'Unholy alliance': Radical Indigenous groups and environmentalists trying to 'lock up land'
'Unholy alliance': Radical Indigenous groups and environmentalists trying to 'lock up land'



@yamumshouse Says:
Abos dont own nothing they migrated from Indonesia they want to stop sniffing petrol and get an education.
@DanielKrenn Says:
What's really needed is a DNA check, so that only Aboriginal individuals with > 50% Aboriginal DNA are eligible to be classified as Aboriginal. Additionally, ANYONE born in Australia IS indigenous.
@rsmith7589 Says:
A prayer for you. LORD JESUS I am a sinner and I Repent of all my sin’s, Please wash my sins with the Precious Blood of JESUS today, I turn away from all sin, and I receive you into my heart today as my Lord and Saviour, Please write my name in the Lamb’s Book of Life, and please send me the HOLY SPIRIT to help me live in holiness, and establish your Word in my heart and protect my heart. Amen
@morrimi20 Says:
So people didn’t see this coming years ago? It started edging its way in after the sorry. One small step at a time. Like the acknowledgment of traditional owners. The implication is that the land you’re standing on isn’t and cannot be owned by anyone that isn’t indigenous. And through nice language and subtle laws, land ownership rights as stripped away piece by piece. And it will people that never stole the land, that have put their savings and lives into building their homes and businesses that will be stripped of everything. The land will be declared stolen land and ‘taken back’ through bogus laws and legislation passed under the guise of equality and righting past wrongs. Stop voting for anyone that aligns with any sort of native title sentiment. Implying that those born here but are not indigenous are somehow not true Australians. Stop voting for anyone that does not support private land ownership. Stop voting for anyone that wants more government oversight and power. Stop voting for career politicians that say and do anything, that change their views, just to get votes and stay in their government roles. They are there for the money and the power to dictate. They are not there for you. They are not there for Australians.
@user-nineteen74 Says:
It’s a joke, they will come for your house. Pay for nothing and expect everything. It’s our land too.
@stevemartin7464 Says:
Yeah; with these things the minute you open the door just a crack you can never get rid of the issues, the genie is out of the bottle and from now on Australia will have this going on on a regular basis until they find a weakness and someone who will see an advantage in giving them what they want. Its the same pattern everywhere. Sorry guys, this will now never end.
@peterlederer3896 Says:
AUSTRALIA WAKE UP Get rid of the Uni-Party of Liberal & Labour they dont care about Australia or its freedoms Vote or divide your vote between ONE NATION , UNITED AUSTRALIA PARTY , LIBERTARIAN LIBERAL DEMOCRATS FAMILY FIRST They give a toss about Australia and its freedoms not pandering to unelected Global Corporation Elites within United Nations, WEF, WHO and their dictates against the interests of the Sovereign Nation State AUSTRALIANS VOTED NO So whats the point of having a referendum when Albanese is refusing to accept the result and dismissing Australians proceeding on with it anyway Australia apposed and voted No However Labours Albanese has now come out saying he has a mandate having made a promise to Indigenous people and will now proceed on with the Makarrata commission Treaty and Truth Telling. It might be said that all the way through the yes 23 lead up to the Referendum he repeatedly said this is not about treaty, this has nothing to do with Treaty, its not about treaty. Despite it being a component of the 26 page Uluru Statement and his intent to implement the Uluru Statement in full There were always three components to the Voice There was The Voice To Parliament instilling Sovereignty of Indigenous people and an Indigenous Parliament over and above the existing Commonwealth Government complete with different laws for Indigenous offenders and entrenching it into the Constitution. Thereby from which enabling a powerbase to negotiate treaties and each of those architects involved in drafting of the Voice have conveyed that it enabled a powerbase to negotiate treaty's That was the Makarrata commission Treaty , and Truth Telling each of these involved enabling pay the rent, pay reparations and pay compensation. A scenario whereby numerous Councils Australia wide would commence massively increasing the rates encompassing the rent component paid to Indigenous advisory bodies to each Council herein Australia Whereby all three were soundly rejected by the majority of Australia Dismissing the Australian referendum results and pressing ahead truly is deceptive treason and afront to all Australians who voted no despite all three having been rejected by Australia. Despite this it is being slowly introduced by numerous State Labour Governments despite it being defeated in the National referendum numerous treaties being signed conveying that as a Sovereign people Aboriginals did not cede their land and that this land is stolen leaving home owners in dissarray while the Labour Government is also the funding numerous Indigenous Land claims by taxpayers courtesy of the Government Let's be clear the first Australia heard of the Voice was after he was elected and he was elected on the promise of reducing everyone's cost of living. But after being elected the first thing we got was a spin about the Voice So we could all ask whats behind Albanese dismissing what Australia has spoken at the referendum a vote result that negates his so called mandate as Australia has voted against it but proceeding on with his Indigenous agenda regardless UNITED NATIONS AGENDA In reviewing whats behind it we see that in 2007 the Liberal Prime Minister John Howard refused to sign the The United Nations Declaration On The Rights Of Indigenous Peoples ( UNDRIP ) And the reason he apposed it was on the grounds that it elevated Indigenous Customary Law above the Countries National Law and the repercussions that implies. There would be treaties involved and the entrenchment of an Indigenous Parliament over and above the existing. However on 3rd April 2009 the Labor Prime Minister Kevin Rudd signed this document ( UNDRIP ) obliging us to its legal implications Once again Labor it was also Rudd who signed us to the Kyoto Carbon Tax Agreement So what we now have is a Referendum with the illusion of democracy in giving you a vote in the Referendum where its defeated. But they then dismiss your vote and proceed on regardless following the UDRIP agenda And we were all told anyone saying this had anything to do with United Nations were spreading misinformation When it has everything to do with a legally binding United Nations contract Truthfully everything they the Labour Party are doing is not in the interest of Australia and a number of Indigenous treaties have already been signed meaning millions more on top of the Billions already spent
@peterlederer3896 Says:
@peterlederer3896 Says:
Australians wake up you are being sold out and you have nothing to be sorry for when we are all Australian and our forebears created a great Nation here in Australia there are those in Government not acting for us who keep telling us its not ours its stolen land while attempting to remove us from the equasion but it belongs to each one of us equally.
@jasonhilux2620 Says:
Life long poverty is a choice made by themselves
@ericcook4179 Says:
It's the radical money grabbing lawyers, and greens that are deceiving Aboriginals into doing this shit! Not the real Aboriginal people.
@cindychristie6314 Says:
If they are given land then they should develop it into housing and growing sustainable food to feed the nation, we are a country of many people so they should also help the rest of us who call Australia home! After all it was overseas migration that saw Australia grow into the country it is now! Just saying they need to help Australia grow as well to prosper for years to come!
@rosriggs9728 Says:
"government the federal government has 2:06 stripped funding uh from non-indigenous groups to try and help settle uh any existing and outstanding claims and so of course they do provide money to Native title groups they help them Lodge claims" Says it all. This divisive and demoralising.
@davidmckeown6313 Says:
Agenda 2030 ??
@John-ul4hv Says:
Matt Canavan Labor is doing exactly like LNP NOTHING ABOUT ANYTHING FOR AUSTRALIANS
@John-ul4hv Says:
Yeah right yet Scott Morrison LNP DEFUNDED legal aid for Public Interest Matters. Australian gov't is corrupt
@pamelawinfield9211 Says:
Total destruction of the human race. Less than 900k “indigenous “ and giving them the world at our expense. How many actually pay taxes? Not a lot. Day of referendum our local “indigenous “ organisation was sitting on $14million unallocated. Freaking ridiculous
@Rtube-b1l Says:
If you buy a stolen car , it’s still a stolen car. If you buy stolen land , it’s still stolen land. It’s good to see the true Australians getting back their land.
@deb1309 Says:
Isn't it interesting that the indigenous radical groups and radical environmentalists have banded together
@brandonfurlan1845 Says:
We have hundreds of years of coal that we should be investing in but we have morons in government that jump on climate change that in fact is the biggest lie in history !! Wake up Australia, stop giving everything away we should be using !! Stop buying made in China !! Let's go Brandon !!🇺🇲🇭🇲
@lennardkahn6379 Says:
The Voice vote was trying to do this, covertly remove Australian Sovereignty from Australians constantly telling Australians this is not your land! Our government works for the WEF not Australians
@andrewcumming6319 Says:
One Australia for all Australians. No one group should be given more than another. Indigenous people have no more rights than any other Aussie.
@kevinluke4403 Says:
Stop giving the aboriginal people 33 billion a year let them fend for themselves
@alancotterell9207 Says:
Indigenous title pre-dates Roman rule in Britain. They have not got a leg to stand on, until parliament sits.
@vemister Says:
Not their land!!! Show PROOF!! Titles!! Scam!! Get a bloody job!! Lazy!! NO more FREEBIES!!
@christystewart2786 Says:
Sorry the government DONT OWN THE EARTH !!!!!
@nealkent Says:
See what the Labor/greens parties are doing. They are creating hatred amongst ALL Australians by creating hatred and division. The Labor party in the early 70's were the first to create this hatred and division when the jerk-off Gough Whitlam introduced land rights and native title. It has been a racist decision against white Australians who also own this land. By the way, the aboriginals were not here first, the asians were here first and then aboriginals canoed down from another land mass and they ate out the asians. A geologist proved that and the Labor government (Whitllam) had all the literature and proof removed from libraries and school cirriculums to decieve the Australian people, just like Elma Fudd Albanese is doing now.
@Aussie-Nan Says:
Same in Victoria not sure we have any land left
@haroldguenther3317 Says:
There is no native title, we as Australian's are native and there will be big trouble for any Government who thinks they can steal people's property will meet with massive resistance. And 3 percent of the population will not rule EVER 🖕🖕👎👎💪🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺
@dawndouglas7904 Says:
Labor and radicals just both the same.
@honahwikeepa2115 Says:
They can't prove ownership of the land. Nobody can. It was here before we were. We don't even know where we came from. Fcuk their Godless divisive bullshit.
@johnchristie823 Says:
The Labour Ministers, "Live in Fear of their Rear, from Combustion", so how can they do the job that they are meant to do...!!
@gail9906 Says:
The whole thing is a rort! 🤬❤️🇦🇺🦘
@pennywallace9362 Says:
Matt isn't joking. Real issues are being ignored while trying to promote ridiculous agendas!, We the people are not stupid or blind.... Fix our roads, reduce power prices, housing shortages, youth crime, etc and reduce spending on wind turbines or solar farm which scar our farmlands with minimal results. What a short sighted view of renewables
@pennywallace9362 Says:
Lets strip funding from Native title applicants and thier legal eagles. This is such a joke!!
@virginiawilliams7790 Says:
Love Matt❤
@paulateetree8437 Says:
This isn't just a problwm in Australia. It's the same all over the world. Poor government policies that do not benefit their own citizens yet tax payer money is funnelled off to private corporations. Meanwhile the people can't eat properly or heat their houses. They can't afford to run their cars. The most basic things are being made into a luxury while the elites get richer and the poor get poorer.
@infidel202 Says:
Did we not have a referendum, so why are labor state and federal agreeing to treaty's
@edwardbec9844 Says:
how on earth can less than 3 % of the Population 300,000 which is disputed by Aboriginal Elders more like 150,000 Own close to 60% of the Australian Landmass .. its amazing .99% of these Activists are Mixed Heritage some like those claiming . for a group that says no one owns the Land .. especially after all those brutal inter-Tribal warfare these groups only target .. properties that are ..in highly profitable areas various Islands but how Aboriginals never were an Ocean going Culture surveyed for mining .. Fossil Fuels etc .. but never target the real environmental ecological disaster that is Renewables Land Mass Destruction footprint of Wind Turbines Solar Panels and the Ever Popular exploding Battery Installations .. and where are the Environmental Regulations regarding Renewables Waste management plus these Aboriginal Activists have aligned themselves with Palestinian Arab Terrorists the Modified Egyptian Flag
@jaskirchner Says:
Nuclear is the only future for Australian people and the industry that pay our wages. So yeah keep going on the renewables and just watch all manufacturers leave Australia as electricity gets more expensive and less reliable. The government has been lying over this for years.
@adamslijderink3306 Says:
Thank the EPBC act… Canberra is driving this dribble…everywhere
@adamslijderink3306 Says:
As long as they destroy everything their happy
@denn5431 Says:
Land rights and housing 2024.
@lesleyosborne9319 Says:
There IS an Agenda. The WEF, Thomas Mayo Communist party. Who is NOT Indigenous, Marcia Langton. These People WANT POWER and Australia Communist. The VOICE Prooved That.This is Not Democracy and Needs to Be Exposed and Stopped.
@lol5346 Says:
This country is stuffed in so many whays mabe it's time to leave australia
@Aileen-n1u Says:
Vote labour out Vote greens out . Stop this rubbish from happening .
@marknarsamma7787 Says:
Australians need to accept stealing the land in the first place was wrong. If i come and stole your car or daughter and handed it down to my future generations does it becone unstolen somehow ? Funny how this white mans law works
@Glider324 Says:
Beautifully said, do the things that cant be fixed and that you cannot be held responsible for. So this is what the global agenda is, a trojan horse used to get access to national wealth.
@markmedia8252 Says:
Why did sky put it down as " 18pc " and not 18%
@zaccconnell Says:
If you could kindly highlight having specific bits of existing untouched land listed I believe is inherently important for lots of individuals throughout Australia let alone the world. Every harbour is man made in nsw… it doesn’t work. Every tree is gone from east to west with only sections of regrowth… There’s f#ck all left and your complaining about what little people are trying to save. Plus these places that remain/ land tittles or cultural locations hold religious beliefs to many people, people may bury there dead there ect ect. It’s not about native tittle it’s about recognising this a culture of thousands that had tools education medicine (religious beliefs) our own construct of season and time… this is just ridiculous stop creating division you stupid mfs I know kids selling vapes smarter then our apparent leaders.

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