Russia's Peace Talk Ultimatum: Putin Fails to Manipulate Ukraine
Russia's Peace Talk Ultimatum: Putin Fails to Manipulate Ukraine



@kabir1567 Says:
Ukraine getting absolutely rinsed thanks to the US 😂😂
@tuomohynninen Says:
Meaning of fair, just and lawfull for Putin, Lavrov and Kreml propagadist is simply, what they dictate. It's essential for us to understand the miss use of words and meanings in totalitarian.
@part3soul337 Says:
you can't talk peace and have a gun
@SuzanaMantovaniCerqueira Says:
Understand …..
@user-zp8sp4hj3d Says:
Repeating Russian Propaganda as ‘news’, is to spread Russian propaganda.
@lesliewatkins4367 Says:
Putin no deal till Ukraine get all their territories back to Ukraine from Macon Ga USA ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@Cool5380 Says:
Easy! do not trust the pootin! Do not do deals with the pootin!
@eaglesclaws8 Says:
cant have good faith negotiations with people that dont know the meaning of the words good and faith...
@user-pp1yp2ig4j Says:
Ukraine! Never give up! Never give in!!! Putin is in no position to demand concessions! NEVER RUSSIA!!! 💙SLAVA UKRAINI!!💛
@PeterLugo-w7c Says:
Tell Putin to get out of Ukraine give back the land galleria NATO country
@golokavrndavana Says:
Шанси України на вступ до НАТО дуже мізерні. Реальність, в якій ми живемо, сумна, але воно є, те, що воно є. Шкода, що багато великих українських людей страждають. Дуже сумно бачити такі новини, але виходу, здається, немає. Довга війна і багато смертей. Україна має чудову мову, культуру і багато великих людей, будівель, символів.. Шкода, що його руйнують, але це реальність. :( Люди дійсно повинні об'єднатися проти сатанізму, це було б чудово, але люди цінують гроші більше, ніж цінності.
@davidkelley1555 Says:
No Land to reward Putin for this war. No Crimea or anything else for Putin. Putin back in Russia is the beginning of peace talks.
@rutos7 Says:
Putin is mad. He is nacist. He is destroying everything around him. Ukraine must win this war
@chrismitchell4622 Says:
Putin's peace NO DEAL! Slava Ukraine
@VictorBonello Says:
Ukraine lives on cannot beleive anything they say. The only thing for sure is that the European citizens are fed up with this Ukraine Scam where billions are guzzled unaccounted for while thousands of healthy people from both sides are dying everyday. Why? Just so the USA can weaken Russia and the EU to strenghten its USD. CRIMEA is but an excuse. It did not effect the lives of the thousands that died. It was just pumped up by propaganda. The UKRAINIANS being mostly simple country folks, have been duped, brainwashed and tricked into believing they are heroes, and are enjoying making headlines although they are only begining to understand now how Zelensky sold them out as free cannon fodder😢
@AnchorsAweighNarooma Says:
In 1994, Ukraine agreed to transfer these weapons to Russia and became a party to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, in exchange for assurances from Russia, the United States and United Kingdom to respect the Ukrainian independence and sovereignty in the existing borders. Russia talks with snakes in it mouth.
@mho... Says:
I bet you 50 Rubel, these "peacetalks" will just be used as propaganda, because the world will refuse it & the pudding and his fanatics will have another excuse to contiune this nonesense....
@DavidM2002 Says:
As Brig. Gen. McAuliffe said back in 1944 : "Nuts"
@theshadedshadow5993 Says:
They don't want Putin in power anymore, and even if Putin wasn't in power, he would still have influence.
@jpr1370 Says:
putin peace conditions are - irrelevant. In the end - putin - if he is still alive - will accept what ever offer he is given.
@jpr1370 Says:
there is no scenario where russia - "the second largest military on planet Earth" - can defeat Ukraine. I guess putin shoulda just stayed home - like absolutely everyone (except Al Dugin) told him to do - just stay home.
@jean-marcbelanger615 Says:
Putin has nothing to negotiate because the rule in several countries is that you never negotiate with a terrorist and Putin is one. Putin has nothing to negotiate at all and must give back all his territory to Ukraine. This desire to negotiate implies that he will lose this war but that he wants to save his image for the Russians who will pay for this war during decades. . Putin is starting to realize that he should have listened to Biden when Biden told him not to invade Ukraine. The only territory Putin deserves if he leaves Ukraine is a cage in one of his prisons in Siberia where the life expectancy in his case risks looking like assisted dying!!!
@fraMOON635 Says:
@Galy-0 Says:
Hitler also wanted Polish lands and spoke and signed non-aggression pacts like Russia but broke these pacts very quickly. In December 1994, Russia signed the Budapest Memorandum where it guaranteed itself to respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, and to refrain from any threats to use force against its independence and territorial integrity.
@palmos2004 Says:
Zelensky 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦👍👍👍💥💥💥💥🙏🙏🙏🎄❤
@ashokagarwal78 Says:
March 2022 peace agreement was reached between Ukraine and Russia. Russia would withdraw from all occupied areas retain Crimea only. Now Russia wants Crimea and all four regions fully. After another one year more territory may go Russia or Ukraine will be able to take back lost territory
@eyaklen4804 Says:
Ukraine people want peace. The west not allow them.
@maggiealena Says:
The arragance of Putin.
@aleckerby1236 Says:
Ukrainian people will deliver peace turms to putin about december.
@RichardD-jf1ko Says:
Putin ultimatum Putin warning Putin exasperation Putin lost his bet
@johtor2358 Says:
Putin breaks agreements when the ink of his signature is still wet.
@NEUBRAND2000 Says:
@divumque Says:
What is Liarov/Frankenstein twaddling about?
@user-xy7lf1tx1d Says:
Слава Україні від Америки!

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