich will let you Vote away their wealth. -- Lucy Parsons"
@teracejones4257 Says:
it's simply mind-boggling how voters are easily brainwashed, bamboozled and gullible to Donald Trump's crimes, felonies and lies and yet they don't hesitate to hold Joe Biden accountable for one night of miss-steps and stuttering? GO FIGURE?
@gamefish6793 Says:
He has done this for 4 years idiot
@kirkhensley5870 Says:
In shock? We saw this coming.
@wyndellwedel3956 Says:
Is it true that California Gov. Newsome has a shadow campaine to try to take Joe Biden's place in the Presidental race when Biden opts out??!
@eugeneostrander-iw2np Says:
@historylife4436 Says:
I really wanted to read the book, “To Rescue the Republic,” a book on US Grant until I realized Baier wrote it. I don’t trust him or anyone who works for FN, on anything current or historical! Got to find another book!
@Gadzooks93 Says:
If they think he had a cold … has he had a cold his entire presidency 😂
@wplains Says:
I can’t imagine what Cringe Jean Pierre will have to say the next time she meets the press. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@scottbrown6774 Says:
He will be impeached for health reasons right before election and democrats will put in someone new (not Kamala) with no time for a debate
@gibbywidner6907 Says:
@gavinpoultney3460 Says:
Da Dems have 3 choices: Harassment, Nuisance or Mrs Oh Bummer.
@user-iw6qx5dz6u Says:
Most of the time he looks like he didn't know what he was doing
@gavinlawson8997 Says:
@toddmarble6217 Says:
If The Dems. want to beat Trump, the only shot they would have is Michelle Obama. She would make it a close election. But she claims she does not want to. Other than Michelle, The Dems have NO ONE that could beat Trump.
@hopepol Says:
Biden has never been a good campaigner. People like him personally so that is great in a small state like Delaware. But, every time he ran for president he did not do well. Trump is actually a really talented speaker with years of experience as an entertainer, but does anyone really want to go back to the anxiety of those years. Now he says Putin TOLD him he was going to invade Ukraine. Did he do anything to stop it? Did he even warn our own military? No. He had an attack on peaceful black demonstrators in a park, but then thinks that it was OK to have a violent mob storm Congress. Whether he was responsible or not, why did he not call out the National Guard, even after Ivanka begged him? I'm not a huge fan of Biden, but at least he is not dangerous.
@jillmarie180 Says:
He has a clone
@valeriehofmann2615 Says:
Crack is hard on your throat
@MyBelba Says:
Very concerned but I will never vote for Trump anyone but him.
@donsavage-mw7gf Says:
Here’s an Idea why not set up a platform where all presidential candidates debate each other not just dem and republicans, we have more choices than these two morons.
@WeFoughtForIt-hb7xe938 Says:
@WeFoughtForIt-hb7xe938 Says:
@WeFoughtForIt-hb7xe938 Says:
@joshuahartgraves3393 Says:
@fabiskey4621 Says:
Do not stop reporting this disaster, We need to be informed of who has been in charge and who is currently in charge of our government
@CarolOwen-cj4sq Says:
NIDEN HAS TO RESIGN BUT Democrats changed rules so Democrats can not get him out unless he resigns and Jill will not let that happen
@deborahharman7161 Says:

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