'Pathological gaslighting': Biden's family blames campaign staff for trainwreck debate
'Pathological gaslighting': Biden's family blames campaign staff for trainwreck debate



@MelissaWong-yb6jx Says:
How come Hunter is not in jail
@thehazelnutspread Says:
Why isn't anyone talking about all the TREASONOUS actions that Joey took that are DESTROYING the USA?
@thehazelnutspread Says:
Plot twist: Barack becomes VP. Joey steps down & Barack takes over as Prez. This is legal because he's not ELECTED as Prez.
@raysmith7382 Says:
When is Dr Jill going to quit wearing drapes as dresses ? Inquiring minds want to know
@willv5158 Says:
As a democrat you learn that it is never your fault. You always blame someone else. I wonder why the campaign staff are not up in arms after having it said that they were at faut for his failure.
@denisecase807 Says:
sky snooze is murdoch TRASH, FOR THE STUPID.
@happyman9113 Says:
Democrats are narcissists who blame everyone else 😂
@happyman9113 Says:
Don’t underestimate Joe’s Ability to F**k things up - Barack Obama 🤣
@carlfriesen1526 Says:
When the Dems know they’ve failed they are the lousiest ones at owning up to their own failures!
@RDA8191 Says:
A cold + jet lag = Dementia? 😅
@-TheJewel- Says:
Demons run America.
@michaelfranklin4276 Says:
Lipstick on a pig... Still a pig, no matter who you blame.
@rickygarland4634 Says:
It’s nobody’s fault but everybody else that’s what the Biden family think. What about the biden family? Can it be their fault?
@DaneGellar Says:
The only thing that is worse - is the DNc trying to make us all think we didn’t see it It’s not going to get better in the next 4.5 years - he just got old it happens to everyone - but for the sake of the country he is not the best candidate any more We all know what we saw - this will just keep getting worse and worse Shame on the DNC for hiding it as well as his wife !
@shirleygray1647 Says:
Difference between gaslighting and tell him truth right gaslighted a lot you always gaslight
@duanekarlen5463 Says:
One more thing àll democrats are pukes living the lie 🤡 show for the 🐑
@duanekarlen5463 Says:
FJB he's F ing toast at this time dementia rule's 🤡
@charlessupplee2655 Says:
Is anybody else tired of the damn excuses? I'm the same age as Biden and, granted, a long trip takes it out of you: but I'm not the president! If you can't take the heat get the hell out of the kitchen! I'm tired of the BS!
@leslieweakley7994 Says:
Dead president walking campaign
@barbaradonlin3675 Says:
This is because they are so use to LYING. They LIED to us during all of covid They just want to Stay in Power. Thats All this is About Staying in Power And now they've Shot themselves in the Foot .... The audacity that a day after the debate he states He tells the TRUTH.. 😮 R E A L L Y. 😮
@jeanleatham2080 Says:
Typical: blame the other guy 😡🤢
@Meme-ym6oy Says:
Blame 16 advisors blame travel blame whoever cause its never thier fault
@b.h.7157 Says:
How would a dementia patient even have the reasoning skills to be able to assess whether they could serve 4 years as President.? I can’t believe we are even asking Joe’s permission to remove him from the office of President. What is wrong with this administration? Country? Are we all insane? Just remove him …already!
@richarddnewphonedonahoe3496 Says:
Typical democrat and Biden. Blaming other’s and not himself for his incompetence. So democrat. They’re disgusting.
@Jazzfestn Says:
They are TOXIC!
@jacquelinerussell8530 Says:
For those "IGNANTS" who are afraid of another Trump presidency, what did he to alter your life for the worse in the first Trump presidency?
@jacquelinerussell8530 Says:
For those idiots who are afraid of another Trump presidency, what did he do to alter your life in the first Trump presidency? Inquiring minds want to know
@rasberryfields2132 Says:
No make-up could disguise his blank stare or his "hanging open" mouth. Paleness has nothing to do with that!😡
@marymitchell1383 Says:
@pjschroder8533 Says:
It’s Russian propaganda. Liars!
@pjschroder8533 Says:
Democrats think Americans are too stupid to know the truth! We should be furious at the press, Pelosi, Schumer, Networks, NY Times, Washington Post, MSNBC, CNN, The View., etc.. They detest 1/2 of America!!!
@CarolWestbrook-zk1jc Says:
When are we going to see Jill on The View again ?
@kathybaity4587 Says:
It's Biden's fault 100% he's too old and weak
@pathamm5834 Says:
Jill Biden is the one most responsible for the debate ….the whole problem is the truth came out that jb is a demented non leader …obama is in the white house jb is a puppet
@JWade-bt1rd Says:
He looks like an idiot in those sunglasses.
@Von819 Says:
This is nothing that should surprise anyone. It's been clear as day to everyone who paid any attention at all that JB has dementia of one type or another. 🤤 It's pathetic to watch this elder abuse. But gosh, it couldn't have happened to a nicer pedo. 😏
@mike-jm9rs Says:
The bottom line is the fact that HE prepared a week for this performance. Dems WAKE UP! for Gods sake please vote for your future not your feelings. Name the top 5 things Joe has done to make your life better. Like him or not Trump already proved he puts America and Americans first. What’s wrong with that? If you don’t like America then move, get out.🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸Happy Independence Day everyone. Let’s be oil independent again.
@robertjones7419 Says:
Their house of cards is beginning to collapse all around them… FJB and every one of these sorry communist liars… MAGA..!!!
@teekay_1 Says:
Look. Biden has been turning into a turnip since 2019. Carlson pointed it out 5 years ago and he was universally criticized. But we all saw it. They blamed Joe's stutter, but it was obvious when he was shaking hands with invisible people, he was a turnip. So anybody who says "I was shocked at how bad he was". You answer should be "watch a different news station".
@sondaya2416 Says:
He’s like Tim Conway at Carol Burnett Show
@LeighStark-bd9gr Says:
Bidens brain has left the building.
@eviet3993 Says:
This is not a political issue anymore this is a national security issue this Democrat party and the Biden family and the mainstream media in the Hollywood elite have all put this country in extreme danger we are surrounded by nuclear weapons and we got this man in charge or should I say Obama Pelosi Hillary and Jill running the country that’s not any better God help us all
@eviet3993 Says:
Shameless greedy family
@BAM-jc7uy Says:
Can a person like biden with dementia be hypnotized to be more "cognitive or alive" rather than zombie-like or frozen when he stands before a mic or live audience to appear "normal" in charge?? today biden had a "good" mic day promoting himself ready to "battle climate change" and pour $$$ into states with climate change victims.
@jeffkok9170 Says:
So typical of Democrats. , to mitigate Biden’s dismal performance, they blame Trump for “lying “ but they could not quote an example, or present a single evidence. How convenient! This corrupt Party cannot handle the truth 😂😂
@gails.newberg2945 Says:
@lisafilly464 Says:
So first they blamed the media now blaming his own staff 🤣🤣
@LonnieSipsyMD-ls6qk Says:
The CNN makeup artists and the advisors are to blame…. They overworked him, over prepared him… and he had a “cold.” Jake Tapper did a great job and appeared nonpartisan
@mieczyslawherba2723 Says:
Democrats can't impeach Joe Biden, can't put him into jail, can't force him to resign. They can ask him politely to resign, appeal to him, or compromise him, making some kind of deal with him. The most cautious like Pelosi, Hilary or Obama do not confront Biden. This is because Biden has more power than we expect. As I think, Biden has money for campaign from China, Russia, Ukraine and other countries. Tricky Joe doesn't need Democrats to participate in elections anymore. Key person in the plot is his son, Hunter. Hunter is corrupted, has dark connections, can play as God Father, forcing people to do what he wants, using money, powder or power. He is contact person to international, dark connections. Some people, opposing or confronting Biden can die, even Trump should be careful. Also Hunter or Joe can die, because it could be kind of war. US Intelligence must be compromised, probably is. Third party (China, Russia, Ukraine, Israel) can use their intelligence to interfere into US elections. Voters are not necessary, dems learnt how to manage fake votes. The image of the future could be surprising. For now it's dark, even black. US citizens should prepare to deal with someone similar to Al Capone. Imagin Al Capone, depending on China, Russia, Ukraine and Israel agents, as a ruler of Democratic Party: this is possible future of US.
@BarbaraGranger-wy5qi Says:
One sign of a truly insecure person is to always blame others for their own failures. Biden never admits he was wrong or was not truthful. He just blames others for his failures. He is a very weak leader and needs to retire.

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