Far right wins first round of France's parliamentary election, projection shows
Far right wins first round of France's parliamentary election, projection shows



@AlbAy537 Says:
@AlbAy537 Says:
@user-mw4eq5mq4b Says:
Did she just say Macron's party is centrist? Lmao, that party is about as far left as you can get.
@Вивсівідстій Says:
Marcon should withdraw from NATO and commit troops to Ukraine.
@abhinabdas1092 Says:
They are not far right they are only right
@ajayakumarpradhan7150 Says:
France Will Boycott Soon 😂😂😂🤡🤡🤡
@codylaxton3287 Says:
What a brilliant analysis.. cnn never ceases to beclown themselves.
@RobertG-oc7ez Says:
Where is the far right narrative coming from..lol. ..nevermind 😂😂😂😂😂
@lolabella5574 Says:
Sad times for France😞
@JablesMullet Says:
Le pen Far right lol😂 Macron centrist lol😂
@Perks5 Says:
Lmao the entire western/caucasian world is shifting hard right but it rly isn’t surprising when every left wing government and even a decent amount of center right ones have gone woke and abandoned there own ppl for the interests of foreigners identity politics etc so it’s pretty unsurprising that eventually we would have enough with all of that plus those same partys trying to overrun us with foreigners so it’s rly unsurprising that we’re all gonna eventually wake tf up and begin voting for the party that actually has our interests at heart and works for us
@loring4015 Says:
CNN off the spectrum Far Left.
@MrCzuklz Says:
"Far right"??? Macron is a centrist? CNN's lying is pathological. Why do they pretend to be news?
@goarmysleepinthemud. Says:
Far right and the right are not the same. Don’t let the Russian bots convince you that they are
@supernautzero Says:
@andreasrolke232 Says:
It is sometimes refreshing to hear unbiased comments and analysis by a news channel with journalists who take no European political side, since they are just curious and not really affected by whether the so called "far right" or the not so called "far left" governs. It will be interesting to see how the "left" in the UK will govern with about 30% of the popular vote holding 60% of the seats. The most boring and quiet canditade making no promises other than beeing polite and calm won the election in a landslide, after 2 "far right" primeministers and a lofty one goverend the country.
@cristinahernanduz Says:
CNN is an extreme left wing media and like to call people "far right" for who are in the middle or on slight right side
@scottaskew9600 Says:
Whenever the crazy left loses it's stunning now they got some normal thinking people in there
@stevoschannel4127 Says:
The people if the world are waking up to liberal lunacy and lying propaganda machines like cnn
@annberlin5811 Says:
Viva LA France
@Chilliedogs Says:
And you wonder why CNN has very little viewers😂 I just watch it for laughs
@bennyhotsteppa9388 Says:
Le Pen is not far right. This just more liberal nonsense like Biden is sharp as s tack.
@johnwalter6410 Says:
Far right = common sense,, logic and freedom.
@neverbeforeseenvideos2249 Says:
Let's Go far right ✅️ Give peace a chance. End endless wars in 2024
@katrinaisalwayscorrect Says:
So these riots and msm are anti democratically elected individuals. Thus they are anti democracy. 😂 when they say the other side is "anti democracy" they mean "we didnt get our way"
@Keyer-bn3dp Says:
Europe is so far to the left, that far right means moderate left… how sad!!!
@Keyer-bn3dp Says:
Europe is so far to the left, that far right means moderate left… how sad!!!
@chris-lx5xw Says:
The extremely extreme right 🤣🤣
@gatormcklusky5850 Says:
listen the gig is over! the people wont let you crush em anymore!
@daiton-jon-f8179 Says:
"Far right". That's anyone who doesn't want to go to war with Russia or allow their country to be over run by hoards of murdering raping third worlders
@gryn_ghoul Says:
The journalistic integrity at CNN has been long lost. So even if journalistic ethics are absent, they have to admit at some point that acting as a propaganda wing for the US government is becoming less and less economically viable. The only way I can see them make a comeback is if there was some great transfer of wealth that occurred in 2019 coinciding with some sort of major world event, or that they knew ahead of time that there could be some armed conflict because nothing fuels ratings and viewership more than innocent civilians and service members getting slaughtered in combat fighting a major war. It’s almost as if the former Pentagon, CIA, and FBI officials who now work at CNN as guests and experts are good friends with the misinformation industrial complex, and they have an interest in curating information for a demographic that consists of boomers who subsist off of social security, or a normie that is incapable of thinking independently. I’d wager to guess that CNN hopes it can bide its own time until the majority of citizens of the US are priced out of their home and subsequently out on the street and addicted to fentanyl, if not already dead) or drafted for that war and replaced by a voting population that are actually here illegally. I mean who else other than corporate entities and rich wealthy elites with lots of assets would actually endorse any of whats going on if not the middle and working class? The best part about all if this is that CNN will be caught lying off their fucking ass or distorting reality time and time again but they just roll with it like it doesn’t happen and that their truth and word is worth a fuck. It’s actually quite comical now knowing that CNN’s job isn’t to inform or misinform. It knows it is lying but does so actively. It wants people to feel frustrated. That is why it continues to do it. The job of the Information industrial complex is to demoralize you. But it’s impossible to do so with so many with unwavering faith, and absolute resolve. I’d wager to guess that CNN’s CEO gets periodic mini strokes when the actions of his institution no longer hold the same effect that it used to in the early 2000’s and is just trying to repeat the same bullshit each time hoping something will stick.
@spicywater123 Says:
Okay, so when people have kids, which by the way, is insanely expensive today, they want to make absolutely certain they have the ability to pass on their beliefs, moral convictions, and religious beliefs to their children. What is being called "far right," is just a very normal and understandable expected recoil from government policies aimed as stripping away our long-held, most cherished beliefs. Governments are doing this by either allowing or directing social media companies to "flood the zone" with far left policies. The main problem is, in case you don't see it, is that Government has started trying to control and steer society by using social media. They get to violate our right to free speech and censor us by using private industry. It's time for a Digital Bill of Rights, and such a Bill of Rights needs to include a right to decline all forms of data collection, and a right to free speech on the internet, meaning: If social media is going to continue, and there is a valid argument that it should end, then social media should not have the ability to "highlight" responses, and they must not have the ability to "sort by relevance" the comment section, and finally: We cannot live in a free society if social media, either of it's own accord, or by the covert directive of the government, decides to censor what the people are saying.
@worldlife9834 Says:
Communist supporting media CNN continues to spread disinformation and biased reporting throughout the world.
@thomasschweiker7259 Says:
And macron uses his foreigners and protesters to intimidate and interfere in the election,kind of like biden in the US. Everything that happens first in france repeats in the United States
@ScodyS1995 Says:
So when they get in power the government is going to try and stop them from doing anything.
@losttribe9107 Says:
The left are the fascist. All the political violence in France emanates from the left.
@JAMUSA2018 Says:
Anytime you hear Far Right, it means people with common sense, so don't worry about the label!!!
@damien9683 Says:
Old lady: I think children should go to church CNN: FAR RIGHT religious zelot says-
@onan-sonofjudahbrotherofer8466 Says:
While far left radicals riot
@AnthraxVX Says:
lol macron isnt centrist XD so funny
@vincentforite4695 Says:
Americans are so unedecated … yes this is a far right party in France . Make some researchs and you Will know but you Will never do it . 🫠 👽
@chrisp.frye-noodles8761 Says:
Racial pride will save France.
@captivehonor3764 Says:
Far left burns paris
@johnwhite5306 Says:
The fascist left is rioting in France in a display of intolerance against democracy. You can expect the same from the fascist left in America when Trump wins reelection.
@LDHAl412 Says:
So Macron is a Leftist The Middle Left Centrist are Rioting like its the Summer of Love Leftist Muslims and the Far right Fascists Seem Like the Adults in the Room...... Calling them the Far Right is s just Gerrymandering = Leftist word Salad... No One seems to be talking substance.. at least if they are its hard to Find it here in America because of the Left wing News Echo's EU's BS Fake Cheap News. I Say Please . Make France France again Viva La France....
@jo-hr6bs Says:
by these comments im glad to see that people are starting to smeel mainstream medias bull💩
@SapperUSMC Says:
CNN: I don't like the party. Add 'FAR' to their name. 🤡
@faigameati Says:
Far left are panicking 😂😂😂
@user-bg2ym3ru4s Says:
Anybody with common sense is called far right 😂
@silverfire1053 Says:
Ladies and gentlemen...THIS is CNN 💩

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